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Did you disclose your ethnicity and race in your AMCAS application?

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I think its mostly for stats purposes. But if youre worried that it could lead to prejudice, then ya, you can leave it out.


I mentioned my ethnicity in the primary AMCAS stuff, but I havent sent in pictures of myself on my secondaries. Like you, I guess, I dont want to be profiled, since I'm a "foreigner".

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Dont know if I mentioned this already....


I called GW and asked them about not sending in a pic. They said they dont care, and it doesnt effect the quality of your application.


I think they care somehwat, cuz why else would they ask? So they can ID you at interviews? Doubt its neccessary.


But, at this point I'm still not attaching pics. Maybe later I'll change my mind for some reason).

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I answer these questions and I'm going to take some pix next week, once I get my eyebrows done.:P The 2 secondaries I've sent so far didn't ask for pix. I also pimp my ethnic origin in secondary essays a lot - I write about things they don't know about so they can actually learn something from my crap, hehe.:P :p

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Anyways, I would have thought being from a different ethnic group could be played as a good thing in the whole decision process.


Asians are considered to be an "over-represented minority" in the US medical school admissions process (as opposed to Blacks/Hispanics/Native Americans, who are underrepresented, and Whites, who are a majority), so rumours abound that being Asian is a disadvantage....I'm not sure how much to believe this, though. AAMC does provide applicant statistics, including the background by race, so that data can be checked.

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Asians are considered to be an "over-represented minority" in the US medical school admissions process (as opposed to Blacks/Hispanics/Native Americans, who are underrepresented, and Whites, who are a majority), so rumours abound that being Asian is a disadvantage....I'm not sure how much to believe this, though. AAMC does provide applicant statistics, including the background by race, so that data can be checked.


Oh really? I always thought East Asians (? brown people) and caucasians were generally the majority everywhere.


I guess then it'll work out to ur advantage if you were B/H/NA.

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I'm just curious.


I'm a male, asian and I'm thinking that would put me at a disadvantage. Wouldn't it be wise not to disclose this information?


It probably does put you in a disadvantage in Californian schools. But as a whole, if you are not URM (Hispanics, AA or from the first nations) RACE does not factor into a decision.


P.S in hindsight it probably does a bit, just so they can maintain a class dynamic. as with other things that an individual can bring to a class: life experience, age, etc...But race would probably play a factor more so after interviews...

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me being part arab, I will be dodging anything involving race and ethnicity, but maybe if I include it they'll accept me cuz they don't want a 747 flying right into campus buildings :P


Exactly. Got to dodge those questions or else they'll think you just want to be a "Dr. Evil".

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me being part arab, I will be dodging anything involving race and ethnicity, but maybe if I include it they'll accept me cuz they don't want a 747 flying right into campus buildings :P


Exactly. Got to dodge those questions or else they'll think you just want to be a "Dr. Evil".



These are some serious jokes you guys are making.

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me being part arab, I will be dodging anything involving race and ethnicity, but maybe if I include it they'll accept me cuz they don't want a 747 flying right into campus buildings :P


I think you should be proud of your arab heritage. In fact, being an arab will help you. Since, there are few arab americans applying. Also you will bring lots of diversity to the class.


I personally grew up in the middle east (saudi arabia). and I stressed my time there during Gulf War I in all my essays. All my interviewers loved talking to me about that experience....I certainly stood out.

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I think you should be proud of your arab heritage. In fact, being an arab will help you. Since, there are few arab americans applying. Also you will bring lots of diversity to the class.


I personally grew up in the middle east (saudi arabia). and I stressed my time there during Gulf War I in all my essays. All my interviewers loved talking to me about that experience....I certainly stood out.


Whoa me too! I was in Jeddah for 14 years of my life!

In some respects I am proud to be an arab, but I am not an american, I am an arab canadian, yet admitting to a seemingly grim situation doesn't mean I am not proud to be one! It just seems to look more and more grim, and people keep on telling me that I woudl have a tough time in the states cuz of my heritage (visa issues and all, i dont know how accurate that info is) as if 9/11 wasn't enough now we have to look out for so called Dr. Evil's roaming about. I remember hiding in a basement with a cooler-full of food during gulf war I

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Whoa me too! I was in Jeddah for 14 years of my life!

In some respects I am proud to be an arab, but I am not an american, I am an arab canadian, yet admitting to a seemingly grim situation doesn't mean I am not proud to be one! It just seems to look more and more grim, and people keep on telling me that I woudl have a tough time in the states cuz of my heritage (visa issues and all, i dont know how accurate that info is) as if 9/11 wasn't enough now we have to look out for so called Dr. Evil's roaming about. I remember hiding in a basement with a cooler-full of food during gulf war I


I remember moving to jeddah because sadam's bombs could not reach us there. I lived in Riyadh and was present when 3 scuds were launched. Really terrifying experience.


AS LONG AS YOU HAVE A CANADIAN PASSPORT. you have nothing to worry about! and visa issue will never haunt you. other than the normal Canadian visa issues after med. F1 (student visa) is really easy to get as a canadian citizen...

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