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MCAT cut-off UWO

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It can't be overruled...however, with a 9, I think it's worth applying. You never know when the cut-off might go down...if you have the extra $75, why not apply - UWO only has like 1 essay, anyway, so it's not a very time-consuming app. And the one essay topic overlaps with one of the essays at Queens, even though the word limits differ between the two.

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I just received a 10, 9 R, 14 = 33R on my MCAT and am wondering if I can still apply to UWO.


UWO's cutoffs are set to cut the applicant pool down to an managable number of interviewees, so they vary from year to year. The cuts may be 10/10/10 this year, or they may go up or down.


If they don't change, your application will be punted. If they do go down, you'll be kicking yourself it you didn't apply. Your call

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