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Academic Record - Future Courses / Breaks in Education

Guest Elaine I

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Guest Elaine I

How do you enter 2004-05 courses in the OMSAS application? When I tried to enter them, but leave the mark as "-----", I got an error message. I could change the marks to "INC", but then they count as a GPA of 0.


Is it best to put in an institution twice when there is a significant time lapse between different years? For example, I started my university career at the University of Waterloo in 1995. I only attended one year. However, next year, I will be taking courses from the U of W as a non-degree student. Should I just add another year to my U of W entry, or put in another U of W in the institution section? If I lump it all together, it looks like I went to U of W from 1995 until 2005.


Thanks for your help,


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Guest aneliz

You used to be able to enter courses for the upcoming academic year... and it didn't ask for a GPA. There might be some error in the OMSAS program this year... so you will likely have to contact them about that.


As for what to do with Waterloo... I would list it twice... because you went their once, didn't go back for whatever reason and have no returned.... but I don't think that your return is a continuation of when you were there before, is it?


I would list it separately...

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Guest UofT Student

I was able to enter courses for the upcoming year without entering any GPAs for them. What you need to do is select "Calendar Year 2005" (e.g. Sep 04 -> Apr 05) and you should be able to enter the course codes, names and weights as you have done before. "Grade Numeric" and "Grade Letter" will not have drop-down boxes, signifying that you can't enter grades for these courses.

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