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UBC and experiences

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Is anyone here able to comment on the types of experiences UBC would like an applicant to have? I'm currently in third year, and have heard (by eavesdropping in on keen premeds talking in my classes!) everything from traveling the world/going on exchange/doing research/"connections"/etc. I truly believe in doing things I believe in (and therefore enjoy) and not doing things because I *think* that's what an admissions committee wants to see.


Then again, I'm a little new (and possibly late) to this premed-frenzy-competitive-world. Anyone want to ease my doubts (or confirm that I am right!?). :confused:


(BTW, nice forum, people!)

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The thing that amazes me the most with my first year class is the diversity of experiences that people have - some people have traveled the world and lived on orphanages for months at a time delivering babies, others have done research and published papers, others have come straight out of third year with some amazing grades and some great leadership experience, others are amazing musicians, others are great athletes, others have started and lead organizations or fundraising events.


The thing Im getting at is yes they like to see you be a great person, but you can't do all these things - find the area that you are really passionate about and do it really well, and then throw in some other things on the side to show you have diversity (some people in my class have never left Canada or played an insrument - so don't stretch yourself too much - you have your grades to think about). If you really enjoyed it it will come across in your essay and your interview.

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