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MUN/Dal/Toronto - where would you go?

Guest medbella

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Guest medbella

Just looking for some input, even though I haven't heard back from all three schools yet. I figure if I rank them now, I'll be ready even if I do get rejected at one or two of them.


They are all really different with their own pros & cons, and I realize that what works for some people isn't necessarily whats right for me. Just looking for other peoples' thoughts on these 3 schools, pros/cons etc.


For myself, obviously first priority is the quality of education. Additionally, I'd like to be at a school with a good range of opportunities (I intend to specialize, possibly in gerontology, ophthalmology or ob/gyn, but who knows!). I'm also looking for a friendly/social/fun group of fellow students that don't just study 24/7. I would also like to have access to some short-term international opportunities during med school. Tuition & cost of living also obviously factor in, but we all now how these schools rank for that.


Anyways I've researched each, but I keep flip-flopping, so just looking for advice from other applicants or current students who have actually experienced any of these schools. Thanks!!

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Guest DancingDoc

Hi Medbella,

I am in a similar boat as you (actually those are three of the school I'm debating between if the ideal get in everywhere were to ever in my wildest dreans come true!) Anyway, I thought I would give you some of the things I have been considering:

-halifax and St. John's are much smaller than Toronto.... what size cty would you be comfortable in?

-Class size. MUN is a much more personal sized class of 60 versus 3 academies for 200 students at Toronto. Dal is in between. How important is it to you to be comfortable with everyone in your class, to have a tight-knit feeling (and would size matter there)

-weather. St. John's not got my favorite weather in the world, Halifax is variable, Toronto probably the best of the three

-Toronto has a hard first year but it lessens during second, I know from people I talked to that Dal is more relaxed first year. Don't know about MUN

-Horizontal elective and clinical experiences. How much time are you hoping to get in at the hospital, which schools offers optimal conditions for you to do that. I know Dal givess lots of time to do so compared to Toronto first year. But it evens out by second year.

-All places will give equal quality in education but it will be presented differently. Do you want to go through body system as a whole one by one. Or do blocks of a topic that each go through body systems.

-What sort of anatomy education do you want. How important are dissections to you? How much you do you want to partake in them.

-How important is research to you. toronto has amazing opportunities there, Dal has a fair amount as well. I don't think MUN is as research oriented but I could be wrong.

-Opportunities for specializing. MUN has less choices but you get much intense experiences early (I've been told you basically have your own patients by third year). Dal has most options available. Toronto has optios available you've probably never heard of, but there are lots more students going for them.

-Where would you eventually liked to do residency. Going to a medical school there to establish strong connections could help in the long run.

-Extra curricular opportunities. The sky is the limit for opportunities in Toronto, things get more limited in Halifax and St John's

-Close to family friends significant other.... consider if any of that should be part of your decision

-Travelling. If in Toronto would you live in the city? If not are you comfortable with the forms of transportation? (I say thi because I live in Halifax and subways, etc are slightly scary to me, not quite a BIG city girl yet). Do you own a car? Will you be taking to medical if so. How is parking? Would you be comfortable driving in that city.

-Expenses outside of medical school Toronto will be much more expensive in general however there are options things that go on that gives discounts to students possibly more than in Halifax or St John's.

-Libraries. MUN is great about keeping up-to-date stuff (they actually throw out the old), Dal's library is lacking a bit in medical journal. Toronto again would be wide open in terms of available journals, etc.

-group work versus lectures. Which do you prefer, which school offer more of what suits your learning style

-Financial aid. What opportunities are available there?

-Summer positions. Toronto has wide variety of options, Dal has some (especially research, but they do have a program for oversaese stuff as well), MUN I am not sure


Well, I think I've run out of things off the top of my head. But there's what been going on in my head!! Time to stop procrastinating on my part. Good luck! Hope you do get the a choice of all of them, but I really don't think you can go wrong. Maybe I will see you next year ;)

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Guest Ronin

If you're from the east coast, I think it's a good life experience to spend some time in Toronto. Get some perspective.


Just my 2 cents.

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Guest melNB

Dal's tuition was around 13,000 last year and is expected to increase, whereas MUN's tuition is around 6,000. Why is there such a discrepancy?


Also, which school offers more bursaries and scholarships?

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