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I missed this year

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I have interview calls from UoT, Mac & Ottawa. I missed Queens. Queens was my second choice. I hope I get into UoT or else I will wait for a year for UoT/Queens.


I do not like Mac programme. I have friends from Mac who struggled in licensing exam. I hope I am not forced to go to Mac.

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I have interview calls from UoT, Mac & Ottawa. I missed Queens. Queens was my second choice. I hope I get into UoT or else I will wait for a year for UoT/Queens.


I do not like Mac programme. I have friends from Mac who struggled in licensing exam. I hope I am not forced to go to Mac.


So if Mac is your only acceptance, will you decline and apply again to UofT and Queens in the next cycle?

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I agree with Ellie. There are people who's only school is McMaster and they are desperately hoping people will decline their interviews as they are on the waitlist. If you are not going to accept your Mac offer, I urge you to consider declining your interview. It is already apparent, your distaste for the school (by the previous thread you started). Again, that would only be the moral thing to do.


Unless you aren't being serious and this thread is just a waste of our time... (as your threads usually have been)

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Just some anecdotal evidence: I know of three people who received offers at Mac or some other school they didn't want to go to. They declined their offer hoping to get into UofT in a subsequent year. Upon reapplying, they received no interviews anywhere. I would strongly recommend not declining an offer (an only offer) with the intention of getting into a specific school....not unless you decline an offer because you never want to go to medical school. As Elliegee mentioned, the ethical thing to do here is to decline your interview offers at Mac and Ottawa.


I don't doubt your story, but I think the idea that if you decline your only offer you will be blacklisted from all schools is a myth. You would probably only ruin your chances at the school you declined. I don't remember any applications asking if you were accepted to any schools in the past(although some asked if you have matriculated), and I doubt other schools would they hold it against you if you went to an interview but found out you didn't like the school when you visited or discovered a program was not for you.


but in this case it would be best to decline the interview to give someone else a shot.

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I don't doubt your story, but I think the idea that if you decline your only offer you will be blacklisted from all schools is a myth. You would probably only ruin your chances at the school you declined. I don't remember any applications asking if you were accepted to any schools in the past(although some asked if you have matriculated), and I doubt other schools would they hold it against you if you went to an interview but found out you didn't like the school when you visited or discovered a program was not for you.


but in this case it would be best to decline the interview to give someone else a shot.


I didn't get the impression that you may not get in the next year because of blacklisting, but because there are so many competitive applicants coupled with the degree of chance involved in the process, whether you get interviews at certain schools likely varies (somewhat) from year-to-year.

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