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back up program

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What happens if you dont get a response (accepted/rejected) from the program your interested in before your time expires to answer your back-up program? For example- I put a minor in kinesiologie as a back up in case I didnt get into med or opto (didnt get into med and don't know about opto yet... interview is on friday) but Im supposed to give kinesiologie an answer by may 16th. What if I don't know yet about optometry?


If I accept the offer in kinesiology, will that automatically mean im declining optometry?

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No it won't. Because Opto is ur 2nd choice and Kin?sio ur 3rd. So feel free d'accepter l'offre en Kin?sio, ton deuxi?me choix sera ouvert jusqu'? la r?ponse d'admission.


If you get a positive answer from Opto, ONLY THEN will it close ur file for Kin?sio.

However, if you're accepted in Opto, but then decide that u'd rather go into Kin?sio, u won't be able to, because ur 3rd choice being lower, closes automatically. UNLESS, you call, and ask for a switch approved by the deparment and pay 30$.

Jte conseil fortement de demander tes questions via e-mail/phone au bureau du registraire. Ou si tu compte faire des switch par t?l?phone et carte de cr?dit. Parce qu'en personne, ils vont mal t'informer pq les ptites filles qui travaillent la sont des belles ?paisses incomp?tentes, jdis pas ca gratuitement, jparle par exp?rience personnelle o? les informations q'elles m'avaient donn? ont failli faire fouarr? mes admissions, une chance que j'ai pris la peine de me r?-informer par e-mail.


Bonne chance!


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