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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Thoughts on my chances?



I'm applying to Queens, UofT, Ottawa, Mac for sure; thinking maybe about Calgary and Saskatchewan. I'm applying mostly for the experience, hoping for at least an interview. I'd love to get in this year but I do understand the difficulty a third year applicant faces.


So what do you guys think?


Don't bother applying to UoS. Last year the hard GPA cut-off was an average of 92% in your best two years. I doubt you have that by looking at ure OMSAS GPA's (unless your marks are like 100's and 84's :P)

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Hmm, unless you're from southwestern Ontario or the Ottawa region it will be tough getting into an Ontario school let alone out-of-province schools with that MCAT and GPA. You should see how well you do on your MCAT and in 3rd year and try to get a weighted GPA in the 3.8s.

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Even if you have a 4.0 in 3rd year and all your years have the same credits, it still comes out to a 3.77. Ottawa's wGPA would only give you a 3.78. U of T's average wGPA was 3.88 last year for accepted applicants. McMaster looks at only verbal and Queen's has a strict verbal and writing cut-off. An 8 on your VR would also flag your application to U of T. That's why at this point it's pretty meaningless to talk about your chances because you still have one year to go and you haven't done the MCAT.

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Hi everyone,


I would like some input on my situation please.. I've always been able to get good grades but had a very bad attitude in high school. I got accepted in an enriched program but got kicked out in the first month for bad behavior. I made it in high math and science programs but failed because I skipped too much. Still the principal and board selected me to get an honors certificate and small bursary because they knew how bad my situation was at home.


I got accepted into cegep but dropped out after the deadline 2 semesters in a row. I quit going to school because and had 2 wonderfull kids. They inspired me to go back and pursue an old dream of mine which is medicine. I work full time so I went back to cegep at night and got 90's in 3 courses and a 65 in macro. I am now taking back my high maths and sciences from home so I can apply for pure and apply sciences.


My EC's are ok, I did a year of volunteering with handicapped children, big brother big sisters and relay for life. I'm waiting for a response from a hospital to volunteer right now and it looks promisingand I have a great deal of personal experience.


For those of you who made it this far down my post, do I have a chance? I am 22 years old and by the time I'm done I will be about 35.. Is it worth it to try? Or am I just waisting precious time with my kids?


Thanks and sorry for the bad grammar, I'm exhausted, French and writting this from my cell :)



Lyne, this is a marvelous and supportive forum (most of the time, lol). You already have a serious attitude, excellent time management skills, life experience and juggling your children, work and studies, you are extremely motivated.


You are not wasting your time, age is just a number, you will likely have setbacks along the way (who doesn't), take it one step at a time, don't overload yourself. We are here to support you in your long journey! :P

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hi guys i posted this in another category but i wanted a broader perspective. here are my stats:


1st year gpa 3.1

2yr: 3.68

3yr. 3.5 (got a terrible match for a research course.)

4yr. 3.9

5yr. 4


full course load every year


masters grad. couple of publications (1st and 2nd author) excellent references


mcat: bs 12, vr 12. ph 10, writing was q


exp: long term leadership (started up a non profit organization, 4 years working for volunteer center, got a summer job there too; school clubs, medical first responder, worked at kids rehab center), clinical vol'n, job shadowing, ridiculous interest in research (MD/PhD)


(im also a resident for alberta)


wGPA: UofT 3.76, UofA, 3.8~, UofC (if its the same as UofA, then 3.8), UWO 3.95, Queens, 3.95 (last two years for both UWO and queens)


any input is appreciated


thnks guys


just wanted some more input please to surpress the anxiety :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are my chances? I'm applying to U of A and U of C only, 3rd year IP.


Year 1: 3.80

Year 2: 3.74 :(


MCAT: 37S (13/12/12)


ECs are honestly pretty dismal in comparison to most people on here: hospital volunteering, mentoring, camp counsellor, tutoring, shadowing an orthopaedic surgeon, certified scuba diver, TONS of work experience (have been employed since 14). No research :(


I know I'm a little weak GPA wise. What do you think?

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What are my chances? I'm applying to U of A and U of C only, 3rd year IP.


Year 1: 3.80

Year 2: 3.74 :(


MCAT: 37S (13/12/12)


ECs are honestly pretty dismal in comparison to most people on here: hospital volunteering, mentoring, camp counsellor, tutoring, shadowing an orthopaedic surgeon, certified scuba diver, TONS of work experience (have been employed since 14). No research :(


I know I'm a little weak GPA wise. What do you think?


Why only applying in Alberta? Your stats are good enough for anywhere, almost. Sweet MCAT. GPA is not low, even for Ontario. I'd apply to a few Ontario schools for sure.

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What are my chances? I'm applying to U of A and U of C only, 3rd year IP.


Year 1: 3.80

Year 2: 3.74 :(


MCAT: 37S (13/12/12)


ECs are honestly pretty dismal in comparison to most people on here: hospital volunteering, mentoring, camp counsellor, tutoring, shadowing an orthopaedic surgeon, certified scuba diver, TONS of work experience (have been employed since 14). No research :(


I know I'm a little weak GPA wise. What do you think?


MCAT is solid. GPA is solid. The only thing slightly holding you back is that you're a 3rd year student; I think you still have a solid chance at UofA and UofC. If not this year, next year definitely apply to UWO*, Queens*, UT*, Mac, and Ottawa (will need higher 3rd year GPA).


Work on volunteering a bit more. You seem to be on the right track :) Good luck


* Assuming you have a full course load

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I have a question: If I do a full fifth year as I didn't do a full courseload in second year, will UofT's wGPA still apply to me? How will it apply? Will they take second year off and then count my other 4 years, or will second year still apply?


I believe you won't qualify for weighing since your 2nd year was not full courseload. I don't think doing a 5th year will help you in this case to get the formula.

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I believe you won't qualify for weighing since your 2nd year was not full courseload. I don't think doing a 5th year will help you in this case to get the formula.


+1. wGPA won't apply for you since you did NOT maintain a full courseload in every year of your undergrad studies - regardless of whether your undergrad was 4 years or 5 years or 7 years long. Somewhat of a silly system if you ask me, but that's how it is.


Keep in mind, if you had some grounded reasons for not taking a full courseload in 2nd year, you can write a letter explaining the situation and hope they make an exception to allow for the wGPA calculation.

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Hi Please chance me.

going to be 4th year ontario and BC resident

I am applying to all schools in ontario(minus northern ontario), UBC, U Sas, and U alberta/U calgary.


GPA: 3.97 OMSA scale

1st year full course load:94.7 average

2nd year full course load:~92

3rd year, 0.5 credit away from full course load:~89


MCAT: currently at 30R, with 8PS, 10VR ,12 BS, will retake on sep 1st to boost up PS to around 12( during practice PS was usually my highest section)

EC: 1 full paid internship at baylor college of medicine, with 2 pubs, 4,5authors

hospital volunteering: with lots of patient contact, started april this year, 1.5hrs/week

Heart and Stroke Foundation: fundraising and administrative volunteer, started september 2009 2hrs/week

Family Court Youth Justice committee president: raised awareness about youth rights in terms of family physical abuse/sexual harrasement, contacted local schools for flyeres, fundraised. started in grade 10 in vancouver, but carried on to the current city(london). 4 hrs/month, but 3-4 hrs/week if in school visiting/contacting organizations/fundraising period.

tutoring: summer 2009-winter 2009

in-course scholarship

western scholars

deans honor list every year

entrance scholarship.

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Hi Please chance me.

going to be 4th year ontario and BC resident

I am applying to all schools in ontario(minus northern ontario), UBC, U Sas, and U alberta/U calgary.


GPA: 3.97 OMSA scale

1st year full course load:94.7 average

2nd year full course load:~92

3rd year, 0.5 credit away from full course load:~89


MCAT: currently at 30R, with 8PS, 10VR ,12 BS, will retake on sep 1st to boost up PS to around 12( during practice PS was usually my highest section)

EC: 1 full paid internship at baylor college of medicine, with 2 pubs, 4,5authors

hospital volunteering: with lots of patient contact, started april this year, 1.5hrs/week

Heart and Stroke Foundation: fundraising and administrative volunteer, started september 2009 2hrs/week

Family Court Youth Justice committee president: raised awareness about youth rights in terms of family physical abuse/sexual harrasement, contacted local schools for flyeres, fundraised. started in grade 10 in vancouver, but carried on to the current city(london). 4 hrs/month, but 3-4 hrs/week if in school visiting/contacting organizations/fundraising period.

tutoring: summer 2009-winter 2009

in-course scholarship

western scholars

deans honor list every year

entrance scholarship.


Did you read the chart in the first post? You'll be fine :P Just do well on the MCAT. Good luck

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Hey guys chance me please




last two (non-degree) year OMSAS GPA 3.87, 4.0 (both 5 full course equivalents)


Going to start a second undergrad at Ryerson


Haven't written the MCAT yet; I'm going to write it next August and I started the VR section and hopefully I'll finnish PS and Orgo during the school year.


Several work/volunteer/club/research experiences in the past.


I'm even thinking of moving to Alberta or elsewhere if I think I'll have a better chance there. Do you honestly think I have a chance at schools in Ontario?


I'll be waiting for your advice guys! Thanks!

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Why only applying in Alberta? Your stats are good enough for anywhere, almost. Sweet MCAT. GPA is not low, even for Ontario. I'd apply to a few Ontario schools for sure.


I'm only applying in Alberta this year because I'd prefer to stay here. If I don't get in, I will just do my fourth year and apply all over after that. This is sort of a trial year for me.


I am a full courseload both years. Thanks for all the advice guys!

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