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Full courseload?


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I was just wondering about McGill's policy regarding full courseloads during undergraduate studies.

It is said on the website that having less than full courseloads in any semester will lower your chance of getting accepted.

I e-mailed them yesterday to find out a little more about this policy,

but they just sent me the exact same paragraph from the website.

So...I just want to ask you guys who have some experience with McGill application.


I didn't take a full courseload during one semester.

How will this affect my application?

Is there anyone who has taken less than full courseload and still got in,

or knew people like that.

I'd really appreciate your inputs.

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Hi schnauzr!

AS i understand the policy, it is Ok if you could justify that somehow, or if you took one additional year of FT studies later. What they want to see is how you managed your 30credits х 4y of your undergrad. Since a med school load is almost twice of that (~ 60 cr) it is crucial to the overal picture of a candidate. Thus, you are simply asked to demonstrate your academic skills as well as the ability to carry a full course load.

As to how this will affect your application, I think it depends on what happened to you. If you have only one undergrad degree and did this just to avoid FT, your chances are close to nil. Otherwise, you have to be prepared to explain the reason and, probably, it is still better to take another FT year.

Hope, this helps.

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What happens if you have 2 undergrad degrees and in one of the years of your second degree, you were forced to take a full time status due to financial problems(I was pretty much had to work 45-55 hours a week, while maintaining 2 courses in the first semester and 6 in the second)...what is the verdict on that?

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What happens if you have 2 undergrad degrees and in one of the years of your second degree, you were forced to take a full time status due to financial problems(I was pretty much had to work 45-55 hours a week, while maintaining 2 courses in the first semester and 6 in the second)...what is the verdict on that?


oh, I see what you'r talking about...

Again, you'd better make an appoitment with Mr Dansereau and discuss your circumstances, your application, its weaknesses and how you may improve it. Your chances depend on so many factors including your autobio submission, MCAT scores, OOP or IP status and so on, that it's difficult to answer your question without taking into account all your circumstances.

if you studied and worked at the same time while being able to maintain a high GPA - this is your obvious plus, but if this is the GPA you will apply with, I do not know. I guess the question is if FT requirement is still applicable in the situation when you'r working full week, yehh?

Someone else has an idea?

Anyways, best of luck to you!


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oh, I see what you'r talking about...

Again, you'd better make an appoitment with Mr Dansereau and discuss your circumstances, your application, its weaknesses and how you may improve it. Your chances depend on so many factors including your autobio submission, MCAT scores, OOP or IP status and so on, that it's difficult to answer your question without taking into account all your circumstances.

if you studied and worked at the same time while being able to maintain a high GPA - this is your obvious plus, but if this is the GPA you will apply with, I do not know. I guess the question is if FT requirement is still applicable in the situation when you'r working full week, yehh?

Someone else has an idea?

Anyways, best of luck to you!



THanks Serg. to further clarify:



GPA in that year 3.95

GPA overall in my second deg. 3.92.

MCAT 31s



any thoughts?

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I have a friend who did not do a full courseload in his first semester of his Undergraduate degree (he did 4 courses instead of 5) because he didnt know about the full courseload requirement and then in his remaining semesters he took 5 courses per semester and then in his final semester he took 6 courses to make up for the 4 courses in his first semester and he got accepted to McGill this application cycle so I guess if you only have one semester where you dont have a full course load then its possible to still get accepted considering you do full course loads in your other semesters.

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I have semesters that I have taken 7 courses in one semester, still maintained a 3.81+ in those semesters. Moreover, since I have 2 undergrad degs. I have more than 12 semester of full course load in my academic history....I don't know...I really like McGill....it would suck that my chances get deteriorated due to financial problems and having had to work full time....

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Hi Jen!

It seems you are OK. However, I would still suggest making a telephone appointment with Mr Dansereau (you will find his phone number on the web) and talk to him. Then, spend several weeks writing your Autobio presentation and explain everything. Financial problems are often, and, as to me, presented in the reasonable way will rather be a win/win situation for you and for the Adcoms, who are looking for incredible OOPs.

You have to be able to explain why you've got two degrees, why you had to work and why medicine? And, you are safe.

I think, you will get what you want. Best of luck! (I cross my fingers :))

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