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MCAT registration open


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1) does anyone know when the MCAT registration window open for the summer block?


2) can one register twice for two different test dates that become open on the same date? i.e I plan on taking the test twice, the first for practice the second is the real things. Will I be able to register for the both of them on the same date?





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How fast do they fill up?


If i intended to write it but wanted to leave enough time to write it twice if i needed to before summers end... would that be possible? If i say registered to write it end of july would there be too much of a time crunch and unavailability of seats to be able to write it again if need be during the beginning of sept?

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How fast do they fill up?


If i intended to write it but wanted to leave enough time to write it twice if i needed to before summers end... would that be possible? If i say registered to write it end of july would there be too much of a time crunch and unavailability of seats to be able to write it again if need be during the beginning of sept?


I'm also wondering the same thing. I have signed up to take it in April but would like to be able to take it again in june/july if the score I get in May is too low.

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I registered last August for a September spot. It wasn't easy (I had to check back a few times), but I did get a spot in Toronto for a September morning, and was even able to change it at the last minute for an afternoon slot.


In short, it's probably quite likely that you'll get a spot. But it is a gamble to some degree. :cool:

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I'm also wondering the same thing. I have signed up to take it in April but would like to be able to take it again in june/july if the score I get in May is too low.


The fill up fast - very fast. You got to move unless you want to travel to do your test. I had to go to Toronto for one, and another time I had to book a test in Buffalo (as in the USA) in order to get a spot. Fortunately I was very lucky and another spot openned up in Toronto and I was able to switch - I think they added more spots but I wouldnt' count on that.


Almost too bad though - the buffalo trip might have been fun!


Anyway I think most people would be able to squeeze two offerrings in if they are flexible enough.

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I'm also thinking of setting up myself to write twice this summer. I was thinking of writing in early July and if that doesn't turn out I would write again in late august/early sept.


***Remember it takes a month to get your result so if you write once in late august, chances are you won't be able to apply for september (unless you don't mind paying the fee for canceling an exam if the second one is not necessary)


Last year the registration for the june-sept mcats was in early april and I hear slots fill up really fast! (I was online trying to log into the aamc registration website for 2 hours in the early hours of the morning). Waiting until a month before your preferred test day is a risk to say the least.

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Ugh well it sounds like I will be registering for June as soon as the dates are released then. :( Hopefully I will be able to cancel it if my April test goes well enough. Don't you automatically lose 50% of the fee if you decide to cancel your registration?

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Yes you lose 50% of the fee (so $105 or something).


From what I expierenced last year, a lot of the slots filled up ASAP...im talking like that day. But as the summer wore on, spots opened up as people decided to drop the exam, etc. I would just wait and see for the spots to open...and if worse comes to worse you can always travel somewhere to write the test.

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Yes you lose 50% of the fee (so $105 or something).


From what I expierenced last year, a lot of the slots filled up ASAP...im talking like that day. But as the summer wore on, spots opened up as people decided to drop the exam, etc. I would just wait and see for the spots to open...and if worse comes to worse you can always travel somewhere to write the test.


Well I don't really want to take the test too late in the summer since I'll be applying to US schools. I'm thinking early June is as late as I would want it (would give me an extra month of extra studying). I would imagine the earlier the date, the harder to get a spot after registration. Although losing 105$ would suck. :(

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That is true--definitely a risk.


It actually depends. When I signed up last year in April, the dates that were gone the quickest were the ones in Aug. July and Sept were ...farily open actually. For a while anyway.


And as for losing $105--yes definitely sucks. But I guess you just have to put it in the grand scheme of how much money you will spend applying for med schools (thousands depending on how many schools) + tuition--so in the grand scheme it isn't so bad, haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...


1) does anyone know when the MCAT registration window open for the summer block?


2) can one register twice for two different test dates that become open on the same date? i.e I plan on taking the test twice, the first for practice the second is the real things. Will I be able to register for the both of them on the same date?




Wow i hate you for saying this. You are the reason why I am browsing these threads and considering a rewrite after getting a very balanced 34R. People like you decide to use brute force to get the score they want.

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hmm so just wondering, how many times can you write the mcat in a lifetime? I thought it was 3?


Now it is unlimited!


However I wouldn't recommend doing it more than 3 times if at ALL possible. First their the pain factor, then there is the practical side of maybe limiting your access to US schools (some of which still restrict you to 2-3 takings of the test).


Of course best is to study hard, do well, and then be done with that darn test :)

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