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question about grad packages

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Hey guys,


Can anyone tell me what they plan on (or what they sent, assuming they got in previous years) to Ottawa in the grad package?


I mean other than the ref letter.

Like, should I send my CV in addition to first page of my publications?

Should I also send in all my abstracts?


I'm really not so clear about the issue.

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Hey guys,


I recently got an email from ottawa to submit the grad package and have some questions.


When they say that the thesis should be submitted by june 1st...do they mean we have to defend by june 1st?


Also, in addition to my supervisor's letter, I was going to submit a list of published abstracts, presentations etc. For published abstracts, I was going to print the abstract from the journal itself as 'proof', but how are guys submitting proof of presentations?


thnx and goodluck :)

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When they say that the thesis should be submitted by june 1st...do they mean we have to defend by june 1st?


They said submitted, so take it as meaning submitted. If you want to know what version they want submitted by June 1st, your guess is as good as anyone's. If you want to know for sure just call the admin office and ask specifically.

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I got clarification on what they mean by submitted, and it means that only a rough draft of your thesis has to be submitted to your supervisor by June 1st. Thus, they expect further time will be devoted to revisions after that date and finally a defense in say July or August.

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that's great to hear, and sort of not surprising. To expect grad students to defend by June 1st is a bit unrealistic - especially if they started in Sept 2007.


If they only expect a rough draft to be submitted by June 1, they can expect to be interviewing a number of grad applicants who most definitely wont be finished all their grad work by September.

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