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Interview Dates

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Last year I had a weekday... this year I have Saturday March 21st.


march 21st for me as well!


Me too! march 21.


lucky bleepers :D


i've emailed them inquiring about the conditions under which an interview date be changed...not that I want a weekend...just that the date falls on the same day as a presentation (which I'm sure can be moved if need be)

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lucky bleepers :D


i've emailed them inquiring about the conditions under which an interview date be changed...not that I want a weekend...just that the date falls on the same day as a presentation (which I'm sure can be moved if need be)


That sucks. But weekend flights are more expensive, so it sucks for us lucky bleepers too! :P


Although, we're all freakin' lucky to have to deal with these problems, because we got interviewwwwws!!! :D


oh, and I'm OOP, english stream, march 21.

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Hey guys,


I have a question. On a given date and time, how many interviews are going on? The reason I ask is because I got an interview for March 25 at 1:45 pm and my good friend got one on the same day but at 1 pm. Now, we have a lot of ECs in common, and if I am to be interviewed directly after my friend and by the same group of interviewers (if there is only 1 interview at a time), I'd hate for them to think "we've seen and heard this already" :S. Any insight? Bad luck, I know :S

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Hey guys,


I have a question. On a given date and time, how many interviews are going on? The reason I ask is because I got an interview for March 25 at 1:45 pm and my good friend got one on the same day but at 1 pm. Now, we have a lot of ECs in common, and if I am to be interviewed directly after my friend and by the same group of interviewers (if there is only 1 interview at a time), I'd hate for them to think "we've seen and heard this already" :S. Any insight? Bad luck, I know :S


Last year there were about 6-7 panels interviewing on a given day, and each panel interviewed 6-7 candidates. So although you go right after your friend, chances are you may not get the same panel. That being said, even if you did, it's not "bad luck". You and your friend are still different, doesn't matter how similar you think your ECs are. Plus, even if you two are very similar, and if they like your friend, chances are they're going to like you too. We have twins in our class, how much more similar can you get?

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