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McGill OOP acceptances

Guest Yeoman

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Yes it's great that they did it so quickly, especially since they were way ahead of schedule. Knowing is always nice.


All the Ontario schools tell you on May 15, but McGill as you know is in Quebec and have a totally different timeline. They also had the latest application date! I'm impressed.


Ooh I see! Just out of curiosity, how were the med school decisions released? And were there any updates on Minerva?

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Were the acceptances for medicine only for OOP?


I'm inclined to think that there might be some relation between when the medical acceptances are sent and when dental are acceptances sent, since meds and dents share the same classes first year. Anyone know if this is the case in other schools with shared classes, such as UBC?

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I have been told that decisons have been made, and acceptances/waitlistings will be sent out very shortly. I know its been soo long and these last days seem even longer, but we will all find out if not today than tomorrow, worst case would be Friday.


So don't worry guys there is nothing we all can do at this point other than Pray.

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I have been told that decisons have been made, and acceptances/waitlistings will be sent out very shortly. I know its been soo long and these last days seem even longer, but we will all find out if not today than tomorrow, worst case would be Friday.


Thanks Yeoman!

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I was not home but I have a message on my answering machine from Patricia.

She told me to call her back but their office is closed now! What does this mean?!?!? Did I get in?


That's terrible : ( Same thing sort of happened to me last night! I found out at 6pm that some of the OOP Med applicants got emails (as of last night all got rejected or waitlisted) and then drove myself CRAZY wondering what it meant that I hadn't heard, and what the decision was. People said maybe they would send out the acceptances separately, so I got my hopes up a bit but realized I still had no idea. I compulsively checked the forum and Minerva all night to see if there was anything new. When I went to bed I set my alarm for 9am so I would be able to call them right when I woke up. I couldn't sleep (nervous) so I woke up at 7:15 and saw that someone had posted at 2:30 am that they were accepted, so obviously they hadn't ONLY sent out rejections and waitlists. I tried to distract myself and called twice (didn't know when they opened) before 9 just in case. I decided to wait until 9:15 and at 9:04 I got the acceptance email! It was a crazy night/morning. Apparently timing didn't have much to do with anything.


You're in a different position because you got a call, but just letting you know that I know how you feel. Try your hardest to tear yourself away from here, because at the end of the day you won't learn anything concrete and will only drive yourself crazy! Force yourself to take your mind off it until 9am and hopefully you'll hear good news (and maybe I'll see you in the fall)!

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I didn't get home until after 5. I have a message on my answering machine from Patricia.

I just played it and she's informing me to call her back but their office is closed now! What does this mean?!?!? Did I get in?


Congrats to everyone who got in!! xtapolapocetl.. I'm sure that you did get in - I can't imagine that they call people who are waitlisted or rejected.


I'm guessing if I haven't heard then its probably not good news.. :( it's too bad, I loved McGill!!

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