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Minerva Status Change IP Applicants

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Guys who don't have the financial aid line on their decisions page and who do go to mcgill:::


check your financial aid tab in minerva, and see if the first link is "Apply to McGill's Entrance Bursary Program " .


The reason I am asking is because I just had my gf check the page (she is at mcgill) and she does not have it.


I want to know if every applicant has it or only some.




I have it, but nothing on my decision page. former mcgill student.

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I am NOT at McGill right now (graduated last year). Under my application summary, I do not see the financial aid box. However, I do see the "Financial Aid" TAB next to the Applicant TAB (along with Main Menu, Student...). When I click on the Financial Aid tab, I do see the "Apply to McGill's Entrance Bursary Program" though I cannot fill a bursary application. Does anyone else have the same thing as me?


Same scenario here

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The application and program information is provided to eligible students upon their acceptance to the University.


Eligible students are newly-admitted first-year students, completing their first-degree and who will be starting full-time studies in the Fall.




so it follows, that those accepted...will be able to access the form. I would say it's pretty certain.




However...i am NOT completing my first degree...so i may not be eligible....hmmmmm...SPECULATION IT S BIIIITCH

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However...i am NOT completing my first degree...so i may not be eligible....hmmmmm...SPECULATION IT S BIIIITCH


For those who DO see the financial aid box (Jamie, Mischa...), do you hold a degree from McGill? In my case, I have a B.Sc from McGill, and therefore would NOT be completing a first degree (if I do get accepted).

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For those who DO see the financial aid box (Jamie, Mischa...), do you hold a degree from McGill? In my case, I have a B.Sc from McGill, and therefore would NOT be completing a first degree (if I do get accepted).



I see the financial aid box and can access the application. I have a B.Sc. from another university and am currently a grad student at McGill.

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they changed the status page...no longer has a financial aid line for me!



ASFG'AJUFHAJ!! !!! !ARSGJVN QE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@



I am so frustrated right now.....i hate the feeling of not getting in...and not being sure.


i'm going to the gym to let my frustrations out constructively. I hate repairing dry wall

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Nope, not from McGill. I do have a B.Sc tho from a different university. Although I think dadi is from McGill and he still had the financial bursary thing but I'm not sure if he already has a degree or not, although I'm assuming his med degree won't be his first

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I think the theory was that you wouldn't have the financial aid box if you already completed a first degree with mcgill. Because it says the bursaries are only available for people entering an undergrad degree and their FIRST degree with McGill


I think this was the theory, but not entirely sure

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I think the theory was that you wouldn't have the financial aid box if you already completed a first degree with mcgill. Because it says the bursaries are only available for people entering an undergrad degree and their FIRST degree with McGill


I think this was the theory, but not entirely sure


Yes that was it. Thank you Claire for your input. With the very limited amount of available information, and the small sample size, any speculations are just in the air.

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I had not checked my minerva status until today, had not been on the forums until today, and had not read this thread until today.


I was fretting the entire time I was reading this thread, and *just* read that they removed the financial aid line. So I have no way of knowing whether I had it or not.


You guys damn near gave me a heart attack. lol.


^^Holds a McGill B.Sc., and has been out of school for one year.

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