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Any retakers this year?


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Just got my marks back.


PS:11 VR:13 BS:10 WS:Q


Improvement of 5 over my last write, a little ticked about another Q thought my essays were a lot better than that but who cares.


VR is the best predictor of all time anyways ;)


great score! could you please share your studying tactics for this time and the amount of time you spent studying, etc?

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Sure why not.


My improvements had really nothing to do with hours studied or anything like that. I'd say realistically I studied for 3 weeks 8hrs a day, + what would probably count as 1 week 8 hrs. a day just on and off studying throughout the second semester. I will say, concepts came much faster the second time around because I wasn't learning them for the first time.


What really helped me was the frameshift that I had while studying and writing. I realized, and I wish I had known this earlier, but the MCAT is not a science exam, it's a reading and thinking exam, it took me a long time to convince myself that all the answers I needed were in the passage. When coming across a concept I didn't remember too well the first time around it used to really stress me out, but I realized pretty quickly what I needed was either in the passage, in the question stem, or in the answers. So I'd say that change in perspective really helped a lot. Plus, I wasn't nearly as stressed about the whole thing, it's just a little test, there is plenty of times to write it again (it is a huge ripoff/scam though).


Since my verbal score was a bit of an anomoly (13), well I was hoping for a high VR because I was consistantly >12 >36/40 on all of my AAMC practice tests. I don't have much to share, other than, and this is going to sound really nerdy, I actually enjoy reading those little passages, I enjoy the topics and as I was doing the tests and the practices, I was always trying to find the authors point, becuase most of the time I genuinely wanted to know what it was. I think in a sense you can probably fake that a bit too, if you tell yourself I'm going to enjoy this topic, and going to suck up everything in it, rather than I hate this stuff and its boring, you will do better.


As for the writing sample, eff the writing sample, I write better than a Q, but who am I to judge I guess, just hoping queens doesn't pull any R tricks, they seemed to interview people with Q's last cycle so hopefully that sticks around.


Good Luck.


P.S. oh yeah make sure when you do practices you mimic the real test exactly, don't skip sections or essays, don't take longer breaks etc., that is vital, and practice at the same time you'd be writing, these things will all make you slightly more ready.

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