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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Ugh... Mosquitoes are EVIL!!!! I have covered my entire body in 30% DEET lotion and those little buggers are still eating me alive! :(


I think when I move out, I'm going to go to Antarctica. Pretty sure there's no mosquitoes there! :P


Now I remember why winter is my favourite season:rolleyes:

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I'm now in mtl having a rough day of settling in. Yea I pretty much have no furniture, bed, internet, tv, lights, etc. Lol. I'm literally sitting on the carpet and entertaining myself with my bb. I should've thought this out more....


That'll be me in Ottawa come September 1st (I really hope they finish cleaning my apartment before I move in)


Well, no better time than tmr to buy some furniture.

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I'm now in mtl having a rough day of settling in. Yea I pretty much have no furniture, bed, internet, tv, lights, etc. Lol. I'm literally sitting on the carpet and entertaining myself with my bb. I should've thought this out more....


No.......lights? o.o

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Just finished reading "House of God" by Samuel Shem. It should be mandatory reading to be able to apply to med school.


Described as "Catch-22 with stethoscopes"- I highly recommend it if you are sitting around in a furniture-free apartment waiting for September to start... :D


I enjoyed it. I read it a few years ago, though, 4 years before I started med, IIRC.

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Have a safe and productive trip, C! :) I want a full report ASAP!!!


On another note, MCAT procrastination always leads to some awesome youtube viewing.


Here is a video you may have seen recently, a news report from Huntsville AL. Woman finds intruder in her bed with her:





And the guys from AutoTune news have created a vid to go along with it...how am I expected to study physics now with THIS tune in my head?


I just want to add that in no way am I making light of what could have happened to the victim, it could have had a very different outcome.

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(deeman, you should really watch this) lol DOUBLE RAINBOW remix hahahaa


Ohhh.... I think I just peed my pants.


In the same kind of vein- I just came across this today.

"On a cool, clear night (typical to Southern California) Warren G travels through his neighborhood, searching for women with whom he might initiate sexual intercourse. He has chosen to engage in this pursuit alone."



I'm studying Organic Chem today, not MCAT, but clearly it's leading to the same type of thing.

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