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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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The reason you have less impact is because all your joints are slightly bent on impact. Your ankles absorb some of the shock, your arches (they do that in shoes anyways, but in a different way), and ESPECIALLY your knees. They bend quite a lot with a ball-heel-ball style, but not so much with a heel-strike style. All the force travels up your leg to your hip.


If you are used to high-stability shoes, you may not be a good candidate for vibrams. Essentially, you're already messed up and your body will have trouble adapting.


Oh, and this bookhttp://www.amazon.ca/Born-Run-Hidden-Superathletes-Greatest/dp/0307266303 is a fantastic intor. Some of the science in the second half is maybe a little suspect, but I think a lot of it is pretty good.


I hope I haven't bored everyone. I can talk forever about running.

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Ok runners, I'll jump in the advice queue.


Everytime I run I get shin splints. I may not the first day running 5km, but then 0.5km the next day and they're unbearable. I realize this is probalby just a "going too far too early", but what can I do to prevent these as much as possible?


I do have designated running shoes which are fairly expensive nike running shoes tha I thought were pretty good, but maybe I'm wrong. Advice please, anybody!

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Ok runners, I'll jump in the advice queue.


Everytime I run I get shin splints. I may not the first day running 5km, but then 0.5km the next day and they're unbearable. I realize this is probalby just a "going too far too early", but what can I do to prevent these as much as possible?


I do have designated running shoes which are fairly expensive nike running shoes tha I thought were pretty good, but maybe I'm wrong. Advice please, anybody!


It depends on what you are calling "shin splints"- that can be a catch-all phrase for about 4 different problems...

Doctors are notoriously bad at sport injuries. :D


The more expensive shoes may not be right for your feet. When I was selling shoes I could get one person in a pair of $110 shoes that were just right an then the next person in a pair of $200 shoes. Mine are about $130-150 usually, but my trail shoes are cheap cheap and they are perfect for me. The ones nosuperman is wearing are maybe $130?


Often shin problems can occurr with shoes that are just broken/worn out. Shoes don't last forever. It's a pretty cheap sport, but you do have to replace those things.


I can analyze foot strike over video but if you live somewhere close to a real running store that might be your best bet. And I'm not talking Sport chek. :)

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Hey... Yeah, we did a bit of research on barefoot running and preliminary results showed that barefoot running actually decreases the amount of force applied to the joint (about 12% less force), which ultimately means that running in shoes may not be as beneficial as thought and that running barefooted actually protects your joints. Obviously, you have to get used to it and you will adopt a different way/style of running - more impact on the balls of your foot, and almost eliminating the heel strike. :)


I'm really thinking of getting them.


barefoot running is a great style, but it's not for everybody (like kyla alluded too). I've transitioned over to a nike free from a relatively supportive shoe. I've noticed that my gait has changed significantly and I am almost completely heel-strike free. However, I also think I may have tweaked something in my ankle by running to far too fast. I spoke with a high school track kid who ran the sun run this year in the vibrams- he liked them, except he got massive blisters at about 8k...


If you have a relatively normal foot and running style (with minimal pronation/supination) then barefoot running may be something you can do... otherwise it can take while to transition over and even then it may not be something you want to do.


I am of the mind that barefoot running is what we were meant to do and love my nike frees, but it's going to take some time before I am comfortable enough to really go for it.

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Dude, it's your socks. COTTON KILLS.


OK- so cotton soaks up the water from your foot sweat. Cotton gets wet and stays wet, and when fabric is wet it chafes. You will find it starts to chafe in other areas too.


I haven't been working in sports retail for a few years, but I know they still sell the double layer Wright socks. They'll prob be about 10-12$ per pair. Buy one pair to start, if they work, buy 2 more. If not, try a different type.


No cotton socks!! :)


And it was prob the store manager- the owner is John Stanton and he's in Edmonton.

I will stop talking about running room now because I don't want to say anything ... else.


Those shoes are what used to be called the 715 series, they're pretty good. They are low stability, so you probably don't pronate very much. Or you are light weight. I'm glad you've had someone examine your biomechanics!


Haha ok! *burns cotton socks*


Ya I had Running Room guy check it out and then I cross referenced it (in typical scientific fashion) with NewBalance store guy and both had the same conclusion.


So steer clear of cotton AND the running room eh?

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YorkMan again decided to go after f_d. THis is his boring habit and his post positive contribution to the forum.


In the dot . thread, I gave a thorough reply to him, reviewing in detail all his posts and threads. Some of you might be interested in taking a peek.


Yesterday, I made another lengthy reply to YorkMan in another thread dealing with my reviewing/editing of Essays.


When we see that there is someone out there picking on f_d for nonsense, well, poosition normal for the forum.


I may elevate YM to the Names of Shame!

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The reason you have less impact is because all your joints are slightly bent on impact. Your ankles absorb some of the shock, your arches (they do that in shoes anyways, but in a different way), and ESPECIALLY your knees. They bend quite a lot with a ball-heel-ball style, but not so much with a heel-strike style. All the force travels up your leg to your hip.


If you are used to high-stability shoes, you may not be a good candidate for vibrams. Essentially, you're already messed up and your body will have trouble adapting.


Oh, and this bookhttp://www.amazon.ca/Born-Run-Hidden-Superathletes-Greatest/dp/0307266303 is a fantastic intor. Some of the science in the second half is maybe a little suspect, but I think a lot of it is pretty good.


I hope I haven't bored everyone. I can talk forever about running.


Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not a runner, but a tennis player. However, I'm very familiar with the running gait. I wonder if these shoes would last on the tennis court. I've never had problems with blisters on feet (actually, only once and that's because I managed to stab my toe - I changed my shoes after). One time I had my shoe completely open up during the match...lol. I thought it was funny.

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barefoot running is a great style, but it's not for everybody (like kyla alluded too). I've transitioned over to a nike free from a relatively supportive shoe. I've noticed that my gait has changed significantly and I am almost completely heel-strike free. However, I also think I may have tweaked something in my ankle by running to far too fast. I spoke with a high school track kid who ran the sun run this year in the vibrams- he liked them, except he got massive blisters at about 8k...


If you have a relatively normal foot and running style (with minimal pronation/supination) then barefoot running may be something you can do... otherwise it can take while to transition over and even then it may not be something you want to do.


I am of the mind that barefoot running is what we were meant to do and love my nike frees, but it's going to take some time before I am comfortable enough to really go for it.


I think barefoot running should generally be encouraged in children. I remember when I was younger, I had hip problems because I was born with subluxated hip, and my doctor made me walk without shoes for the longest while (this was also to prevent pes planus, which I never had). So, I'm thinking of shifting my gears backwards. I absolutely love running/exercising without shoes and I feel as though these new shoes give some kind of protection to the feet (ie glass, or whatever else), instead of being completely barefoot. But if I were in a perfect world, I would probably run around without shoes.

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You see... I don't respect Djokovic. Andy Rodd.ick is one of those old players and I have gained respect for him way before Djokovic made it to his top 100. I just don't see it with Djokovic. If I were to compare Djokovic to Tipsarevic for example, I would say Tipsarevic is a better player and has nice personality/character. I can never say that about Djokovic because I can never take him seriously. Don't get me wrong - I wasn't against Djokovic at the beginning (hell I'm cheering for most of the Serbian crowd), but what got me was his constant retiring due to an injury and his low mental ability on court.


Yes, Andy gets pissed off. But Andy's personality is pretty close to McEnroe's (not game... personality). McEnroe used to have the same flip outs and yell at the umpire. Andy decided to change his game way too late though. Like Tipsarevic said in press conference - Andy is dangerous when he becomes aggressive, which he used to do when he was younger and attack every shot with his forehand. Now, he's not doing that anymore. Hence, his game is changing.


So, no.... I will never take Djokovic seriously. However, I have huge respect for Tipsarevic, Ivanovic, Jankovic, and upcoming Serbian players. I would take Rodd.ick over Djokovic any time.

Oh, I 100% agree with this post. I don't cheer for Djokovic, alol I was saying is that he has some good laughs.


For all of you Djokovic fans:


@ 1:07 (rotfl)
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My friend and I had our Degrassi marathon yesterday. There were 24 episodes (:eek: ) and that was just the first half of the season! Apparently there are another 20 episodes yet to come. So I spent about 9 hours watching some guy deliberate if he should tell people he's gay (most people knew/didn't care), a girl go crazy and get drunk at school, and a fight between a bully and some other guy that ended with a stabbing (not as dramatic as it sounds). The only interesting plotline was a transgender character, but that only lasted for 20 minutes. It kind of makes me wish I went to a school like that in high school. :rolleyes:

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Nice. We still have one more day of this heat before it breaks. However, I think I'd take the heat over the potential of Earl over on the east coast.


Whoa- hope it goes ok! I'm very far from it though I hope we get some of the wind and rain. Here's hoping it weakens before it hits.


Close your filthy mouth!



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My little business just reached a major milestone today.


$500,000 gross sales for the business year so far, and nearly 2 full months to go.


We're still not making money, but the fact that we provide enough good service that people want to give us that much $ is humbling.


This is our 4th year of operation. :)

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