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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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B/c you are still using previous written work and claiming that it is a new original thought. If you want to use previous arguments and work, you need to cite yourself. If you want to reuse an entire essay, you need permission b/c for some profs, that's a copout--they want you to do some work for them, not recycle.


That makes sense. I always made sure it was completely different to what I had written before (even though in a couple German classes, I got the same essay/assignment to write)... Didn't want to chance it! Lol... Of all the reasons to get kicked out of university I did not want plagiarizing myself (or anyone else for that matter) to be it:p

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Giants game, US Open Final, Cowboys game, MTV music awards, Mad Men.


Someone please tell me how I'm supposed to do anything productive today.


I promised myself I'd get at least one more McMaster question answered before watching the Nadal/Djokovic final................didn't happen :mad:


Edit: lol never mind.......the rain delay's given me time to get it done haha

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So I have a cool story.


This morning, I was driving home in the right lane on one of the major streets in London. Jerk in a Toyota was driving in the left lane next to me. Jerk did not check his blind spot before he merged into my lane.


So I start honking like crazy, but he continues to merge right into me. I swerve onto the curb to avoid a full on collision with him. Doing so, I blow out a tire. Something funky is going on internally too, my suspension and steering is all weird.


The best part? Jerk did NOT stop to exchange info. I chased him down the street in my car with the flat for a good 5 minutes trying to get him to pull over, but he sped away. Couldn't even get close enough to get the plate number.



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So I have a cool story.


This morning, I was driving home in the right lane on one of the major streets in London. Jerk in a Toyota was driving in the left lane next to me. Jerk did not check his blind spot before he merged into my lane.


So I start honking like crazy, but he continues to merge right into me. I swerve onto the curb to avoid a full on collision with him. Doing so, I blow out a tire. Something funky is going on internally too, my suspension and steering is all weird.


The best part? Jerk did NOT stop to exchange info. I chased him down the street in my car with the flat for a good 5 minutes trying to get him to pull over, but he sped away. Couldn't even get close enough to get the plate number.




Wow. I'm really disappointed you could get the plate number :(

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So I have a cool story.


This morning, I was driving home in the right lane on one of the major streets in London. Jerk in a Toyota was driving in the left lane next to me. Jerk did not check his blind spot before he merged into my lane.


So I start honking like crazy, but he continues to merge right into me. I swerve onto the curb to avoid a full on collision with him. Doing so, I blow out a tire. Something funky is going on internally too, my suspension and steering is all weird.


The best part? Jerk did NOT stop to exchange info. I chased him down the street in my car with the flat for a good 5 minutes trying to get him to pull over, but he sped away. Couldn't even get close enough to get the plate number.




I am just glad to hear that you are OK and that nobody was hurt.


It isn't right what he did, but this is why you have insurance. Sorry that you're gonna have to go through all the hassle.

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So I have a cool story.


This morning, I was driving home in the right lane on one of the major streets in London. Jerk in a Toyota was driving in the left lane next to me. Jerk did not check his blind spot before he merged into my lane.


So I start honking like crazy, but he continues to merge right into me. I swerve onto the curb to avoid a full on collision with him. Doing so, I blow out a tire. Something funky is going on internally too, my suspension and steering is all weird.


The best part? Jerk did NOT stop to exchange info. I chased him down the street in my car with the flat for a good 5 minutes trying to get him to pull over, but he sped away. Couldn't even get close enough to get the plate number.




Wow! Something similar happened to me last month.


I was driving to mtl right before Kingston just cruising in the left lane (I was going 120 which was faster than everyone apparently) and this soccer mom in a huge white suv decides to cut into the left lane without checking/signalling jack ****. I'm usually not "there" consciously while driving long distances so my only instinct was to jerk the steering wheel left into the shoulder. ***** didn't even realize I was there! I am driving a effing red sports car with a loud ass exhaust and a giant wing on the back! Anyways the traction difference between the shoulder and the left lane meant I was countersteering/overcorrecting about 3 times (trying to avoid crashing into the concrete center divider - more difficult than it seems at 120) before I spun out and ended up facing the wrong way in the left lane on the 401*....with a flooded engine. Happy times :D


Eventually I got my car started and back on the highway, pulled over at the next exit to check for damage (thankfully nothing happened) and then went chasing after her to report her license plate and description to the OPP. I'm sure they did nothing about it but at least I tried...


*sidenote: Drivers from ON don't seem to realize that when there is a car spun out facing you on the highway, the best course of action is not to lightly hit the brakes and keep driving almost straight into me. It doesn't matter if you crash into me at 90 instead of 110. :mad: QC drivers are definitely better than ON drivers. Might also have something to do with why so many QC drivers drive stick.

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I am just glad to hear that you are OK and that nobody was hurt.


It isn't right what he did, but this is why you have insurance. Sorry that you're gonna have to go through all the hassle.


Oh yea....uummm, not to be a downer dr.H but your insurance will most likely try to pin you as at fault. Thats their standard fall back for this type of accidents. Financially speaking it would've actually been better if you let him crash into you rather dodging away and you crashing into a curb. Of course no one with actively firing neurons would actually let that happen but this is another way insurance companies get you. :rolleyes:

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Oh yea....uummm, not to be a downer dr.H but your insurance will most likely try to pin you as at fault. Thats their standard fall back for this type of accidents. Financially speaking it would've actually been better if you let him crash into you rather dodging away and you crashing into a curb. Of course no one with actively firing neurons would actually let that happen but this is another way insurance companies get you. :rolleyes:


Yup- it's like the "Act of God" clause. If a deer/animal runs out into the road, you're better off hitting it than swerving to avoid it and going into the ditch. If you hit the animal, it's deemed an "Act of God" that that animal ran out in front of you and therefore not your fault and all you have to pay is your deductible. If you were to swerve and hit the ditch, it's totally your fault, because for "no reason" you drove into the ditch. You'd have to pay for all your repairs, and your insurance would go up. Moral of the story: If it comes between hitting the ditch and killing Bambi- kill Bambi (sorry Bambi! lol)


Same deal with house insurance.... If it rains so much that your sump pump backs up (or since sump pumps run on electricity, if there's a power failure during a storm and therefore it stops working (never did understand that.... why don't they have a backup battery attached to them- chances are the only time your power goes out is in a really bad storm when you'd need your sump pump... so what good is a sump pump running off electricity if when it needs to work, it can't:rolleyes:) Anyways...) and your basement floods, insurance won't cover any damages.... If, however, you are "stupid" and leave your basement window open during a rainstorm, your insurance company will cover that (minus the deductible). Moral of the story: if the power is out and water is coming up through the sump pump hole, open your window so the water damage gets paid for :P

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Did either of you honk your horn? How can anyone ignore that?


Haha! Well initially I was like "ok people can see me facing the wrong way, they'll have enough sense to move over." But then they didn't at which point I started honking my horn and flashing my high beams. One guy came like within 10 feet of me before switching lanes. I think he was trying to beat this slow driver on the right :rolleyes:. A truck driver ended up straddling the 2 lanes and holding up traffic to give me enough time to crank the engine long enough to unflood it and quickly turn back around. Btw it flooded because I was in a forward gear but when I spun out I was rolling backwards.

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Same deal with house insurance.... If it rains so much that your sump pump backs up (or since sump pumps run on electricity, if there's a power failure during a storm and therefore it stops working (never did understand that.... why don't they have a backup battery attached to them- chances are the only time your power goes out is in a really bad storm when you'd need your sump pump... so what good is a sump pump running off electricity if when it needs to work, it can't:rolleyes:) Anyways...) and your basement floods, insurance won't cover any damages.... If, however, you are "stupid" and leave your basement window open during a rainstorm, your insurance company will cover that (minus the deductible). Moral of the story: if the power is out and water is coming up through the sump pump hole, open your window so the water damage gets paid for :P


This is not true. My family has had TWO sumppump failures in 10 years and no issues with insurance covering or not covering damages. We have had out finished basement redone twice. It probably affects the insurance rates, but again...that is what insurance is for, you pay and hope you don't need it. When you need it, it covers your a$$ and gives you peace of mind.


That said, it likely depends on the insurer and the policy that you have. My family has had the same insurers for 30 years and they have only been professional and quick to respond every single time. We have never been told that we are SOL, thank goodness!

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RyanMaverick is a nice guy, means well and I hope he gets into med school this cycle, with his MCAT score and course of study, he is well on his way.

I wish him well.


Inadvertantly and by attacking me as a spammer of useless posts in this public forum, he has has supplied the fuel and match for YorkMan, the sad and lonely member, to create another hate thread against f_d.


This is counterproductive and destructive to the goals of this forum, self-help. Needless to say, I have reviewed RyanMaverick's posts on this forum and many can be considered as spam and useless, which is true for all of us if each is looked at separately and out of context.


The big picture is: what is the contribution of each of us in helping others? Sure fun times and some stipid posts too.


But our individual contributions to others is what counts. In this department, I hold my head high in both the public forum and by PMs.


And what RyanMaverick perceives of f_d is entirely irrelevant as is what he preceives other members perceive. He need only add f_d to his 'ignore' list! I ask myself what contributions to members has RyanMaverick made. It is just not possible to believe in coincidence in the proximity in timing of RyanMaverick's attack and the latest hateful post of YorkMan, who is also obsessed over f_d.


I ask RyanMaverick and others for the sake of us all as responsible person to refrain from such attacks, thereby encoiuraging others regardless of intentions. And, RyanMaverick, it is time for you to look in the mirror. These vicious attacks are not positive and do not contribute to harmony. RyanMaverick, you have waved the red flag before YorkMan. You are now the problem.



Ok f_d,...


Why do you feel the need to make multiple posts about an off-the-cuff comment that charmer08 made? You actually told her to "go look in a mirror"?


Are you kidding me? This is coming from somebody who is SPAMMING the board with - mainly - useless posts. You've encouraged many others to "ignore" you if they bother you, yet shouldn't a significant number of people *wanting* to ignore you be a red flag that you should review your own conduct on this board and how it is viewed by others?


I do think you're a nice person with really good intentions, but c'mon f_d, you've gotta have SOME perspective as to how you're starting to get perceived, no?

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RyanMaverick is a nice guy, means well and I hope he gets into med school this cycle, with his MCAT score and course of study, he is well on his way.

I wish him well.


Inadvertantly and by attacking me as a spammer of useless posts in this public forum, he has has supplied the fuel and match for YorkMan, the sad and lonely member, to create another hate thread against f_d.


This is counterproductive and destructive to the goals of this forum, self-help. Needless to say, I have reviewed RyanMaverick's posts on this forum and many can be considered as spam and useless, which is true for all of us if each is looked at separately and out of context.


The big picture is: what is the contribution of each of us in helping others? Sure fun times and some stipid posts too.


But our individual contributions to others is what counts. In this department, I hold my head high in both the public forum and by PMs.


And what RyanMaverick perceives of f_d is entirely irrelevant as is what he preceives other members perceive. He need only add f_d to his 'ignore' list! I ask myself what contributions to members has RyanMaverick made. It is just not possible to believe in coincidence in the proximity in timing of RyanMaverick's attack and the latest hateful post of YorkMan, who is also obsessed over f_d.


I ask RyanMaverick and others for the sake of us all as responsible person to refrain from such attacks, thereby encoiuraging others regardless of intentions. And, RyanMaverick, it is time for you to look in the mirror. These vicious attacks are not positive and do not contribute to harmony. RyanMaverick, you have waved the red flag before YorkMan. You are now the problem.


F_d... back off. If you don't have something useful to post in this particular thread (ie something other than attacking other users because I'm sick and tired of it), then refrain from posting or get a diary and write what you think in it. I really don't care. This is ONE thread which has NO SPAM in it. If you want to fight, take it out on some other thread and leave this one clean.

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RyanMaverick is a nice guy, means well and I hope he gets into med school this cycle, with his MCAT score and course of study, he is well on his way.

I wish him well.


Inadvertantly and by attacking me as a spammer of useless posts in this public forum, he has has supplied the fuel and match for YorkMan, the sad and lonely member, to create another hate thread against f_d.


This is counterproductive and destructive to the goals of this forum, self-help. Needless to say, I have reviewed RyanMaverick's posts on this forum and many can be considered as spam and useless, which is true for all of us if each is looked at separately and out of context.


The big picture is: what is the contribution of each of us in helping others? Sure fun times and some stipid posts too.


But our individual contributions to others is what counts. In this department, I hold my head high in both the public forum and by PMs.


And what RyanMaverick perceives of f_d is entirely irrelevant as is what he preceives other members perceive. He need only add f_d to his 'ignore' list! I ask myself what contributions to members has RyanMaverick made. It is just not possible to believe in coincidence in the proximity in timing of RyanMaverick's attack and the latest hateful post of YorkMan, who is also obsessed over f_d.


I ask RyanMaverick and others for the sake of us all as responsible person to refrain from such attacks, thereby encoiuraging others regardless of intentions. And, RyanMaverick, it is time for you to look in the mirror. These vicious attacks are not positive and do not contribute to harmony. RyanMaverick, you have waved the red flag before YorkMan. You are now the problem.


you talk in third-person now? hahaha

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This is not true. My family has had TWO sumppump failures in 10 years and no issues with insurance covering or not covering damages. We have had out finished basement redone twice. It probably affects the insurance rates, but again...that is what insurance is for, you pay and hope you don't need it. When you need it, it covers your a$$ and gives you peace of mind.


That said, it likely depends on the insurer and the policy that you have. My family has had the same insurers for 30 years and they have only been professional and quick to respond every single time. We have never been told that we are SOL, thank goodness!


Hmmmm.... must be different insurance companies then. I know when it was raining a crazy amount YEARS ago back where we used to live my parents called to see "what if" (because our basement almost flooded for that very reason- power was out all night, and just by chance my mom had gone downstairs and realized the sump pump wasn't working... they were up all night pouring buckets into the floor drain!:eek:) and the insurance agent that she had talked to had told her that if it happens again to open a window because that's covered, but the water coming up through the sump pump hole is not. Moral of the story: know what you are covered for and what you aren't! Because apparently things can be quite different!

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