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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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So here I am (again) night before an application is due (again) and I still have quite a bit to do on the app (again). Think I'll learn THIS time to get everything done early???.... I feel like Brooklyn in the one episode of Gargoyles when him and Lexington have been captured and are in an electric cage and he keeps touching the bars even though it hurts... zzzzt "ow".... zzzzt "ow"..... zzzzt "ow"..... zzzzzt "ow"....

Lol... Am I ever going to learn?:rolleyes:


(And yes, I just randomly referenced a specific part of a specific episode of a cartoon that is... almost 15 years old... I'm cool like that:cool:)

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So here I am (again) night before an application is due (again) and I still have quite a bit to do on the app (again). Think I'll learn THIS time to get everything done early???.... I feel like Brooklyn in the one episode of Gargoyles when him and Lexington have been captured and are in an electric cage and he keeps touching the bars even though it hurts... zzzzt "ow".... zzzzt "ow"..... zzzzt "ow"..... zzzzzt "ow"....

Lol... Am I ever going to learn?:rolleyes:


(And yes, I just randomly referenced a specific part of a specific episode of a cartoon that is... almost 15 years old... I'm cool like that:cool:)


LOL... You just made my night!!! :D

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So last night was a total fail getting my app done and in. So was waking up early to do it. However, I am making awesome progress on it (and actually have a lot less to do than I thought I did). And hopefully will be awesome enough to have most of it done before I leave for skating in 3 hours. Assuming I don't procrastinate on here that is:rolleyes:

Also realized I forgot a few of my ECs on the OMSAS application (minor ones, so it's ok)- that's what happens when you're up until 4:30am the night before... haha

By the time Alberta application-time rolls around I should have everything perfectly organized and written.... plenty of time before the deadline.......



Yeah right:p


LOL... You just made my night!!! :D



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Good luck! :)


When in doubt choose c!



Unless it's true/false.... in which case..... umm... you're on your own:p


Thanks! The prof, just like almost all others at UTSC, tested us on general knowledge rather than the course.



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I used wiki to answer an attending's question today. I wikied it --> confirmed on UptoDate --> so when he asked me where I got the info... "UptoDate!"


:D I love wiki.

I answered a question in tutorial that I read on yahoo answers and the TA was impressed lmao internet <3

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Just submitted Calgary :D


Hopefully I've (finally) learned my lesson to not leave it to the last minute.....


I hope!



Ugh. So I was hired on Wednesday for a job as a waitress at a new restaurant opening up. They told me at the interview that mandatory training was Friday (today) and Saturday. I said "ok great, what time".... they said "We're not sure yet, we'll call you when we know- either later today (Wednesday) or Thursday".... ummm what? How can you not know when mandatory training is 2 days before you're having it:confused:. Anyways... so I'm waiting and waiting for them to call me to tell me when (I asked for a contact number and they said "don't worry about it-we'll call you")...... and I'm STILL waiting for the damn call. How unprofessional can you be?! So IF they call... I'm going to respectfully decline the offer of employment- I don't want to work for someone THAT disorganized. I'm not that desparate. Yet.

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Maybe you're so qualified that they don't need to train you, Animaniacs nurse.


LOL. I highly doubt that! I don't have experience serving- only experience catching the Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister) ;)


cnb, why don't you post your app deadlines and we'll keep applying pressure on you to do it early.


Haha! Peer pressure? "Come on cnb88, all the cool kids are getting their apps done early, you should do it too" ... "Just this once... Just try it... You know you'll like it..." :P.


November 1 is when the last one's due....


I'm TAKING THE DAY OFF!!! I don't think I've ever done that LOL


Uh oh.... you're going to end up like dee and cramming last minute...

Maybe he's right and you really ARE burnt out ;)


Reading week is fun. Hockey is fun. Gravy is fun.


Agree! I don't know how I made it through the summer months without it! Although in June there was the draft, but other than that I was on withdrawl. At least here in Edm. the hockey news (when they have any- regardless of how "news worthy" it is) is on the front page of the sports section year round :D haha

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I had chinese food for lunch yesterday- there's good news and bad news:


Good news:

Fortune cookie is the best "pre-med" fortune ever. I think I am going to frame it!

"Focus on your long-term goals. Your wish will be granted next year"


Bad news:

Food poisoining, and that meal is the likely culprit.


I have a 1st aid course for the whole weekend, and 2 midterms on Mon, and last night was a crucial study night. I'm messed up now.

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This afternoon I was trying to take a nap...I was exhausted from a nasty fight with "him" and I woke to hear my piggies crying. My two-year-old son threw the piggy around so that he broke her back and now she is dead. :(


WTFF! That is just so messed up on so many levels!


You really don't have much good news nowadays do you C?

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