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He makes 54K. Can't see how he can.


Thats such a cheap shot move! Hopefully the judge doesn't fall for it.


Secret's in the sauce?


*tons of huge e-hugs* Cnussey! I am very short and not too menacing looking (looks are deceiving ;))... I'd be the perfect person to beat some sense into him- I wouldn't look like a threat and then.... KAPOW... BAM.... BOOM... Just like an old-school Batman fight. He wouldn't know what hit him;) :D


Somehow I doubt this...:P

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He makes 54K. Can't see how he can.


That totally sucks. I don't know what the law is like in Ontario, but here it doesn't matter what your assets are it is totally based on your previous year's filed T4 income and there is a table that states exactly how much you have to pay, so there is little room for jerk moves like that. Judges here can also order higher amounts if the person is purposely under-employed in order to evade child support (there was a guy who quit his high paying job and became a cab-driver for that reason and the judge order the same amount as it would have been in his high paying job). ((((((((hugs)))))))))) I hope things get resolved soon. This sort of stuff is the worst.

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Tell me where that guy lives so we can go chop him up in little pieces and make chilli out of it for the p101 community.


Thats such a cheap shot move! Hopefully the judge doesn't fall for it.




Somehow I doubt this...:P


That totally sucks. I don't know what the law is like in Ontario, but here it doesn't matter what your assets are it is totally based on your previous year's filed T4 income and there is a table that states exactly how much you have to pay, so there is little room for jerk moves like that. Judges here can also order higher amounts if the person is purposely under-employed in order to evade child support (there was a guy who quit his high paying job and became a cab-driver for that reason and the judge order the same amount as it would have been in his high paying job). ((((((((hugs)))))))))) I hope things get resolved soon. This sort of stuff is the worst.


Thanks everyone--he doesn't want to support me at all. Lawyer is unimpressed.

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He sounds like a huge baby. :mad:


He sounds like an @$$. Sorry cnus. What kind of a person does that?!?!?! I despise people like this. I wish there was a way to send them off to prison if they don't want to pay child support. :mad:


If it was me, I would never, EVER let him see the kids again. But then again, it doesn't help the kids either.

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He sounds like an @$$. Sorry cnus. What kind of a person does that?!?!?! I despise people like this. I wish there was a way to send them off to prison if they don't want to pay child support. :mad:


If it was me, I would never, EVER let him see the kids again. But then again, it doesn't help the kids either.

+1 billion


*ehugs C*





It's interesting to get your guy's opinion about the essay of the A+ student. When I read it, I thought the kid was clever with what they did. However, the other TA was really angry at how the kid was playing the system. He wanted to give the student a 0/8 for the assignment and a 0/20 for class participation. But the prof thought it was smart & funny of the student.

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I thought support was mandatory under the law?


It is. He's being a jerk.


He sounds like an @$$. Sorry cnus. What kind of a person does that?!?!?! I despise people like this. I wish there was a way to send them off to prison if they don't want to pay child support. :mad:


If it was me, I would never, EVER let him see the kids again. But then again, it doesn't help the kids either.


Lol. I can fight for full custody and the lawyer said "he can have them every other weekend like other guys if he wants to play dirty". I can charge him criminally, but the lawyer doesn't want to b/c then he wouldn't be working and paying support.


He sounds like a huge baby. :mad:


He doesn't think he owes me anything.

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It is. He's being a jerk.




Lol. I can fight for full custody and the lawyer said "he can have them every other weekend like other guys if he wants to play dirty". I can charge him criminally, but the lawyer doesn't want to b/c then he wouldn't be working and paying support.




He doesn't think he owes me anything.


OMG Cnus. I wish I had the money to go up there and beat the crap out of him. You have no idea how angry this is making me feel. Probably because my dad did the same thing and I will NEVER EVER forgive him. What a touche...

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It's interesting to get your guy's opinion about the essay of the A+ student. When I read it, I thought the kid was clever with what they did. However, the other TA was really angry at how the kid was playing the system. He wanted to give the student a 0/8 for the assignment and a 0/20 for class participation. But the prof thought it was smart & funny of the student.


Bad TA. No one is "playing the system" here. The guy got 100% on everything and any more marks don't affect his grades so what he did is perfectly reasonable. I'm glad you marked the guy's paper!


It is. He's being a jerk.


Lol. I can fight for full custody and the lawyer said "he can have them every other weekend like other guys if he wants to play dirty". I can charge him criminally, but the lawyer doesn't want to b/c then he wouldn't be working and paying support.


He doesn't think he owes me anything.


Dw, I'm sure it will come through either way. He's a damn jerk for making it unnecessarily difficult.

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It doesn't matter if he doesn't want to pay child support, he'll have to.


Don't get into his game, as it seems he's only trying to make you reach your boiling point. If you stay calm and let him go crazy, that's better for you, because you'll have the satisfaction of seeing him act like a child and feel like you're the stronger one.


You should really try to stay calm (I know, easier said than done) for the sake of your kids at least, it's not good for them to see their mom angry and sad right now.

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I just wanted to add tha unless he's got a massive debt load that he couldn't possibly pay off he wouldn't be able to declare bankruptcy... He'd also have to have these debts for an extended period of time... Ie. Year or more.


Oh, and in Canada declaring bankruptcy does not get rid of student loans and child support... You're stuck with those ones until you die... Or pay them off (student loans).


Good luck Cnus- and remember to keep moving forward.

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It's interesting to get your guy's opinion about the essay of the A+ student. When I read it, I thought the kid was clever with what they did. However, the other TA was really angry at how the kid was playing the system. He wanted to give the student a 0/8 for the assignment and a 0/20 for class participation. But the prof thought it was smart & funny of the student.


Hm. I wouldn't have done it, myself.

EXCEPT- I can see someone, just about anyone, in the last week of class, with 3 other papers due, exams approaching, etc. You do the math, figure it out, and realize that there are much better ways to spend your time than, to be honest, what almost sounds like busywork.


I'm not sure if that's the situation, and if that DID happen to me, I would prob explain it to the prof. Actually, I'd probably write it over the christmas break and resubmit it.




Oh, and I had to go to court today too. :(


Sorry to hear about the support stuff, Cnussey. The court process takes a while but it will sort itself out in the end.

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God I hope so, he's threatening to just file for bankruptcy rather than pay child support and alimony :(


just to back up what others said - you cannot avoiding paying child support by claiming bankrupcy.


The only way is to prove your income has dropped so you cannot no longer pay the amount (same happens in reverse actually).


still this looks like a long annoying fight. so stupid really, I really hope this works out.

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just to back up what others said - you cannot avoiding paying child support by claiming bankrupcy.


The only way is to prove your income has dropped so you cannot no longer pay the amount (same happens in reverse actually).


still this looks like a long annoying fight. so stupid really, I really hope this works out.


Thanks. Currently, he's locked me out of finances and just sent me an email stating he took the kids and me off of his insurance (no medical or dental!) and said "Good luck". What a heartless...ugh. My lawyer says he wants Andrew to pay for our benefits, the alimony, and the child support that is due--nothing above, just what is due. Andrew believes he owes nothing. Lawyer says we picked the fast court and the Judge will have things settled within a couple of weeks.

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Thanks. Currently, he's locked me out of finances and just sent me an email stating he took the kids and me off of his insurance (no medical or dental!) and said "Good luck". What a heartless...ugh. My lawyer says he wants Andrew to pay for our benefits, the alimony, and the child support that is due--nothing above, just what is due. Andrew believes he owes nothing. Lawyer says we picked the fast court and the Judge will have things settled within a couple of weeks.


Andrew is about to get a wake up call in court I suspect but I am a little worried longer term. I have seen far too many cases of when people find out exactly what they are required to do with child support that they then attempt to vanish by moving away etc. Sounds like this is going to be a tooth in nail fight here.


Man this sucks! I hope you are ok. He is really acting out here.

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Andrew is about to get a wake up call in court I suspect but I am a little worried longer term. I have seen far too many cases of when people find out exactly what they are required to do with child support that they then attempt to vanish by moving away etc. Sounds like this is going to be a tooth in nail fight here.


Man this sucks! I hope you are ok. He is really acting out here.


That's what my friend and lawyer fear--that he will up and leave. But it will ruin him. Lawyer doesn't want to press criminal charges b/c that also prevents him from paying me anything, but he will threaten it, apparently. Lol. At least I picked a good lawyer.

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I have concluded, late last night, that both of my roommates are total idiots. One of them should just go to the hairstylist and dye her hair blond because it would suit her better. She wanted to mix honey with butter in a cup and eat it - reverse of what I told her "put a bit of butter on your toast and then put a layer of honey - makes it less sweet". The other should learn some manners, like NOT burping into someone's face.... or NOT cleaning the kitchen cupboard with a toilet brush because that's the only brush she owns.... :eek:


I didn't think people like this existed... but apparently I live with them.


Oh yes... and good luck to the new roomies. They will need it. I'm OUTTA here officially on December 23.

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