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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Just did mock patient interviews at the simulation center. AWESOME experience! Reminds me why I want to be a doc. :D



McGill med runs 8:30 to 2:30, rarely 3:30 everyday (1 hr lunch in between). Though all the lecs are recorded so its not like you HAVE to show up at 8:30...or even daily.

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whoa I love those timetables! Mine will never look that way because of the ongoing research and stuff. If I'm not in class, I'm in the lab lol. Are you in 4th yr (I seem to remember something about you and utsc....)?


Yea 4th year in Human Biology. I took BIOD98, so I'll probably be busy with that in the winter semester along with 2 other D-level courses with presentations/discussions. Hopefully it doesn't get nuts lol



Even finding bacteria out there would be awesome

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So skating today was an interesting experience. Jerkoffs mixed with a PMSing chick is a great combo if you're the one PMSing :D. After me and the other girls being called "stupid figure skating b!tches" (by a man waaaaayyy old enough to know better than to call the GIRLS on the ice with me "b!tches") and the @$$hole complaining that we aren't off the ice yet (at 7:26 when we have ice until 7:30) and various other things he said/did (like blowing the air horn at 7:29 to get us off the ice faster), I lost it (or what was for me losing it). I said that if he had such a problem with us being on the ice, that we'd just get off and he could wait for the Zamboni guy to fill the holes. I was polite in what I said, not so much the way I said it :P. Mind you, I had also had enough with these jerks, considering they're the team that chucked pucks at us years ago at 7:31 when we were getting all the little Canskaters (ages 3-10) off the ice. (Yes, chucking them AT us. One narrowly missed my head:mad:).


I'm livid though. I've had enough of them and stupid sh!t they pull. It's like the coaches think they're amazing and they have the right to do that sh!t, but I know my hockey and considering they're a Jr. B team, it's not like they're going anywhere at all. You may as well call them a beer league:rolleyes:..... Maybe next time I'll mention that fact to him.... But he might be proud of the fact he's King Sh!t of Turd Island.... (Yes I am b!tchy right now in case you couldn't tell)


Haha.... just so y'all know that I'm not usually like that, all the girls at skating were like "OMG cnb88, I can't believe YOU actually did that! You're the last person I could see doing that!!" And someone I used to skate with (after the girls comment on my fb wall) was like "Wait, CNB88 did that?!" lol. So it's not like I do this frequently at all. Haha


/PMS-fueled rant


Now...... Where's my chocolate.......

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Yea 4th year in Human Biology. I took BIOD98, so I'll probably be busy with that in the winter semester along with 2 other D-level courses with presentations/discussions. Hopefully it doesn't get nuts lol



Whoa, challenging. I'm doing a D95 next sem, modified to include an experimental aspect as well as a literature review

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Mind you, I had also had enough with these jerks, considering they're the team that chucked pucks at us years ago at 7:31 when we were getting all the little Canskaters (ages 3-10) off the ice. (Yes, chucking them AT us. One narrowly missed my head:mad:).


Now...... Where's my chocolate.......

Think of the children! If I was you in that situation, I would have thrown the pucks right back at them and then gouged the ice with my skates.


*hands you a Kit Kat bar*

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I'm livid though. I've had enough of them and stupid sh!t they pull. It's like the coaches think they're amazing and they have the right to do that sh!t, but I know my hockey and considering they're a Jr. B team, it's not like they're going anywhere at all. You may as well call them a beer league:rolleyes:..... Maybe next time I'll mention that fact to him.... But he might be proud of the fact he's King Sh!t of Turd Island.... (Yes I am b!tchy right now in case you couldn't tell)


Now...... Where's my chocolate.......


There's this weird culture of young male team sports players where they are just treated like these golden boys- unbelievable, esp when they're on B teams.


Get this- there's one dude who is in my MICR class. He's on some varisty team, and I understand they have their requirements, but still. He skips class all the time, complains about writing long lab writeups b/c he was out partying the night before, was upset b/c his dad wouldn't let him drive the "nice car" and made him drive the "f***ing honda", lives in rez paid for by dad, the works. I'm sure he's been treated like a superstar for his whole life.


And then one day I overhear the following: "Well, med schools don't care about your 1st 2 yrs of university anyways".


I'm all about giving information, and I so wanted to say "You're in for a world of hurt, dude", but... I just didn't want to help him at all. I guess I'm a bad person. :D


Hey! In other news, I'm in Edmonton and it's not that cold. Maybe I could survive a Yukon winter after all. :D

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news conference should be starting right now on nasa tv... i've got it open and just waiting for it to kick in.

so, i missed the first couple minutes of the news conference... but from what understand the big news isn't about extraterrestrial life, but rather a new microbe found on earth that replaced phosphorous in dna with arsenic... which goes against the belief that everything needs phosphorous to grow...


a few scientists that work with nasa and other universities/agencies are now discussing what implications this has for chemistry, biochemsitry, astrobiology and life in general.

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news conference should be starting right now on nasa tv... i've got it open and just waiting for it to kick in.


Hm. Aresenic-eating bacs, cool, but they were discovered on earth. Not really that groundbreaking that they can substitute As for P, but it has implications for mine remediation (I did not see that in the report, I'm just going off of my geology knowledge). Maybe I should buy that gold mine I know of now? It has lots of gold but is terribly contaminated with arsenopyrite. Actually, I really should look into buying the mineral rights. :)


edit: witaminute- the As is in DNA? That's actually pretty cool. Now back to checking for mineral rights availability.


I can just about guarantee that geologists will be all over this news by tomorrow.



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A few other classmates in my program mentioned how we already know of arsenic-metabolising bacteria. That's true; there are bacteria that use arsenic-containing compounds as electron donors in autotrophy and as electron accepters in anaerobic respiration, but to be able to integrate arsenic into molecules that normally use phosphate is a pretty big discovery.


As an undergrad in microbiology, my mouth is salivating.

it's defininitely a cool discovery- just a bit misleading as the implied message was an "other-world" discovery...


it also seems like a couple of the panel members aren't that impressed with it... but i think that's just more for a balanced viewpoint.

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Guys, I need your advice.


what do you do to motivate yourself to study? I have wasted this entire week. I keep saying, tomorrow's going to be the day, and yet I never get to it. I'm so weak-willed.


Christmas break is like, 14 days away (after my exam)...and I have like, 7 weeks worth of anatomy to learn. But I can't bring myself to start. :(


Aaahhh!!!! I don't want to study. :(

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Guys, I need your advice.


what do you do to motivate yourself to study? I have wasted this entire week. I keep saying, tomorrow's going to be the day, and yet I never get to it. I'm so weak-willed.


Christmas break is like, 14 days away (after my exam)...and I have like, 7 weeks worth of anatomy to learn. But I can't bring myself to start. :(


Aaahhh!!!! I don't want to study. :(


Wow! What took me 2 yrs at UofT happened to you in about 3 months. UofT meds crushes your will sooo much faster! :P

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Weee...first time using the cryostat today...wanted to stick my whole head in that lovely icy machine. I wore a sweater under the lab coat...holy ****.


cryostat clothes are interesting. You need a sweater to keep your upper body warm, but also shorts because the heat that comes out from the bottom of the machine.


it must be a tough job for your hypothalamus to figure that one out.

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