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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Good job relpying to yourself leap. Maybe you should get some sleep. :P


LMAO... Right?! Yeah. I think so. I was up all night because I couldn't sleep. Too exciting. lol. :D


I was meaning to respond to hking...lol


LMAO... this is too funny. Apparently, I am having conversations with myself on pm101. WOW... lol. State of delusion. lol

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last minute christmas shoppers are the worst people



So you're saying that I'm one of the worst people. :(:P


Haha. Anastasia is implying we're both worst people. I'm getting my gift tomorrow for tomorrow's Christmas party with my supervisor and labmates. LOL.


On another note: I really dislike when I wake up in the middle of the night with a whole ton of ideas for an experiment and a whole ton of hypothesis of what could be possible if.... I tend to write all of this on a sheet of paper.... and now I can't read 3/4 of it.... Thankfully, I remember most of it.


Also, last week here in Waterloo. Hoping for some awesome celebration with my supervisor and labmates. My friend is also coming over to check out a lab because he might want to do a Masters with my supervisor. I might potentially have coffee with "the boy"...lol (if I'm not way too busy next week which I'm hoping I'm not... or we're going to grab that coffee at 8pm...lol)


Going for an ultrasound tomorrow for my foot. BLAH. People have told me it's really inflamed and that I've also somehow managed to invert my ankle (no wonder when I landed on the darn foot with full velocity). Also, I might have had a stress fracture there and a previous injury and now there is a build up of scar tissue. No wonder it hurts like hell to walk.


Moving today and it's snowing. Might as well ski my stuff over.


Oh yes and I'm in the dream land. Save me. lol

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I've been filling out some forms and you have to put your age in a few sections. So the bf's reading over my sholder and says "In every age section you've said that you're a year younger than you really are." and he was right! My birthday was quite a few months ago, you'd think I know how old I am by now. lol.

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ok to my fellow SAS-haters out there......


How the hell do I create a macro with a loop in it?!

Like...I'm trying to create a macro with:

theta[i+1]=blah blah theta

So then theta will keep getting calculated until it's less than n (a value I'll enter).......and then the macro needs to spit out the very last theta......



HOW!!!!!!!! :eek::mad::( :(

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My day so far... and it's only 2:30 PM.


Woke up late for volunteering at the ER.

Put on make-up quickly and put on way too much blush. Resembled a rag doll. No time to correct this.

Slipped down the stairs on my front porch. Back of pants got wet. Literal pain in the a$$.

Gas light went off in car. Front right tire of car was nearly flat. Oh joy.

Showed up to ER shift - was told I could go home because it was a slow day.

Nearly rear ended by impatient driver. Thanks.

Went to gas station to fill up on gas and put air in tires.

Air pumping machine was not working - people began to stare and laugh at me but did not offer to help. I replied with squinty eyes.

Frustrated, so I kicked the machine. The kick was successful.

Air would not flow into right tire. Tried to maneuver the pump to make it work. Unsuccessful.

Wiped hand on pants mindlessly - this resulted in brown grease coverage on upper right thigh of pants.

Drove back home, gas tank full, right tire nearly flat... all the while cursing to myself.

Arrived at home. Changed pants. Ate a chocolate chip cookie. Incredibly yummy. Instantly felt better. :)

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