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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I have another question I would like to ask in this thread of all of you. I don't want to create a poll, but I would love opinions.


Would you, as a physician, feel comfortable treating a transsexual person?

Would you admit this in an interview to med school?

If you did feel uncomfortable, would you try your best to still provide the same service, taking their needs into account?


PMs on this topic are most welcome.

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I have another question I would like to ask in this thread of all of you. I don't want to create a poll, but I would love opinions.


Would you, as a physician, feel comfortable treating a transsexual person?

Would you admit this in an interview to med school?

If you did feel uncomfortable, would you try your best to still provide the same service, taking their needs into account?


PMs on this topic are most welcome.






I supposed it's like homosexuality - it's not really a choice ( well, do the surgery is a choice but feeling like you're of the opposite sex isn't ).

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I have another question I would like to ask in this thread of all of you. I don't want to create a poll, but I would love opinions.


Would you, as a physician, feel comfortable treating a transsexual person?

Would you admit this in an interview to med school?

If you did feel uncomfortable, would you try your best to still provide the same service, taking their needs into account?


PMs on this topic are most welcome.


I wouldn't really care if they were transsexual. I guess I'm fairly liberal so I don't really care what people do with their own bodies in that sense. Though I don't 100% support OHIP covering sex changes (whole different issue though).


If I was uncomfortable about it though I wouldn't really bring it up myself in an interview since it's unnecessary information, but if someone asked me that I would explain to them my rational behind it clearly.

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Sigh- I love being at school.


I've been enormously productive today, but now it's time to go home, the long bus ride.


On a positive note, dinner is ready to be shoved in the oven as soon as I am home, and then I just have to throw some veggies into a bowl and call it salad. :)


Thanks for the responses to my questions- if anyone feels differently, feel free to PM- I will not judge. :)


Everyone does realize that all polls on this site are fully scientifically sound and legally binding, right? :D

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Thinking about taking the second half of gen chem next year instead of next term. I've had a really stressful year (taking care of grandma while she had cancer and a boatload of other things), I'm super burned out and just want a break.

Only thing I worry about is that whole "random order" thing. Bad idea?

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Thinking about taking the second half of gen chem next year instead of next term. I've had a really stressful year (taking care of grandma while she had cancer and a boatload of other things), I'm super burned out and just want a break.

Only thing I worry about is that whole "random order" thing. Bad idea?


make sure it's not a prereq for any other courses you're plannning to take

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Busy busy day today. Went over to my grandparents' to shovel with my bro (my grandpa had cataract surgery, so he can't do any physical exercise for 6-8 weeks), stayed there visiting for a few hours, came home (in rush hour traffic), washed my car, cleaned it out, made supper (lemon chicken stir fry with rice.... except I'm the world's biggest dumbass. I've been cooking rice since I was like 13 or 14, and know that you need to double the water to rice. So I'm making 2 cups of rice today, so I know that I need to add 4 cups of water... but do I? No. Why? Cuz I'm a dumbass. So everything is basically ready (or so I thought), and I go to pull the rice off and I'm like "wtf?! Why is the rice still mostly hard?!" and then I realize I forgot to add 2 more cups of water. So I add the extra 2, waited 5 minutes, crossing my fingers the entire time that it would actually work and that I won't have to start again.... and the rice was done:). Meanwhile, the lemon chicken was able to simmer together longer and get even more lemon-chicken-y. So glad I managed to fix it, or else I would have felt like a total dumbass).


Now I'm sitting on my bed, in my room working on the last bit of stuff I need to get my supervisor by tomorrow morning (ie tonight). Why am I not sitting at my wonderful desk? Same reason I haven't posted my "office" space in the other thread. It's so messy/full of binders/papers I don't think my computer will even fit, never mind the papers I need to look off of. Goal tomorrow (or tonight, depending on when I get done): clean room that has obviously been hit by an indoor tornado.

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almost got into an accident today. i don't understand how people never learn how to drive in the snow.


Lol- I used to live in a small town (of 5000 people) and in the mornings when I'd have to leave early for band practice, I'd drive my car on the roads, turning corners purposely so that I go into a skid so I could figure out how to get out of one if I needed to. Awesome thing about doing that: no one else was on the roads (so I wouldn't hit anyone) and the plows never came to the one road I used to drive on... so the snow would get REALLY deep :D. And then when I got used to pulling out of the self-induced skids, I'd start doing it on purpose... cuz it was fun:D. Managed to make my car do a donut/full 360 one day when it had snowed a lot. :D.... Still haven't had the guts to try that when the roads aren't snow covered though...........


But yeah, I totally agree. There will be like less than an inch of snow on the roads and people are going like 30 in a 60 zone. The roads aren't THAT bad! In Canada, winter driving lessons almost should be mandatory. I mean, we have winter like 10 months out of the year, we better know how to drive in it! haha


EDIT: sorry for the double post- didn't see this one until after I'd posted the other one :o

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And then when I got used to pulling out of the self-induced skids, I'd start doing it on purpose... cuz it was fun:D. Managed to make my car do a donut/full 360 one day when it had snowed a lot. :D


Hello there. My name is Deeman. I couldn't help but notice your driving antics. Would like to grab a drink sometime? ;):D

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lol I did get into a minor accident today, but I was the passenger. I understand what you mean about people not knowing how to drive in the snow.


On a somber note, the other day in Quebec, a 17 year old driver and his two passengers were killed in a collision when the driver tried to pass on the highway in snow conditions. Not knowing how to drive in such conditions can kill and not knowing that you don't know how to drive in such conditions is a recipe for disaster.

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Lol- I used to live in a small town (of 5000 people) and in the mornings when I'd have to leave early for band practice, I'd drive my car on the roads, turning corners purposely so that I go into a skid so I could figure out how to get out of one if I needed to. Awesome thing about doing that: no one else was on the roads (so I wouldn't hit anyone) and the plows never came to the one road I used to drive on... so the snow would get REALLY deep :D. And then when I got used to pulling out of the self-induced skids, I'd start doing it on purpose... cuz it was fun:D. Managed to make my car do a donut/full 360 one day when it had snowed a lot. :D.... Still haven't had the guts to try that when the roads aren't snow covered though...........


But yeah, I totally agree. There will be like less than an inch of snow on the roads and people are going like 30 in a 60 zone. The roads aren't THAT bad! In Canada, winter driving lessons almost should be mandatory. I mean, we have winter like 10 months out of the year, we better know how to drive in it! haha


EDIT: sorry for the double post- didn't see this one until after I'd posted the other one :o


lol that's pretty awesome, i do similar things on the gravel road near my friends cottage...never tried a 360 though(but the road is pretty narrow so it probably wouldn't end well). along with the speed issues people can't seem to figure out that if they have bald summer tires in snow they're not going to be able to stop as fast as on a dry road.


lol I did get into a minor accident today, but I was the passenger. I understand what you mean about people not knowing how to drive in the snow.


yeah that sucks, i almost got into head on collision because the dumb*ss was driving on the wrong side of the road(snow covering the lines, but come on!) and he didn't have snow tires cuz he skidded for like 40 feet.

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lol that's pretty awesome, i do similar things on the gravel road near my friends cottage...never tried a 360 though(but the road is pretty narrow so it probably wouldn't end well). along with the speed issues people can't seem to figure out that if they have bald summer tires in snow they're not going to be able to stop as fast as on a dry road.


On a gravel road? I'm such a chicken-you-know-what when it comes to gravel roads. The speed limit on them is 80 here in AB, but if I ever have to drive on them (which I avoid at all costs) I'm the ol' granny going like 50:o


And that drives me nuts too- people that still have summers on... or don't change them! First snowfall is usually in early October or so, but then it melts, but then we get a huge dump later on or in November, and people are STILL sliding around. Unless this is your first winter in Canada, you should know to get those tires on by like mid-October (here in AB anyway). Especially after the first snowfall! Leave lots of room between you and the car in front of you (yes this includes lights and stop signs too.... dumb drivers) and driving is easy and painless. Ugh. Bad drivers drive me nuts.



So, typing up all the comments that people had written on these surveys is taking WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY longer than expected. I'm going to be up all night finishing this off. She said I don't need to have it for her until January, but since I'm gone from the 27th-6th I wanted to get it all to her beforehand. And I way underestimated the time it would take me to get it done, so on Friday I told her I'd have it to her Monday night.......... And if I tell someone I'll have it done, I will...... So hopefully this doesn't take tooooooo much longer. I'd like to get to bed before 3 :P

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there is a large quantity of cellular/molecular neuroscience information presently hanging on a thin thread in my cranium. One wrong/miscontexted thought and I might lose it all. Just gotta keep it in there until 9.


Good luck! :)



5 hours of data entry/analysis/typing shiz up later... and I'm probably just only over halfway done. *sigh* Next time I'll "overestimate" the time it'll take me to finish and maybe I'll be done closer to when I want to be! lol!

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Have you ever gotten so close to finishing something and you see the light at the end of the tunnel/finish line/shore and feel like totally packing it in? Sometimes I feel like the last little bit when you can actually see the end is the worst. That's how I feel right now with the stuff I need to finish right now.


On the bright side, if I keep in truckin' I should be done by 3! :)

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Finally done and off to bed after a typing/spreadsheet-making marathon of 8.5 hours. The crazy thing is that while I'm going to bed now, there's probably some pm101ers that are just waking up!


As busy as this is, and as many hours as I put into it, I am SO glad I'm not in the majority of your guys' shoes and having to study for exams! I don't miss that at all! :D


Good luck to those that have exams today!

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