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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Finally done and off to bed after a typing/spreadsheet-making marathon of 8.5 hours. The crazy thing is that while I'm going to bed now, there's probably some pm101ers that are just waking up!


As busy as this is, and as many hours as I put into it, I am SO glad I'm not in the majority of your guys' shoes and having to study for exams! I don't miss that at all! :D


Good luck to those that have exams today!


I just rolled out of bed to check fetal circulation animations because I thought I got something wrong. Nope, it's right. Now I can't go back to sleep. LOL.

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So I was waiting at the subway station yesterday with one old lady in the same booth. She made a comment to me about how the weather is warming up a little. She looked friendly enough so I prepare myself for some light conversation to pass the time. This is the exchange that followed:


Old lady: You look about my grandson's age!

Me: Oh, okay.

Old lady: About mid-20's right?

Me: That's right.

Old lady: I like to recite a poem to young men and little boys I meet.

Me: Okay..

I take a step back and check to see if she's holding a cup of acid

Old lady: Recites a poem about a little boy helping some homeless old lady

Me: Intermittently nodding to appear as if I'm actively listening and enjoying her poem when I'm actually scanning her up and down for any indication to gtfo.


3 minutes go by, she keeps going. This poem is obviously very long. The only thought in my mind is W.T.F.?


Her train comes.


She walks backwards onto the train whilst reciting the poem until the doors close.


My mind is boggled.

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So I was waiting at the subway station yesterday with one old lady in the same booth. She made a comment to me about how the weather is warming up a little. She looked friendly enough so I prepare myself for some light conversation to pass the time. This is the exchange that followed:


Old lady: You look about my grandson's age!

Me: Oh, okay.

Old lady: About mid-20's right?

Me: That's right.

Old lady: I like to recite a poem to young men and little boys I meet.

Me: Okay..

I take a step back and check to see if she's holding a cup of acid

Old lady: Recites a poem about a little boy helping some homeless old lady

Me: Intermittently nodding to appear as if I'm actively listening and enjoying her poem when I'm actually scanning her up and down for any indication to gtfo.


3 minutes go by, she keeps going. This poem is obviously very long. The only thought in my mind is W.T.F.?


Her train comes.


She walks backwards onto the train whilst reciting the poem until the doors close.


My mind is boggled.


Maybe she was homeless and got helped and wanted to thank every young man she meets? Or maybe she needed help and was just too ****ing cryptic to get it out and now she's dead...


At least you never got hurt.

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Well, a few years ago I was waiting for a subway when a homeless person was going around drunkenly swearing at people. Two ladies were standing by me and he walked up to them. I think one of their boyfriends/husbands came up from out of nowhere and got in the homeless guys face. The homeless guy attacked him, held him down with one arm while punching the guy with the other. After a few punches and just sitting on him for what felt like forever, he stood up and ran away.


Why didn't anyone help?

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So I was waiting at the subway station yesterday with one old lady in the same booth. She made a comment to me about how the weather is warming up a little. She looked friendly enough so I prepare myself for some light conversation to pass the time. This is the exchange that followed:


Old lady: You look about my grandson's age!

Me: Oh, okay.

Old lady: About mid-20's right?

Me: That's right.

Old lady: I like to recite a poem to young men and little boys I meet.

Me: Okay..

I take a step back and check to see if she's holding a cup of acid

Old lady: Recites a poem about a little boy helping some homeless old lady

Me: Intermittently nodding to appear as if I'm actively listening and enjoying her poem when I'm actually scanning her up and down for any indication to gtfo.


3 minutes go by, she keeps going. This poem is obviously very long. The only thought in my mind is W.T.F.?


Her train comes.


She walks backwards onto the train whilst reciting the poem until the doors close.


My mind is boggled.


she was obviously a ghost.

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Bystander effect?


Still a stupid notion, no matter how many times I study it. Goes against everything I was taught...I was in that position once, and a man turned around and walked the other way...have any idea what that does to your psyche? Makes you believe there's no one willing to help, so you stop asking.


Grow some balls and scream at the dude, at least.

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Still a stupid notion, no matter how many times I study it. Goes against everything I was taught...I was in that position once, and a man turned around and walked the other way...have any idea what that does to your psyche? Makes you believe there's no one willing to help, so you stop asking.


Grow some balls and scream at the dude, at least.



I was once somewhere (I think it was a mall or something) and this guy was arguing with this girl. The girl turns to walk away and he grabs her arm and twists it behind her back. A bunch of people are just staring at the couple making a scene. So I say something like "Hey, let go." and he lets go and she says "Thanks" and walks away from the guy. I'm about to walk away too when some other person who was watching was like "Good thing you said something!" Well, anyone else who was standing around could have said something too. It's a simple example, but things like this happen all the time.

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(tee hee Cnussey......I think I'm the STG you meant to talk to....and I'll be back on Friday lol)


Dear god, there's more than one. Lol.




I was once somewhere (I think it was a mall or something) and this guy was arguing with this girl. The girl turns to walk away and he grabs her arm and twists it behind her back. A bunch of people are just staring at the couple making a scene. So I say something like "Hey, let go." and he lets go and she says "Thanks" and walks away from the guy. I'm about to walk away too when some other person who was watching was like "Good thing you said something!" Well, anyone else who was standing around could have said something too. It's a simple example, but things like this happen all the time.


Yeah, it's one of the reasons why they tell women to yell "Fire" instead of "rape".

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I really don't know how people can just do nothing.


Unortunately, people don't like becoming involved unless violence is toward a loved one. People don't want to risk physical inury to themselves. Thank goodness for the exceptions who are out there but rare.


Some people are also scared of legal complications (eg. the security guard who walked away from a fight because his contract specified that he only guard, and not try physically interfere with stuff or something like that...)

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