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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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OMG.... I laughed so hard today. Man, the things I like to do to some guys.


Anyway, like I said, I'm planning on experimenting on this guy for the next couple of days to see what he's all about. So yesterday, in the midst of all of my work, I had some time to go curl my hair to look all pretty today. Got up in the morning (barely mind you), put the best pair of pants I could find with a nice belt, white blouse over, nice earrings, put a bit of make-up and high heels. I was really getting ready for a presentation.... I wasn't really planning on this happening.


So, I had a meeting with a bunch of people and the guy was at the meeting. Before I walked in, I saw him and he kind of smiled and waved at me, turning around a couple of times and I just continued to walk. I come to the meeting, and sit right across from him. I'm pretending like I didn't notice him. The prof starts talking and we were having a debate and all of a sudden a prof asks this guy a question (mind you, I wasn't looking at him so I had no idea he spent like 15 mins glancing at me). When he started talking, I looked at him because I wanted to pay attention - turns out that was a bad idea. He looked at me, started to talk, then stumbled on his words (he's a VERY good public speaker and I have NEVER EVER seen him like this). Then he looked at me again, kind of smiled, held the glance, started to fidget, move his legs up and down, and hands (he pretty much didn't know what to do with them). Then he tried to control his emotions, but that didn't work because he started to go tomato red (and I'm going :confused: ) and then mumbled, fumbled, looked at his papers (which he never does), lost track where he was, then tried to find himself in the papers.... it was actually hilarious (in a mean kind of way). :D


I promise I will never do it again. But it was WAY too much fun. WAY. Bahahahahaha.


Edit: I love men.

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Is anyone watching the premiere of Heavy?
:confused: New tv show?


OMG.... I laughed so hard today. Man, the things I like to do to some guys.


Anyway, like I said, I'm planning on experimenting on this guy for the next couple of days to see what he's all about. So yesterday, in the midst of all of my work, I had some time to go curl my hair to look all pretty today. Got up in the morning (barely mind you), put the best pair of pants I could find with a nice belt, white blouse over, nice earrings, put a bit of make-up and high heels. I was really getting ready for a presentation.... I wasn't really planning on this happening.


So, I had a meeting with a bunch of people and the guy was at the meeting. Before I walked in, I saw him and he kind of smiled and waved at me, turning around a couple of times and I just continued to walk. I come to the meeting, and sit right across from him. I'm pretending like I didn't notice him. The prof starts talking and we were having a debate and all of a sudden a prof asks this guy a question (mind you, I wasn't looking at him so I had no idea he spent like 15 mins glancing at me). When he started talking, I looked at him because I wanted to pay attention - turns out that was a bad idea. He looked at me, started to talk, then stumbled on his words (he's a VERY good public speaker and I have NEVER EVER seen him like this). Then he looked at me again, kind of smiled, held the glance, started to fidget, move his legs up and down, and hands (he pretty much didn't know what to do with them). Then he tried to control his emotions, but that didn't work because he started to go tomato red (and I'm going :confused: ) and then mumbled, fumbled, looked at his papers (which he never does), lost track where he was, then tried to find himself in the papers.... it was actually hilarious (in a mean kind of way). :D


I promise I will never do it again. But it was WAY too much fun. WAY. Bahahahahaha.


Edit: I love men.

Oh leap, why do you have to play mind games like that? lol!
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Because you can't when you've entered the friend zone. That's a fatal move. First, I need to get out of the friend zone.


1. ignore her

2. let her see you get friendly with another girl, who also likes you

3. give her a little attention

4. repeat

5. profit

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Because you can't when you've entered the friend zone. That's a fatal move. First, I need to get out of the friend zone.


1. Girls like guys who make the first move

2. Girls like being pursued

3. Rejection is way better than being friendzoned


The first time my bf asked me out I totally shut him down. Not because I wasn't crazy about him, but because I thought he was out of my league!

Second time he asked me out was two glorious years ago :)


Good luck!!

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Honestly, the easiest way out of the friend zone is to just ask her out. Guys make these things way more complicated than they are.




No games. :)


I have an appt to see a sportsmed dr tomorrow- I need to get this sciatica/thoracic spine pain figured out. I will NOT take no for an answer this time!


Being able to run 5km is NOT acceptable, not when I normally race at 10x that distance. I will not let myself get blown off this time. It seriously affects my quality of life.

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Should I, out of the blue, kiss her and grope her?


I guess I'll just ask her if she wants to grab lunch when I see her later today.


no, do not do a lunch date mith- that's straight up friends zone!


have i taught you nothing!!!! ahhhhhh


if you go for lunch play the entire thing aloof and no matter what you kiss her at the end!


edit: in all seriousness... lunch should be fine.

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So these are the events that have transpired since noon:


> meet Persian girl in the lab. I come in early and she comes 15 minutes later and sits beside me.

> talk about random stuff, flirt.

> she tells me she has never been this comfortable with a guy before and feels like she's known me forever.

> at around 1pm, I MAN UP and ask her, direct eye contact and everything, if she wants to go out. I just shut off my brain when asking her that.

> she says she only met me just over a week ago and that she needs to know me better to make a decision (positive? :confused:).

> She tells me I have a distinctive voice that makes the ground rumble when I talk (compliment? :confused:)

> I ask her if she wants to have dinner tonight. She agrees to get food at around 7.


Going okay? Rate it on a 4.00 scale.

what did you say when you asked her out?

if she agreed to get dinner with you and told you she's really comfortable with you, i'd say it's approaching a 4.00. that's an interesting thing to say about someone's voice though.. haha

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what did you say when you asked her out?

if she agreed to get dinner with you and told you she's really comfortable with you, i'd say it's approaching a 4.00. that's an interesting thing to say about someone's voice though.. haha


Oh this place is so lolz. :D I'm finding leap's and Mithril's stories very entertaining!

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So these are the events that have transpired since noon:


> meet Persian girl in the lab. I come in early and she comes 15 minutes later and sits beside me.

> talk about random stuff, flirt.

> she tells me she has never been this comfortable with a guy before and feels like she's known me forever.

> at around 1pm, I MAN UP and ask her, direct eye contact and everything, if she wants to go out. I just shut off my brain when asking her that.

> she says she only met me just over a week ago and that she needs to know me better to make a decision (positive? :confused:).

> She tells me I have a distinctive voice that makes the ground rumble when I talk (compliment? :confused:)

> I ask her if she wants to have dinner tonight. She agrees to get food at around 7.


Going okay? Rate it on a 4.00 scale.

lol at the bolded part.


But I'd say it's positive that she agreed to get food with you. If she wasn't interested, she'd say that you guys should get coffee or something instead. It's harder to bail on a guy when you're out at dinner.

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You mean "look" games. lol. I just looked at him and he fell apart. lol.


Is that a pure sign of someone having a little crush? lol


Lol leap! Maybe he was just shocked... if you don't normally dress up like that maybe he was just stunned! So hilarious though! I wish I had that talent. Even dressed up, I don't get those kinda reactions! lol!


So is this a boy you are currently trying to pursue? Or just playing games with?


So these are the events that have transpired since noon:


> meet Persian girl in the lab. I come in early and she comes 15 minutes later and sits beside me.

> talk about random stuff, flirt.

> she tells me she has never been this comfortable with a guy before and feels like she's known me forever.

> at around 1pm, I MAN UP and ask her, direct eye contact and everything, if she wants to go out. I just shut off my brain when asking her that.

> she says she only met me just over a week ago and that she needs to know me better to make a decision (positive?).

> She tells me I have a distinctive voice that makes the ground rumble when I talk (compliment?)

> I ask her if she wants to have dinner tonight. She agrees to get food at around 7.


Going okay? Rate it on a 4.00 scale.


Well... she did call you bud... which could be a bad thing, or she could have been sitting there after it happened going "omg... I'm such a dork! Now he's going to think I only think of him as a friend" (goodness knows I've said some really dorky things when talking to guys...). Basically if this were a midterm exam worth 10%, I'd say you're at a solid B+. Room to drop (hopefully not), but also room to grow old with her and sit on the porch doing crosswords;). I realize it's too late, but best advice- don't be a douche and don't be aloof. Most girls aren't as confusing as guys think we are.


Sounds like she's playing it safe getting to know you better. As for the voice thing... I have no idea. When I think "ground rumble" in terms of a voice I think Jack in The Beanstalk- "FEE FI FO FUM!"... lol... (yes, this is me being a complete dork:rolleyes:). Go slow, but not too slow, and see how things go. Good luck!




Ugh... had a really crappy crappy day today. When I was coaching Canskate there was one kid that had the worst attitude I'd ever seen. I'm trying to help her do this one skill, and explaining gently how to do it, and she's half yelling at me telling me "Stop bossing me around! My mom says no one should boss me around. Just do it for me!".... How old was the kid? 3. What was I teaching her? How to stand up by herself. Ugh. And trying to coax her to try wasn't working at all. Anyways, after skating was all done, the parent confronts me and tells me that I don't know how to do coach children, that I'm obviously stupid if I think telling them they need to try on their own will help them learn, that I obviously don't have the proper qualifications to teach or else I'd know that (excuse me lady, I've been doing this for going 14 years now), how her daughter shouldn't be expect to try to do that her 4th time on the ice, and how with all the money she's paying for the lessons with the club she should be getting someone qualified and nuturing... ugh. If you think I'm not nurturing and helpful and whatever, I dare you to find another coach/club that is. It was just so frustrating... I put a lot of effort into making things fun and enjoyable and everything for the kids, and for that to happen just makes me so upset:(.


So that started off my crappy day (kinda nervous that the club is going to get a nasty e-mail about the ***** of a coach). Then in my own practice, on one of my jumps I effectively land... on my own foot (as in I've basically stomped on my foot with my other foot. Blades freakin' hurt!), I hit my hip and elbow so bad on another attempt I have some massive bruises, then on another jump I land on my wrist so hard that I can't really bend it forward, and finally I twist my ankle (in my skate... which isn't easy, but hurts like a mofo) on another jump. Just not a good day. I should have stayed in bed. I really hope tomorrow is better!


Sorry for the rant/whine/vent... I just needed to let it all out. On the bright side, aside from today, skating is going really well- my ankle seems back to almost 100%. There was a chinook here in Edmonton today, so it was really warm for a little bit. And tomorrow I'm meeting with my supervisor to discuss some various things (one of the abstracts we're submitting which I'm first author on is getting submitted to a conference in Vienna! So exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed that it gets accepted!!!). Hopefully (knock on wood) tomorrow will be a better day!

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So these are the events that have transpired since noon:


> meet Persian girl in the lab. I come in early and she comes 15 minutes later and sits beside me.

> talk about random stuff, flirt.

> she tells me she has never been this comfortable with a guy before and feels like she's known me forever.

> at around 1pm, I MAN UP and ask her, direct eye contact and everything, if she wants to go out. I just shut off my brain when asking her that.

> she says she only met me just over a week ago and that she needs to know me better to make a decision (positive? :confused:).

> She tells me I have a distinctive voice that makes the ground rumble when I talk (compliment? :confused:)

> I ask her if she wants to have dinner tonight. She agrees to get food at around 7.


Going okay? Rate it on a 4.00 scale.



She seems totally into you!

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I agree with Karma and give you a higher score than a B+. She is adusting to the new reality that is about to come. You have now expressed your interest and she has clearly expressed hers in an obligue way and while playing it safe, she is into you. So, it is positve, slow and steady at the helm. By going slow and steady, you will make more progress than going fast for which she is not ready and would be uncomfortable.

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