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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Cnb88, some people just think that it's normal to scream at everything and everyone. Her daughter is just followuing the crappy example her mom is giving her.


The best thing is to not to get down to their level even if it's really hard.


Yeah, I basically kept mostly quiet as she *****ed, and then was like "actually, I am qualified" when she was saying I wasn't. If she wants to ***** that's fine. The program director knows and is on my side and knows how I reacted to the situation (totally calm) so she's said that if the lady sends an e-mail, she'll (the program director) will support me 100%. She knows how I coach and everything, so she knows that what the mom was saying is total BS.


After the mom came and talked to me I was like "ah, that's where the daughter gets her attitude problem from" lol!

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> She tells me I have a distinctive voice that makes the ground rumble when I talk (compliment? :confused:)


Going okay? Rate it on a 4.00 scale.


Rumble young man, rumble.


You do realize that if we start classes together you already coined your nickname - The Rumbler. I'll give you an A - you got the date regardless of the weird things she said along the way. I don't really think there's THAT much better of an outcome at that stage.


On another note - I gotta go in for surgery next Wednesday. If I don't make it, I want you to have my dazzling wit and stunning charisma Mithril. I'll also bequeath you my astonishing humbleness.

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also, an update on my cat:


he came home today, he had a lot of trouble with his hind legs when he first came home and still isn't walking THAT well but it's better than when i first took him out of the kennel. i'm assuming it's from his lack of eating and from being so sick. he's on 2 weeks of antibiotics and 4 days of appetite stimulants.. he had some dry food at the vet today before i picked him up and some wet food (salmon) about an hour after getting home.

still pretty concerned... he hasn't had any water today. he's just been sleeping most of the time. the vet said there's something pushing at his intestines, so it could either be a growth starting behind his liver, or a fatty deposit behind his liver, or there's a small chance that it could just be some inflammation.

i think i'll call the vet as soon as they open in the morning.. i'm just hella paranoid.

also, vet bill = $408

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Oh this place is so lolz. :D I'm finding leap's and Mithril's stories very entertaining!


LOL. I find my life amusing right now.


Lol leap! Maybe he was just shocked... if you don't normally dress up like that maybe he was just stunned! So hilarious though! I wish I had that talent. Even dressed up, I don't get those kinda reactions! lol!


So is this a boy you are currently trying to pursue? Or just playing games with?


Ugh... had a really crappy crappy day today. When I was coaching Canskate there was one kid that had the worst attitude I'd ever seen. I'm trying to help her do this one skill, and explaining gently how to do it, and she's half yelling at me telling me "Stop bossing me around! My mom says no one should boss me around. Just do it for me!".... How old was the kid? 3. What was I teaching her? How to stand up by herself. Ugh. And trying to coax her to try wasn't working at all. Anyways, after skating was all done, the parent confronts me and tells me that I don't know how to do coach children, that I'm obviously stupid if I think telling them they need to try on their own will help them learn, that I obviously don't have the proper qualifications to teach or else I'd know that (excuse me lady, I've been doing this for going 14 years now), how her daughter shouldn't be expect to try to do that her 4th time on the ice, and how with all the money she's paying for the lessons with the club she should be getting someone qualified and nuturing... ugh. If you think I'm not nurturing and helpful and whatever, I dare you to find another coach/club that is. It was just so frustrating... I put a lot of effort into making things fun and enjoyable and everything for the kids, and for that to happen just makes me so upset:(.


So that started off my crappy day (kinda nervous that the club is going to get a nasty e-mail about the ***** of a coach). Then in my own practice, on one of my jumps I effectively land... on my own foot (as in I've basically stomped on my foot with my other foot. Blades freakin' hurt!), I hit my hip and elbow so bad on another attempt I have some massive bruises, then on another jump I land on my wrist so hard that I can't really bend it forward, and finally I twist my ankle (in my skate... which isn't easy, but hurts like a mofo) on another jump. Just not a good day. I should have stayed in bed. I really hope tomorrow is better!


Sorry for the rant/whine/vent... I just needed to let it all out. On the bright side, aside from today, skating is going really well- my ankle seems back to almost 100%. There was a chinook here in Edmonton today, so it was really warm for a little bit. And tomorrow I'm meeting with my supervisor to discuss some various things (one of the abstracts we're submitting which I'm first author on is getting submitted to a conference in Vienna! So exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed that it gets accepted!!!). Hopefully (knock on wood) tomorrow will be a better day!


First to answer your question haha... I'm not playing games with him. I genuinely like the guy. However, he's one of those "catch me if you can" boys, so he started teasing me around and playing hard to get, so I kicked up my game to give him a taste of his own medicine. I guess it's our little way of flirting. But I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm usually very aware of what kind of effect I can have on this particular guy - even when I'm not dressed up, he kind of loses it (but not this much). I didn't think I was going to make him this nervous about being around. This guy is a different type of cookie - he's one of those who have everything under control; he's a great public speaker; and very good looking. So, it is really tough to toss him off balance. I highly doubt he was shocked or stunned - he knows I'm in the same department and that he will see me from time to time. I forgot to mention that this was not the first time he was "tossed off balance" by me. I don't know - we will see. I don't want to get my hopes up.


Now about your coaching - don't let things like that boggle you down. I've had parents literally scream at me because they thought I wasn't a good tennis coach. Mind you, these were elite tennis players. I kind of just shrugged it off even though I really disliked conflict. Some kids are just spoiled - especially in Canada where you can't raise your voice at them or give them a bit of a spank on the @$$. And some parents are over the top.

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You consistently do "mission impossible", so you can add this one to your list.


BTW, try Shirley's for breakfast, Mount Royal & St. Urbain; and, of course, Cora's on Park Ave., just north of Sherbrooke. And there is also St. Viateur Bagel (just east of Park, with a Grek restaurant across the street).

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You consistently do "mission impossible", so you can add this one to your list.


BTW, try Shirley's for breakfast, Mount Royal & St. Urbain; and, of course, Cora's on Park Ave., just north of Sherbrooke. And there is also St. Viateur Bagel (just east of Park, with a Grek restaurant across the street).


We like our Coras here in the west. Are all Cora's the same?

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...that I'm obviously stupid if I think telling them they need to try on their own will help them learn...
This part may we lol. But you handled it very professionally. I would have started a shouting war.


... And it was the 2nd time in less than a day that a girl (one of the group members) complimented my voice. :confused:
Now I want to know what your voice sounds like.


I love Coras!
Me too. But I find Coras in Quebec to be more fresh than the ones in Ontario.
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pm101 should have a skype meet so we can hear mith's voice.. i wonder if it will make the ground rumble all the way over here in winnipeg?


i've only had winnipeg coras so i have nothing to compare it to, but if i end up taking my montreal trip this summer, i will definitely go to coras there. and every poutine place in the city...

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if i end up taking my montreal trip this summer


You defiintely need to go to Schwartz's for smoked meat on The Main, and to either Fairmount Bagel (on Fairmont) or St. Viateur Bagel on St. Viateur. The food items they have and the taste is unique to Montreal. Also, St. Viateur Bagel has a restaurant on Monkland Ave. (Monkland Village in N.D.G.) where you can obtain a fabulous breakfast with bagel! So, please expand beyond Cora's. And there are fabulous restaurants in all price ranges on rue St. Denis where you you need to take a walk (from Mount Royal to Sherbrooke).

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> She tells me I have a distinctive voice that makes the ground rumble when I talk (compliment? :confused:)


And it was the 2nd time in less than a day that a girl (one of the group members) complimented my voice. :confused:



Now I want to know what your voice sounds like.



this is mith doing his day job. it sounds better live.

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It was only -6 this morning, so I opted not to wear my snowboard pants and just wore tights while biking to work.


Long story short... I think I may have frostbitten a very crucial bodily appendage.


I read "tights" and instantly pictured tights from skating, not like... workout/underarmour tights.. You know you skate too much when.....


We like our Coras here in the west. Are all Cora's the same?


I love Cora's! My fave is the Eggs benedict with brie cheese and mushrooms- YUM! The Banana/nutella crepe is also crazy good, but it's like ginormous. I'd need to share with someone if I ordered it! lol. I love how their fruit is always displayed so creatively instead of just thrown on the plate. Makes breakfast seems less.... dismal (since it happens in the mornings, and I'm not a big morning person...)


This part may we lol. But you handled it very professionally. I would have started a shouting war.


Now I want to know what your voice sounds like.


Me too. But I find Coras in Quebec to be more fresh than the ones in Ontario.


I know... she said that and I'm like :confused: society can't do everything for you! I honestly think the only reason I didn't speak up and go all uber ***** was a) It was a long day of Canskate by that point- I have the beginner kids (about 5- 6 per group), and they all have trouble standing/walking, so I had kids climbing all over me using me as a "stand up" and "walk" tool since I didn't have any help that day. :S. That was hard. B) I'm not one to usually stand up for myself. I usually find that it doesn't help matters, because there's nothing you can say/do to make people un-mad (especially when they're like that) and telling them to effectively F-off (in nicer terms) just pisses them off more. and c) I don't look 22 and a half. She probably thought she was talking to some dumb teenager. Which now that I think of it, makes her behaviour even more inexcuseable. It's one thing to try and bully an adult, but bullying a kid is just horrible. Meh. If she comes back, I'll tell her to shove it where the sun don't shine and tell her if she thinks I'm doing a terrible job, she's welcome to take her kid out on public skating ice to teach her how herself. I'd also probably mention that if you're going to get pissed at me for encouraging her to try on her own, school will be a freakin' wake-up call considering the teacher doesn't tell you every time that 1+1=2.



My supervisor is attempting to get me a grant for my research, but it seems like for most of the grants, you either have to be an undergrad (finished in June), be pursuing a masters/PhD (which I'm not going to do), or have one of a Master's or PhD. Lol. Makes me laugh now when I think back to how my guidance councillor told me there's lots of things to do with JUST a BSc... lots of things I guess if you want to be head burger flipper or sandwich maker:rolleyes:. If med doesn't pan out this year it'll be like the 7 dwarves song: "Hi ho! Hi ho! it's back to school I go"....

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You defiintely need to go to Schwartz's for smoked meat on The Main, and to either Fairmount Bagel (on Fairmont) or St. Viateur Bagel on St. Viateur. The food items they have and the taste is unique to Montreal. Also, St. Viateur Bagel has a restaurant on Monkland Ave. (Monkland Village in N.D.G.) where you can obtain a fabulous breakfast with bagel! So, please expand beyond Cora's. And there are fabulous restaurants in all price ranges on rue St. Denis where you you need to take a walk (from Mount Royal to Sherbrooke).
And the best thing about Fairmount Bagel and St. Viateur Bagel is that they're within walking distance of each other. And I second the suggestion of smoked meat from Schwartz's.


Hmm...now I'm thinking that I should convince some friends that we need to go to Montreal this weekend. It's such a short drive.

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