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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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This week has started off with a fire alarm at 7:30am. It's -30 outside and some people were in such a rush to get out of the building that they didn't bring their coats. *shuders*


Yikes! That's rough.

We had one at 8am on a Saturday. I got dressed in a hoody and sweatpants, put on my warmest coat and brought my purse. I figured everything else could be left behind, that's what insurance is for.


The funny thing was out of ~170 units, only 10 people were standing outside when the fire trucks arrived:confused: :confused: I just went for coffee at the local starbucks, sleep in my eyes and all.

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Bummed out from Ottawa rejection today..I don't think Mondays bode good news for me.


sorry to hear about the rejection today... it's rough, but try and remember that qualified applicants are turned away... keep moving forward.


also, i believe the most depressing day of the year has passed us by... so it's all looking up from here!

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On a totally separate note, am I shooting myself in the foot by not suiting up for the interview. I went with dress pants, dress shirt, tie, dress shoes etc. but no suit jacket. I get uncomfortably warm in a long sleeved shirt alone :P I can't imagine throwing on a jacket too!


i think it's all about how you feel- i'm probably going to take the jacket off during the interviews or have it unbuttoned.


i've heard from current med students that the majority (like greater than 95%) of male applicants wore suits to their interviews.


a young woman i know in second year said she was one of the few women not wearing a skirt/pant suit combination... she got in... so clearly there is some flexibility.


you don't want to wear something that is distracting or too far from the norm, you want your words and your face to be memorable. you'll be fine ryan!

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sorry to hear about the rejection today... it's rough, but try and remember that qualified applicants are turned away... keep moving forward.


also, i believe the most depressing day of the year has passed us by... so it's all looking up from here!


Thanks for the consolation hking03. I guess since it's my first time applying and getting rejected by both Mac and Ottawa is a bit tough. But I'm definitely keeping my chin up as I'm planning to try again next year :)

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Bummed out from Ottawa rejection today..I don't think Mondays bode good news for me.


Me neither! Although I expected it due to low GPA.


Last week as a whole was kind of rough to be honest - a bunch of rejections; lost (now found) wallet; found out the GP doesn't know what to do with my knee (i.e. no chance of running and qualifying for Rio this summer); and horrible in terms of school work too.


If I hadn't received that invite from Calgary on Friday, I might have lost my mind!

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Me neither! Although I expected it due to low GPA.


Last week as a whole was kind of rough to be honest - a bunch of rejections; lost (now found) wallet; found out the GP doesn't know what to do with my knee (i.e. no chance of running and qualifying for Rio this summer); and horrible in terms of school work too.


If I hadn't received that invite from Calgary on Friday, I might have lost my mind!


Sorry to hear about the rejections. What is wrong with your knee?

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Thanks for the consolation hking03. I guess since it's my first time applying and getting rejected by both Mac and Ottawa is a bit tough. But I'm definitely keeping my chin up as I'm planning to try again next year :)


Hi Cass,

Getting rejected is hard. I remember how it felt in November when I was rejected from UBC. Definitely apply again next year! I've seen a lot of your posts, and you're always so positive. It's just going to take a bit longer than we thought lol but we'll get there. And, we'll kick ass at it when we finally do :cool:

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Bone bruise + lots of fluid. Been resting for close to 5 months. No improvement, everyone's (NPs, GP, DO and the PTs) run out of ideas...


Lots of fluid between bones or off to the side (asking because the fluid can be anywhere)? Which bone? Sorry that I'm asking this - it is kind of my area. :)

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A lot of us have felt that way at some point in our premed lives.


Hi Cass,

Getting rejected is hard. I remember how it felt in November when I was rejected from UBC. Definitely apply again next year! I've seen a lot of your posts, and you're always so positive. It's just going to take a bit longer than we thought lol but we'll get there. And, we'll kick ass at it when we finally do :cool:


Truly appreciate the support everyone-the camaraderie here on premed101 is pretty awesome =). Just got my formal letter of rejection from Mac in the mail today (talk about timing lol) and at the moment, I've taped it to my wall (call me a masochist haha) but I figured it acts as a reminder for me to work harder this year and not to give up just yet :)

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Truly appreciate the support everyone-the camaraderie here on premed101 is pretty awesome =). Just got my formal letter of rejection from Mac in the mail today (talk about timing lol) and at the moment, I've taped it to my wall (call me a masochist haha) but I figured it acts as a reminder for me to work harder this year and not to give up just yet :)


I did the same thing :o Except mine isn't a formal letter of rejection, it's an email printout from UBC.

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Me neither! Although I expected it due to low GPA.


Last week as a whole was kind of rough to be honest - a bunch of rejections; lost (now found) wallet; found out the GP doesn't know what to do with my knee (i.e. no chance of running and qualifying for Rio this summer); and horrible in terms of school work too.


If I hadn't received that invite from Calgary on Friday, I might have lost my mind!


Congrats on the invite from Calgary! My doctor doesn't seem to know the problem with me either such that I have to get several tests done. I hope your knee heals quickly though!

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I did the same thing :o Except mine isn't a formal letter of rejection, it's an email printout from UBC.


Hmmm..I should do that for my Ottawa email as well lol!. This just goes to show that we're so determined that we'll definitely kick ass next year! :D

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My confidence has plummeted. Not looking forward to seeing another possible rejection Friday.


aww mith,


don't worry bro. ontario is a weird beast.


plus, you're OOP... remember how hard it was for UBC OOP's?


you're still a stud and you'll probably bag at least 4 interviews... that's 4 more than a lot of people on this forum.


just be confident, not cocky and go into the interviews with a smile on your face.


and remember- you're good enough, you're smart enough and doggone it people like you!

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I just feel like I've been had. I've got the grades but apparently not the ECs. Now with McGill looming on Friday with double the amount of applications...yeah, I don't know. Sometimes I wish I were born in the States instead. Need to go for a long walk around Stanley Park to clear my head.


This seriously makes wonder about what acceptable ECs are? Like fifty emergency appendectomies performed on orphans with a pocket knife? Being a doctor for Communist revolutionary forces in China in the 1940s?

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This seriously makes wonder about what acceptable ECs are? Like fifty emergency appendectomies performed on orphans with a pocket knife? Being a doctor for Communist revolutionary forces in China in the 1940s?


Maybe you should put that on your application and see what happens. :P lol

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Ok. I know Mith got rejected, but I honestly need to vent somewhere because otherwise I won't be able to concentrate on studying this bull crap that I have to learn for Thursday (it's not actual bull crap and I really enjoy it hence why I don't want to ruin it with stupid thoughts).


So here it goes. Indifference is one wonderful thing. A couple of weeks ago, I was everything but indifferent, acting like a high school girl, all bubbly and what not, until it hit me that my career is way more important right now than anything else in the world.


I'm brutally bugged by some things that are causing me not to be indifferent this week. Today, I couldn't find scissors for the life of me in any of the labs, so I had to borrow them from another lab. Anyway, I'm returning the scissors and talking with a friend (*****ing about the scissors not being put where they are supposed to be) and as I'm about to walk out of the lab, this person walks out of the other lab. Remember what I mentioned about indifference before - how I'm all indifferent?! Yeah. Tell that to my mom. Because it all went out the window. I barely muttered a "hey" and then barely managed to turn my body around in the other direction and keep walking. Except the person said "Hey" back and followed it by my name. Now, this all wouldn't be a problem if a) the look this person gave me was as indifferent as my "trying to be indifferent" look; B) this person didn't mention my name every time they said hello (mind you, this does not occur with other individuals but only me). So I walked into a lab and had to take a couple of seconds to regroup. :(


I hope it gets better over time. I really do. Because right now, it hurts like hell. :(

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