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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Boys are dumb.




Oh, and future tip for you all: If someone's breaking up with you, don't say "Are you done talking? [Ex-girlfriend] and I are going to see a movie and I'm supposed to be meeting her right about now."


Double :(




Special shout-out to mav and renin though. ♥


e-hugs. :(



Just spent a whole night in the lab. I'm barely talking, walking and processing things. I'm supposed to be traveling today. It's going to be rather interesting.


I'm also done with the ignoring stage. I started talking again a little, because I truly thought about everything. Anyway, yesterday was a good day. And it was awesome that the ice was finally broken (not by me) and that we're, in some small way, okay. I feel like everything is going to be alright.

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I'm also done with the ignoring stage. I started talking again a little, because I truly thought about everything. Anyway, yesterday was a good day. And it was awesome that the ice was finally broken (not by me) and that we're, in some small way, okay. I feel like everything is going to be alright.


That's good to hear! Everything takes time, right? The first awkward stage will pass eventually. :)

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Leap! I got a biomechanics test (KINE3030)!! Are the tests as easy as the material is? Gage says hes going to put some hard questions on there but I don't know what he means by "hard"... :P


Haha. What are the topics you've covered? When is your midterm? I'll be at York on Monday/Tuesday. lol. I'm so out of the loop on what he teaches, so tickle my mind.


That's good to hear! Everything takes time, right? The first awkward stage will pass eventually. :)


Well, I think it has passed. He broke the ice, which means a lot. I think eventually everything will fall into its place. He did eavesdrop on the whole convo I had with a friend. lol. Even my friend noticed and went "Do you need something?" lol. But it's all good. :)

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lol its the first test, so linear and angular kinematics. You still visit york?


The first test is very easy (if I remember correctly - unless Gage changed it). Study for it and know the concepts - particularly the ones he spent a lot of time on.


Yeah, I have a project that I'm working with him on. :)

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The first test is very easy (if I remember correctly - unless Gage changed it). Study for it and know the concepts - particularly the ones he spent a lot of time on.


Yeah, I have a project that I'm working with him on. :)


Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with the physics (as ive taken first year physics)... its just the anatomy stuff (never taken anatomy) but i think i should be fine.

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is walking on sunshine ...


Glad to hear about it... are the 3 weeks up already?


my cake! :) they would have had to cut off a lot of servings to make it into an actual heart shape, so we went with a round cake.


I don't like cake usually but I would eat that. :)




Things are OK for me- but my back hurts. A lot. I am back on the herniated disc idea, and I'll be going for an MRI in March. I am a little scared that the recommendation will be back surgery but I almost just want to do anything to take away the pain at this point. 9 months is a long time to deal with unknown debilitating pain, and to be on drugs everyday. Hopefully fixing it will fix the sciatic thing too, but it is thoracic so it's strange the sciatic would be involved.


Please... all you future doctors... please when a young woman says she has pain, says she was doing an ironman less than a year before, says she can't do anything physical and has a hard time sitting, walking, eating... please don't ignore her. Where has the desire to get to the root of the problem gone? Where has the desire to heal and the desire to help people gone? How do people lose their passion to figure out the difficult cases? Last summer, I drove down to the city (1 hr each way) to see a specialist twice. 1st time... put me on 12 ibuprofen per day. Next time, upped the dosage to 16 b/c it was only feeling slightly better. WHAT.


Or maybe I just need to be more assertive.




I got an A+ on my Russian exam! I knew taking an intro language would be a nice little shameless GPA-boosting course. :)


Annnnd... 20-min swim yesterday felt great. At least I can do something. :D

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Please... all you future doctors... please when a young woman says she has pain, says she was doing an ironman less than a year before, says she can't do anything physical and has a hard time sitting, walking, eating... please don't ignore her. Where has the desire to get to the root of the problem gone? Where has the desire to heal and the desire to help people gone? How do people lose their passion to figure out the difficult cases? Last summer, I drove down to the city (1 hr each way) to see a specialist twice. 1st time... put me on 12 ibuprofen per day. Next time, upped the dosage to 16 b/c it was only feeling slightly better. WHAT.


Or maybe I just need to be more assertive.



I feel your pain, although my injuries are as severely debilitating as yours (I can still eat alright), I know the pain of not being able to do anything after being in such great shape for a long time.You do need to be more assertive, I had to ask 3 different health care professionals for imaging before one of them finally got me an MRI form.

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