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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Lol we usually have about 3 months more of cold weather here. I like loose fitting, cute clothes. Typical style for me: long fitting sweater or cardigan, cute leggings, and high boots. Usually, Suzy Shier clothes are a bit too big for me, in odd places like the shoulders, and make me look funny! But still, I should check it out... I need new clothes. Do you wear blazers?


I have a cropped mini-tuxedo jacket: I looooove it!!!!


Hmm; I have to be VERY selective with clothes; about 5% of Suzy Shier stuff fits me right. I hope you have better luck than me! :)


We should go shopping together, have bubble tea, and try on boots!

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H&M usually fits smaller (although it might be a bit far from you)




Lol we usually have about 3 months more of cold weather here. I like loose fitting, cute clothes. Typical style for me: long fitting sweater or cardigan, cute leggings, and high boots. Usually, Suzy Shier clothes are a bit too big for me, in odd places like the shoulders, and make me look funny! But still, I should check it out... I need new clothes. Do you wear blazers?
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I have a cropped mini-tuxedo jacket: I looooove it!!!!


Hmm; I have to be VERY selective with clothes; about 5% of Suzy Shier stuff fits me right. I hope you have better luck than me! :)


We should go shopping together, have bubble tea, and try on boots!


Sounds fantastic!!

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Oh noes! Clothes!


Speaking of which... I've been eyeing a couple of cute dresses and skirts but I already have SO MANY that I never wear.



^ one of my favourite places to shop - it's cheap and they usually have pretty good stuff. I always buy a ton of stuff when I go to the States because there aren't any in Canada :(

Last time I was there, I got dress pants, 2 skirts, 2 blazers and a couple of tops for ~$70!

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Oh noes! Clothes!


Speaking of which... I've been eyeing a couple of cute dresses and skirts but I already have SO MANY that I never wear.



^ one of my favourite places to shop - it's cheap and they usually have pretty good stuff. I always buy a ton of stuff when I go to the States because there aren't any in Canada :(

Last time I was there, I got dress pants, 2 skirts, 2 blazers and a couple of tops for ~$70!


OMG; that place is one of my favorites too!!! :) We should make a road trip to the US of A to get some cutesie clothes!


I want this one :P

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I love shopping at Ricki's- I can find a lot of stuff there that fits me well (although I can find a lot of pretty hideous stuff there too... it's about knowing what'll fit good and what won't. Like this one time one of their people went to go grab some stuff for me and he's like "ok... so a large/extra-large?" and I'm like "Umm... no... small/extra-small" :( Lol... It's the middle of winter and I'm wearing a giant puffy winter coat ok? :P). Anyways, I was shopping there a couple weeks ago and found a TON of stuff.... I ended up buying a lot.... $465ish worth of clothes, but because they were having a HUGE sale.... I only paid $130. I figured that was a giant win:D. Ricki's is one of the only places I've found pants that actually fit over my skater's bum; The Gap is the only other place.


I just realized I've been MIA for a few weeks..... Cnussey and thatonekid: big giant enormous e-hugs!!! I hope from here on out things'll get better for you two!


Went to my first early morning skate in over 5 years last Friday (practice is supposed to start at 6, but the dance partner said I could come for 6:30. The rink is 15 minutes away). I got out of bed at 5:55am and was able to make it to the rink and put my skates on... and I was early (major shocker as I am NOT a morning person)! It was quite comical because it was so icy outside (it had rained.... IN EDMONTON.... IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER..... WTF?!) and I could barely get in the vehicle because I was sliding down the driveway (or rather, ice rink in front of our garage). I get to the rink, and there's a giant puddle of water (because it was so warm). Now, because of the giant mounds of snow, there was no way around this puddle, so I decide to gracefully gazelle-leap over it. Except me having the grace (off the ice) of a large bumbling elephant, I manage to leap over the puddle... but proceed to land on the ice on the other side of the puddle and fall flat on my ass (missing the giant puddle thank god). So before I've even put my skates on, I've wiped out on the ice. In front of some random high school boys. Wonderful. Why can't I be a klutz when no one's around- why is it always in front of people?:rolleyes:

Am I going this Friday? If I posed this question to a magic 8 ball the answer would be "Chances are slim". The dance partner has already said he won't take me tomorrow because the other girls are testing (so they'll need more practice), so I have no motivation to haul my ass out of bed early. We'll see though. Maybe I'll surprise myself.


So 3 rejections so far (Queen's, Calgary, Mac).... I hope UofA has better news! I just wish they'd come out with interviews soon- I have a competition (provincials basically) about 3 hours away that weekend... and I know I'll be skating the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'd like to know sooner, rather than later if I have to panic!


EDIT: 1k posts! I'm in an exclusive club now!..... Too bad I don't have something creative to add to this post. Hmmm... maybe I'll recycle my favourite youtube video from this past year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkd5dJIVjgM. I <3 Grover!

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You're very welcome to join!! The more the merrier... Renin did get it right "loverS" hehe. Although I might not be much help, haven't dated a frenchie in a long time :o


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 20 is sooo young! You have your whole life in front of you. Have a great bday weekend :)


Only 23 minutes left until I'm 20.. bleh


also, what's this talk about french lovers?

i'd like to join..

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So I was attending this workshop my brother's teacher set up to educate parents/guardians about this new software program that they were using to teach probability in their class and I am so jealous that they have a Smartboard in their classroom. In fact, the entire elementary school has Smartboards in every single classroom!..My high school couldn't even afford one....:( .

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So if through protest and demonstration, Egypt can change the face of its government, does that mean that with enough protest and demonstration, I could theoretically secede me and my bedroom from the tryannical, male chauvenistic patriarchal dictatorship under which I currently reside?



HA! I wish. I highly doubt it. I'll just have to emigrate in 5 1/2 months and hope to be out of its irorn fist of control.....



On the bright side, it's currently 4C here in Edmonton. I'd open my window to let some fresh air in, but a) the supreme dictator of the household doesn't allow windows open in winter and B) after seeing a mouse run around in the window well, I won't be opening the window again. It's dumb and my boyfriend would probably call me a dork, but what if it chews through the screen and comes into my room?! Eeeek!:eek:

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He was the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning.


You okay Renin? Sorry, I've been out of the loop lately. Been freaking out over numerous conference deadlines and data analyses. But is everything okay? :confused:


Anyway, week of hell ALMOST over. I was <--> THIS CLOSE to eating one of my supervisor's heads yesterday - I was like "I see a Predator eating your head right now." That's what happens when they think 10 YEARS ahead of you instead of concentrating on the darn abstract that was due at midnight last night.


So I have another month of hell, but now it's all going up the hell stairs and not down them. THANK GOD! Had little time for myself but met some very cool people along the line and made some awesome friends.


Overall, it's not THAT bad (just lack of sleep, no time for myself, no time to talk to the guy, no time to eat, no time to take a shower....) NOT bad at all. :rolleyes:


But I had a good laugh yesterday. Love it when the guys do everything they can to see you, even though they're awkward as hell. Even my supervisor connected the dots when he walked into the room and our eyes met. My supervisor just kept looking at me and tried to introduce us (I was like "yeah... been there... done that") and then he goes "ohhhh ho ho hoho.... my neurons are firing right now in all sorts of directions" and I'm like ":confused: " and he goes "you guys don't have to tell me anything" LMAO. You know you have it right when your supervisor catches on.

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rachmaninoff tomorrow! Weeooo
The pianist?


He was the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning.
Aww. Wait...this is the resident, right?


...But I had a good laugh yesterday. Love it when the guys do everything they can to see you, even though they're awkward as hell. Even my supervisor connected the dots when he walked into the room and our eyes met. My supervisor just kept looking at me and tried to introduce us (I was like "yeah... been there... done that") and then he goes "ohhhh ho ho hoho.... my neurons are firing right now in all sorts of directions" and I'm like ":confused: " and he goes "you guys don't have to tell me anything" LMAO. You know you have it right when your supervisor catches on.
Bwahahaha! Sounds like something my undergrad supervisor would say.
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