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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Yeah, up to my freakin' thighs..... :( And I really wanted to wear yellow pants tomorrow.... I guess that ain't happening... bah


Ha!, for once it is snowy in Toronto and warm and sunny in Ottawa.. weird, there is still some snow left to melt in some spots here though, it should be gone by next week (crosses fingers)

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Ha!' date=' for once it is snowy in Toronto and warm and sunny in Ottawa.. weird, there is still some snow left to melt in some spots here though, it should be gone by next week (crosses fingers)[/quote']


Yeah, except I'm not in Toronto but in Waterloo... lol.

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This time last year, Edmonton had NO SNOW.


This time this year.... there's so much snow in the front yard it's up to my chest :/ Ok fine, I'm not THAT tall (as those of you who have met me know...). What happened to spring?! I think I'm going to move somewhere warm.... I hear Hawaii has a skating rink, and I'm sure it has a med school. More importantly- it's warm! haha!


I've been soooo busy lately! I've spent the last 3 days at work making 210 sheets in Excel... :/. Thank goodness I know some shortcuts (and that one template could be applied to most of the 210 sheets). It's just the formatting that takes SO long. So happy that's done though! Now to input the data I've collected so far.........



Competition went SO good on the weekend! 3 personal best skates! AND for the first time EVER in my entire skating career, I didn't fall in competition! (My jumps may not have been the best, but I didn't fall!). 5th place overall in the province. Pretty freakin' sweet!


I have so much left to do in the next month (which of course is why I'm wasting time in pm101:rolleyes:). So looking forward to the bulk of the stress (wait.. scratch that... deal-with-able stress) to be done mid-April. The rest of the stress will be gone at the end of July (Woohoo!!) and then hopefully a brand new start then too :)



Thatonekid: I noticed in one of the other threads you were impressed by Edmonton/UofA. Imagine how impressed you would have been if there wasn't like 3.5 feet of snow! It's SO nice in summer/spring- the campus is so green and they plant flowers everywhere (same with the entire city). So many potholes right now though :/. The old joke still rings true: How can you tell in Spring that there's a drunk driver on the road in Edmonton? He's the only one driving in a straight line..... :P

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OMG guys...this has been the most eye opening week of my LIFE. I feel like I've been in school forever so I figured I had an idea of how things roll in school, university, classrooms, etc. I have even taught groups of high school students, coached little kids, taught university students in the past...that said...I have come to realize that you don't learn anything about teaching/school until you become the teacher in a real classroom. Despite the insanity of prep and being the new kid on the block, it has been a lot of fun! Did a lab lesson today with 3 classes and each class had completely different responses to the activity and 3 completely different outcomes!!!


Congrats cnb on your wonderful placement! soooooooo proud of you for making 3 personal bests. Hurray for figure skating's NEW judging system. Even if someone comes last, if they garner a personal best score then they know they are doing something right that continues to help them to improve.


This time last year, Edmonton had NO SNOW.


This time this year.... there's so much snow in the front yard it's up to my chest :/ Ok fine, I'm not THAT tall (as those of you who have met me know...). What happened to spring?! I think I'm going to move somewhere warm.... I hear Hawaii has a skating rink, and I'm sure it has a med school. More importantly- it's warm! haha!


I've been soooo busy lately! I've spent the last 3 days at work making 210 sheets in Excel... :/. Thank goodness I know some shortcuts (and that one template could be applied to most of the 210 sheets). It's just the formatting that takes SO long. So happy that's done though! Now to input the data I've collected so far.........



Competition went SO good on the weekend! 3 personal best skates! AND for the first time EVER in my entire skating career, I didn't fall in competition! (My jumps may not have been the best, but I didn't fall!). 5th place overall in the province. Pretty freakin' sweet!


I have so much left to do in the next month (which of course is why I'm wasting time in pm101:rolleyes:). So looking forward to the bulk of the stress (wait.. scratch that... deal-with-able stress) to be done mid-April. The rest of the stress will be gone at the end of July (Woohoo!!) and then hopefully a brand new start then too :)



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Ha!' date=' for once it is snowy in Toronto and warm and sunny in Ottawa.. weird, there is still some snow left to melt in some spots here though, it should be gone by next week (crosses fingers)[/quote']Yeah. Normally it's snowing here and just kind of cloudy in Toronto. But I don't like this mini cold-spell in Ottawa. I miss the +10 weather.
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Competition went SO good on the weekend! 3 personal best skates! AND for the first time EVER in my entire skating career, I didn't fall in competition! (My jumps may not have been the best, but I didn't fall!). 5th place overall in the province. Pretty freakin' sweet!
That's so great! Yay.



Thatonekid: I noticed in one of the other threads you were impressed by Edmonton/UofA. Imagine how impressed you would have been if there wasn't like 3.5 feet of snow! It's SO nice in summer/spring- the campus is so green and they plant flowers everywhere (same with the entire city). So many potholes right now though :/. The old joke still rings true: How can you tell in Spring that there's a drunk driver on the road in Edmonton? He's the only one driving in a straight line..... :P
lol. I was surprised at how many potholes there were on the roads, but I was told that's normal for spring. And the snow didn't bother me, as we get our fair share of snow/cold here. I really liked the attitude that the students/faculty had, which would make a decision difficult if I'm fortunate enough to get in & have a choice of where to go.
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It's so great when your supervisor gives a shout out to your research and then talks about it during one of his undergrad classes, forcing people to learn about it. LOL :D I feel special.


That is fantastic :D


Career counsellors are awesome people. I have one for my course and I'm so glad that she's there to listen and talk about career aspirations. A lot of people go to her about "med school, med school, med school" but she still gives us insight, encouragement, and also new perspectives on the whole application process.

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I feel seriously useless after this: http://hackaday.com/2011/03/23/fusion-reactor-wins-science-fairs/




this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbhW_K3NvmQ


Outdone by a high school kid and a girl with no fingers in one hand.... ouch.


I seriously feel useless now.. thank alot lol!


I'm in chem eng. I i do not know what is going on with that fusion reactor, and I have been playing the piano for over a decade.. I took me years to be as good as her.. (although i am better than her now... ) still, i does put all my accomplishments in perspective a bit ....


Edit.. more like knocks me down a few pegs.. lol I showed the video to my piano teacher, she told me now there is no reason for me not to practice.. awe shucks..

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I just had an incredible idea for a research project I am going to undertake completely under the radar of my supervisor. My goal is to have it complete by the end of the summer. If it works, I'm gonna try and get this in NEJM.


I'll share details in FC if anyone is interested.

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I just had an incredible idea for a research project I am going to undertake completely under the radar of my supervisor. My goal is to have it complete by the end of the summer. If it works, I'm gonna try and get this in NEJM.


I'll share details in FC if anyone is interested.


send me an fb message, i am so curious!


that is what i miss about grad school! i loved the opportunities to do "covert" or "side" research projects...lol...not bad to have 'back up projects' occurring in parallel as long as you aren't using up large amounts of resources that should be dedicated to your official projects.






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I just had an incredible idea for a research project I am going to undertake completely under the radar of my supervisor. My goal is to have it complete by the end of the summer. If it works, I'm gonna try and get this in NEJM.


I'll share details in FC if anyone is interested.

Send me a pm about it. It sounds interesting (since you said it was incredible).





Now I'm going to be humming that all the way to Toronto. Thanks. :mad:
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I was right. I'm on the train and it keeps playing in my head.


Sorry guys! I just could NOT resist!!!!


My students really wanted me to play it in class today, but they had a test and the ones who asked about it did not even show up! :(


Not impressed....


This song is frighteningly starting to grow on me...maybe that is what happens when you only sleep 16 hours over the course of five nights!


and now, I am officially on Spring Break!:D :D :D

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That song is so bad.. words cannot explain how disappointing it is


... It actually made me contemplate why I want to be a doctor... (well only for about 3 seconds, but for a cut throat premed:p that is a lifetime)


:eek: on a side not that song which shall not be named debuted at no. 72 on the billboard 100 in US, and 83 in Canada.... This is what the music industry has come to... auto tone and poor lyrics

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Random hookup + crying 3/4 of the way through = not a fun time for Ryan. Sure, there was some "size" issues, but the crying was most defintely psychogenic in nature.


However, extremely hot co-worker explaining how she has a huuuuuge crush on me and how she wished she met me when she was younger and all the things she likes about me = a good first step in remedying the first story.


Edit - WED posts when hammered FTW.


Edit #2 - She was the one crying. We were both sober.

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