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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Random hookup + crying 3/4 of the way through = not a fun time for Ryan. Sure, there was some "size" issues, but the crying was most defintely psychogenic in nature.


However, extremely hot co-worker explaining how she has a huuuuuge crush on me and how she wished she met me when she was younger and all the things she likes about me = a good first step in remedying the first story.


Edit - WED posts when hammered FTW.


Oh Ryan...I think I found the perfect song to describe that:


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The girl who never wanted to leave BC, is thinking of starting her second degree in another province. Thanks, med school which shall not be named, for constantly making IP applicants fight to death for a spot. I think I need a drastic change and the sooner the better.


All the best Cerena! You will make a great doctor one day.

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All the best Cerena! You will make a great doctor one day.


Thanks FA :) I'm slowly starting to realize that I'm willing to do whatever it takes. It's hard to keep going when they make it tougher and tougher each year, but I guess you just have to pick yourself up and be ready for changes when you don't expect them.

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The girl who never wanted to leave BC, is thinking of starting her second degree in another province. Thanks, med school which shall not be named, for constantly making IP applicants fight to death for a spot. I think I need a drastic change and the sooner the better.


I know how you feel Cerena :( I live in Ontario...we should meet up in Calgary :D and turn IP in just a year. Do some research or something.


However, I'm kinda worried about CARMS for Calgary though...let's hope trends are different next year.

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Renin it sounds like:


Today is Sunday. Yesterday was Saturday.

I am looking forward to FRIED EGG FRIED EGG

Why must you bring those lyrics back into this thread. :(



Actually, at my UofT interview I met a girl who really liked the song. She was trying to convince me that it was musical genius.

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.........musical what? LOL


It's actually though, quite a good unintended parody of modern pop.

It's actually a really thoughtful song mac. Proof is here: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/6148/1300154451929.jpg





So this is why I do what I do....




Anyone see anything wrong with this picture? lol

That's asking for trouble.
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