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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Oh, and he usually refers to me as "the boss"


Well, if you're the boss, then I guess you can just resign instead of quit :P Good luck with PPB! It should be a blast! Have you figured exactly where you're going now?





Man, sometime I just want to say to people: are you f#*$ing kidding me?!?! Is it August yet?


Better week so far this week :) Going to be super busy for the next little bit... And I'm already behind where I want to be! Lol! I'll get a bit of relief in June, and then August... I can't wait! Haha!


At least this year I don't have to (due to the fact I refuse to!) study for the MCAT! Lol!


Should get back to studying so I'm not even further behind.........

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Why am I still in my office at midnight when I have to be back here in 7 hours? Because I hate myself, that's why.


You know what else I hate? N-Acetylcysteine. Why do I keep doing lit reviews on this stupid drug? It doesn't hurt anybody, it's cheaper then water, just give it to everyone and let me get some damn sleep!

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because of it's potential effects on ocd, schizophrenia, depression as a glutamate inhibitor, contrast dye induced pathology, treatment of aspirin overdose....


Why am I still in my office at midnight when I have to be back here in 7 hours? Because I hate myself, that's why.


You know what else I hate? N-Acetylcysteine. Why do I keep doing lit reviews on this stupid drug? It doesn't hurt anybody, it's cheaper then water, just give it to everyone and let me get some damn sleep!

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because of it's potential effects on ocd, schizophrenia, depression as a glutamate inhibitor, contrast dye induced pathology, treatment of aspirin overdose....


Welcome to the last 6 hours of my life. Like I said, it doesn't hurt anybody, just give it to them, forget this review, and I can go to bed. And I think you meant acetaminophen overdose, not salicylates.


If NAC has any effect on OCD, schizophrenia, or depression I've certainly not seen any good quality clinical evidence of it.

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google scholar it, it's the breakthrough thing for treatment resistant ocd and trichotillomania (if i spelled that properly) especially... http://scholar.google.ca/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=ocd+acetylcysteine , yeah, acetaminophen, my bad


Welcome to the last 6 hours of my life. Like I said, it doesn't hurt anybody, just give it to them, forget this review, and I can go to bed. And I think you meant acetaminophen overdose, not salicylates.


If NAC has any effect on OCD, schizophrenia, or depression I've certainly not seen any good quality clinical evidence of it.

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I think I'm going to try and record a conversation with a rogers customer service manager on the phone and post it on youtube. Some of the things they say are so ridiculous its funny! Heres a teaser:


Me: The very month after I agreed to a new 3 year term I have been charged an extra $5 before tax and it has been that way for 9 months so far.


CsR: You are already receiving a plan that Rogers policy will not allow. It actually costs Rogers money to have you as a customer.


Me: I would have never agreed to that contract if I had known it would cost more than I was verbally quoted. Since Rogers did not hold up their end of the contract I refuse to hold up my end and stay for 3 years or pay the $500 cancellation fee.


CsR: You agreed to a three year term. You will be charged $500 if you cancel. The plan that was told to you was a mistake.


Me: If it was a mistake I agreed to the contract under false pretenses.


CsR: The mistake was corrected.


Me: So let me get this straight. I agree to pay X amount a month, you raise it by $5 the next month and call what I was told when I signed up a mistake. And I'm supposed to go along with it?


CsR: Yes. We updated your contract terms. The contract still holds.





wow the MCAT is intense. I'm not sure if 7 hours a day is enough for it. O.o



Only takes about 3 weeks or so. :P

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I think I'm going to try and record a conversation with a rogers customer service manager on the phone and post it on youtube. Some of the things they say are so ridiculous its funny! Heres a teaser:


Me: The very month after I agreed to a new 3 year term I have been charged an extra $5 before tax and it has been that way for 9 months so far.


CsR: You are already receiving a plan that Rogers policy will not allow. It actually costs Rogers money to have you as a customer.


Me: I would have never agreed to that contract if I had known it would cost more than I was verbally quoted. Since Rogers did not hold up their end of the contract I refuse to hold up my end and stay for 3 years or pay the $500 cancellation fee.


CsR: You agreed to a three year term. You will be charged $500 if you cancel. The plan that was told to you was a mistake.


Me: If it was a mistake I agreed to the contract under false pretenses.


CsR: The mistake was corrected.


Me: So let me get this straight. I agree to pay X amount a month, you raise it by $5 the next month and call what I was told when I signed up a mistake. And I'm supposed to go along with it?


CsR: Yes. We updated your contract terms. The contract still holds.





What?? Hmmm isn't the point of a contract that you get what you sign up for? That's crap :/


Another cold rainy day here, wth is summer? Also I've been saying I'd get myself an iphone or android when I finally got into med school or pharm as I'll have more funding.. looking around for the best plan now.

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What?? Hmmm isn't the point of a contract that you get what you sign up for? That's crap :/


Another cold rainy day here, wth is summer? Also I've been saying I'd get myself an iphone or android when I finally got into med school or pharm as I'll have more funding.. looking around for the best plan now.


We're in Canada.


All plans suck worse than a $2 hooker.


God I envy my friends in the US with their phone packages. $20 unlimited data in the US is what my friends have. It's pure jokes here in Canada

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We're in Canada.


All plans suck worse than a $2 hooker.


God I envy my friends in the US with their phone packages. $20 unlimited data in the US is what my friends have. It's pure jokes here in Canada


lol absolutely agree!! Just like gas prices too :mad: I'll probably end up at around $55-60 a month which I can afford but still sucks.

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wow the MCAT is intense. I'm not sure if 7 hours a day is enough for it. O.o


7 hours a day? Really? I studied for ~3ish hours a day and thought that was a lot.




I shouldn't have to turn the heat on in the house in mid-May. grumblegrumble

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7 hours a day? Really? I studied for ~3ish hours a day and thought that was a lot.



Yea, I'm following TPR Study Guide and I'm leaving Sundays for catching up/ chilling. That means I need 33 days to cover all the material. I started May 17 and will be writing on Aug 12. That should give me just over a month to review material and focus on practice tests. I'll likely be taking the last week of July off for a conference. Sounds reasonable?


And it's taking me about 6-7 hours to keep up with the reading and exercises recommended by TPR. :eek:

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I studied for the MCAT 7 hours a day for 40 days straight. :confused:


Just booked my immunization appointments for June 13 and 15. Now I'm off to get my passport photo taken in my suit (no less) for the CPSBC and get my Hep B records from the local public health unit. Busy day. :cool:

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I went for a 10k run tonight by the St Lawrence river.. I like it better when it's not too warm. I expect major soreness tomorrow! I cannot wait until I've had my cortisone shot Friday so that I can finally start doing weights again in about 2 weeks!! I want my arms back lol :D I figure if things go well I have about 2 more months of physio and then I'll finally be done! I've been in there 1-3 times a week for the last 2 years save for 4 months pre-op last year :/ And I miss swimming.. dunno if I'll be able to get back to my speed.


Hmmm.. I guess rainy cold days just lend themselves to nostalgia and sad thoughts...


Watching a repeat of Canada's Worst Handyman right now.. I guess I'm not that helpless lol

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We bodybuilders dont like cardio but is a ncessary evil. Keyword emphasis on necessary and evil lol


I hear you!! When I officially quit competitive swimming I'd much rather stay with only weights training, but cardio really is necessary.. and I feel better after.

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