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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I started watching Community.



Lol'ing so hard. I used to krump and jerk and reject and do all sorts of crazy SoCal dance moves in high school. Now I realise how how much of a fool I looked like to teachers that thought it looked like a seizure dance. :D

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I'm trying to organize my head to figure out what to do about swimming... Am I moving forward this summer with the goal of starting full-time training again in Sept (6 months post-op is minimum just to dive!)? Even if by that time I'm at 100% physically, it would be an enormous task towards the olympic trials next March... I honestly don't know if it's even possible after I had to take almost 1.5 years off :/ If I had 5 more years it would be different, but I don't think I want to put my repaired shoulders through that much more so quickly. But I really miss that feeling you get when everything goes perfectly.. total euphoria.


On the other hand, I really can't know right now if my body will cooperate. I recovered really well after the 1st op, but possible capsulitis now means it's gone back down and definitely doesn't qualify as 100%. Maybe I'll just have to be patient and see if cortisone fixes the issue to decide anything? It's really hard when your whole life has always been planned to the minute and suddenly that big part might be over with!


/end whine

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I wasn't involved in a sport for as long as you but when I broke my neck I had to face the fact that my football career was over. That was rough to deal with mentally and emotionally.


If you've had the time off that you've had and learned to deal with the emotional and mental struggles with competing and then not being able to my honest suggestion would be to retire, go on with your studies full time and maybe pursue coaching options to keep yourself involved.


It's just a suggestion and by no means me telling you what to do as you have to leave on your own terms and without regrets.


Good luck with your decision.




I'm trying to organize my head to figure out what to do about swimming... Am I moving forward this summer with the goal of starting full-time training again in Sept (6 months post-op is minimum just to dive!)? Even if by that time I'm at 100% physically, it would be an enormous task towards the olympic trials next March... I honestly don't know if it's even possible after I had to take almost 1.5 years off :/ If I had 5 more years it would be different, but I don't think I want to put my repaired shoulders through that much more so quickly. But I really miss that feeling you get when everything goes perfectly.. total euphoria.


On the other hand, I really can't know right now if my body will cooperate. I recovered really well after the 1st op, but possible capsulitis now means it's gone back down and definitely doesn't qualify as 100%. Maybe I'll just have to be patient and see if cortisone fixes the issue to decide anything? It's really hard when your whole life has always been planned to the minute and suddenly that big part might be over with!


/end whine

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I wasn't involved in a sport for as long as you but when I broke my neck I had to face the fact that my football career was over. That was rough to deal with mentally and emotionally.


If you've had the time off that you've had and learned to deal with the emotional and mental struggles with competing and then not being able to my honest suggestion would be to retire, go on with your studies full time and maybe pursue coaching options to keep yourself involved.


It's just a suggestion and by no means me telling you what to do as you have to leave on your own terms and without regrets.


Good luck with your decision.




Thanks for your input. I think our situations are somewhat similar. You know, you never expect to be forced out of your sport due to injury.. you always try to think about when you'll end it, but usually you imagine it'll be on your own terms! Honestly I don't think I've come to terms with it yet. My life is desperately missing structure right now (only 1 class twice a week, no training besides cardio for now, physio). I'm sure it will be better once school starts in the fall. I have a feeling it might be utopia thinking about going back to train at the national center. I'm considering the possibility I could train with the varsity team (even if I can't compete as I've used my 5 years of eligibility already) as I'd then be able to swim in the morning before classes. I guess I'll take it one day at a time and see where it brings me.


One thing I know for sure.. if I retire, I will absolutely need to build myself a relatively strict training program of cardio/weights/maybe swimming because a sudden lack of structure is torture! ;)


It's scary though.. the first time in my life I'm actually faced with retirement!

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It certainly wasn't easy. It took a good year of solid drinking to numb the pain lol


In time, I learned to live with it and accept it and then found other activities which I could put the same energy and effort into physically plus I started coaching as well which helped a lot.


Thanks for your input. I think our situations are somewhat similar. You know, you never expect to be forced out of your sport due to injury.. you always try to think about when you'll end it, but usually you imagine it'll be on your own terms! Honestly I don't think I've come to terms with it yet. My life is desperately missing structure right now (only 1 class twice a week, no training besides cardio for now, physio). I'm sure it will be better once school starts in the fall. I have a feeling it might be utopia thinking about going back to train at the national center. I'm considering the possibility I could train with the varsity team (even if I can't compete as I've used my 5 years of eligibility already) as I'd then be able to swim in the morning before classes. I guess I'll take it one day at a time and see where it brings me.


One thing I know for sure.. if I retire, I will absolutely need to build myself a relatively strict training program of cardio/weights/maybe swimming because a sudden lack of structure is torture! ;)


It's scary though.. the first time in my life I'm actually faced with retirement!

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It certainly wasn't easy. It took a good year of solid drinking to numb the pain lol


In time, I learned to live with it and accept it and then found other activities which I could put the same energy and effort into physically plus I started coaching as well which helped a lot.


lol :) Thanks again, hearing from others in a similar situation is always appreciated.

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*big giant e-hugs* mrbrightside! Dealing with cancer in someone you love is extremely difficult (my grandmother had several different cancers at one point (not all metastisized from one) so I know, at least to a small extent, what you're going through). It will be hard, I won't lie to you, but the most important thing you can do is cherish all the time you have with her and be there to support her through her surgery, chemo, radiation or whatever. She'll appreciate it so much. And I definitely agree with others- she will be so very happy and supportive of you finally realizing your dream, she'll draw happiness from that too. If you ever need to talk, just send me a PM and I'll be more than willing to listen (or read I guess!) *e-hugs* Celebrate your acceptance with her, and celebrate hope and wishes for her future at the same time. A positive outlook on everything (as EXTREMELY hard as it may seem right now) will be the best for both of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family *e-hugs*

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Thanks for your input. I think our situations are somewhat similar. You know, you never expect to be forced out of your sport due to injury.. you always try to think about when you'll end it, but usually you imagine it'll be on your own terms! Honestly I don't think I've come to terms with it yet. My life is desperately missing structure right now (only 1 class twice a week, no training besides cardio for now, physio). I'm sure it will be better once school starts in the fall. I have a feeling it might be utopia thinking about going back to train at the national center. I'm considering the possibility I could train with the varsity team (even if I can't compete as I've used my 5 years of eligibility already) as I'd then be able to swim in the morning before classes. I guess I'll take it one day at a time and see where it brings me.


One thing I know for sure.. if I retire, I will absolutely need to build myself a relatively strict training program of cardio/weights/maybe swimming because a sudden lack of structure is torture! ;)


It's scary though.. the first time in my life I'm actually faced with retirement!


I feel ya, last summer I was training so hard (which was stupid) for track and field only to get injured and uptill now I still can't run. I pretty much cried/got angry at myself the whole summer. Its mentally exhausting and unbearable.


To me, you sound like you really want to do this. Follow your heart, I do not regret getting injured during summer because I know that I'll regret not training more.


Just take it easy and have fun, otherwise life is just wasted :P

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Where is the sun??? All this rain is weird and reminds me of the west coast.


Send some to AB- it's been so very dry and windy here (which is why there's so many bad wildfires) we need some rain in those areas to put out the hot spots.



I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to August. Well, scratch that- I do believe how much I'm looking forward to it. Lol. I can't wait until I can eat a meal without someone (who NEVER washes their hands) touching/poking at my food. I can't wait to be able to study with no problems and without being made to feel guilty about it. I can't wait to come home to food I like eating (veggies, fruit, fish, chicken) as opposed to the junk food we have to keep in the house to appease certain family members. But most of all, I can't wait until then so I can finally just make my OWN decisions for ME. I'm tired of other people trying to force me to do things because that's what they want me to do.


Is it August yet?......

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Looks like I'm FINALLY going to be able to get my racquet out!!!!!!!! YES!!!! I've been waiting um... 9+ months to play! Yer yer...


People always tell me I'm a very positive person. Well, guys, I think I'll finally explode from happiness today. It was nice knowing you :D

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Wow! I went to Placid last summer to cheer on some friends and I'd love to do one some day. I can deal with the swim no problem, biking with a little training. But the running let's say I'm not there yet! My longest run yet is 10k in around 55 minutes but I'd like to bring it up to a 1/2 marathon in Sept. I used to hate running, trying to change that ;) Of course less swimming means my legs are in better shape for running.

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Research presented!!! Holy crap what a weekend, got to my hotel at 2am, checked out at 6am, and now living at yvr airport again. I cannot wait for my 4 day weekend to get over this ridiculously bad cold.


Oh - and my airport shuttle driver almost got in a huge wreck and gave me whiplash.

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Research presented!!! Holy crap what a weekend, got to my hotel at 2am, checked out at 6am, and now living at yvr airport again. I cannot wait for my 4 day weekend to get over this ridiculously bad cold.


Oh - and my airport shuttle driver almost got in a huge wreck and gave me whiplash.


So basically what you're saying is that you got an awesome, restful sleep, that you feel like you could take on a zombie invasion, and that you tipped the taxi driver well? ;)

Hope your long weekend gets better! :)

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