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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Cerena - I don't think Jasmine's scent is going to be a problem when Persia arrives, I'm guessing she'll get used to it quickly. At least we didn't have problems when we got our 2nd beagle a couple of months after our 1st one passed away.


I had a very nice weekend at home with my parents and dog.. and pool. Now back in Montreal, and hating that I have bug bites on 3 of my toes!

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Honestly, I did not know who the black keys were before your post.
*gasp!* :P



I have a huge bruise covering half of my thigh and did not realize that there were so many Bruins 'fans' in Ottawa. Thanks Dropkick Murphys. Surprisingly, there was no mosh pit at the Peter Frampton show (who played right after). :rolleyes:

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Cerena intersting choice in music Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong - Summertime definatly different.

I love listening to Ella, night and day (thumbs up from me if anyone gets this reference.)


Cerena - I don't think Jasmine's scent is going to be a problem when Persia arrives, I'm guessing she'll get used to it quickly. At least we didn't have problems when we got our 2nd beagle a couple of months after our 1st one passed away.


I had a very nice weekend at home with my parents and dog.. and pool. Now back in Montreal, and hating that I have bug bites on 3 of my toes!


You had no problems with your beagles? That reassures me :) Considering the fact that beagles have one of the best schnozzles in the dog world. And have a highly developed sense of smell.


Sounds like you had a great weekend! I know how you feel regarding bug bites. Bleh (for lack of a better word.)


I have two siamese cats and one dog. I totally hate one of my cats she is evil (that is probably why I never mentioned her)' date=' but my other cat and my dog are awesome and love to be around people.[/quote']


Hahahaha aww @ your evil cat. My parents have a bird named Ringo who hates me. He's a cockatiel and he is 26 years old. Apparently he used to talk but from the day my parents brought me home from the hospital when I was born, he stopped talking. To everyone else in the family he's very sweet and he sings. But for me, he hisses and will pace his cage thinking of ways to kill me when I'm near him. I like the guy, but he's always had a grudge against me.


*gasp!* :P


:P Random q, have you been keeping up with the Glee Project? I like Marissa. She's very talented.

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What's the Glee Project?


From the facebook page (b/c I'm lazy right now):


"Starting SUN June 12 at 9/8c, so new Oxygen competition series “The Glee Project” finds and trains a group of extraordinarily talented performers, who vie for a seven episode guest starring role on “Glee.” From thousands of entries, and an exhaustive nationwide talent search, the series uncovers a unique group of artists with both professional and amateur backgrounds, proving every underdog has a fighting chance at stardom."

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My summer research project is almost certainly spilling over into September.






Same here, and I share your sentiments!... The thing is, I've got two separate research projects with two different prof's... FML what was I thinking last April..

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Came back from the gym not too long ago.


Seriously, if you're working out at the gym, put away your goddamn weights. Told one Afghan kid who knows who I am to put away his weights after taking 3 sets of dumbbells down and his response was "come on we Muslim man".


The f***? First of all, my name doesn't denote my religion (or lack thereof). Second of all, even if I were a Muslim, it doesn't mean I'm not gonna call you out for being a typical inconsiderate high school douchebag.

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Same here' date=' and I share your sentiments!... The thing is, I've got two separate research projects with two different prof's... [b']FML [/b]what was I thinking last April..



We're in the same boat.......I'm doing two projects in two different labs. Luckily, one is almost done.


I was supposed to take a break from the lab Aug 1-12, write MCAT on Aug 12, then work from Aug 13-31. But the specimens won't be ready until the end of August so I'm probably going to end up taking the last 2 weeks of August off, and then working first two weeks of September. It overlaps with Fall term but ah well. I don't want to give over the project to someone else at the concluding point.

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Attempting to read all the Harry Potter books before Saturday (going to the new/last movie... A friend has already bought the tickets!). Started reading the first at around 11 last night. Starting the third one now. Have a pretty good pace going, but the 4th-7th books are a lot longer :S. I still think I can do it though. 5 hours... 2 books- not a bad pace so far. Mind you, it helps (I suppose) that every time I leave my room I get yelled at for something or other. At least this keeps me occupied. And not at all bored:D


I think it's sad that kids these days don't have to anxiously wait the release of the books. That was part of the suspense. I do have to say that I was unsure while reading the books if JK Rowling was a brilliant author/storyteller or if she was plain awful. It really could have gone either way for me until the last book- the way she tied everything together was perfect. I was hoping she wouldn't cheap out, and she didn't! Going back through all the novels, it's really quite shocking how well everything is tied together. Until you've read them all, and then gone back to read them, you miss a lot of little "aha!" type foreshadowing moments.


Anyways... Enough of my random talk about Harry Potter:o I should get back to reading anyway.......


As an aside, this is the first time since... Before first year that I've been able to actually sit down and read this much... non-textbook type stuff! :D That's one thing I'm upset I won't be able to take with me when I move.... my hundreds of books.

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Attempting to read all the Harry Potter books before Saturday (going to the new/last movie... A friend has already bought the tickets!). Started reading the first at around 11 last night. Starting the third one now. Have a pretty good pace going, but the 4th-7th books are a lot longer :S. I still think I can do it though. 5 hours... 2 books- not a bad pace so far. Mind you, it helps (I suppose) that every time I leave my room I get yelled at for something or other. At least this keeps me occupied. And not at all bored:D


You inspire me :D

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I do what I can;)


I'd never been interested in the Harry Potter books until I bought the first 6 a few weeks after book #7 came out and read them all in 3 days... I then borrowed the 7th from a friend and was done in a day. I've read all of them multiple times, and each time I find more little details I hadn't noticed before, those aha moments. I don't think I'm going to read them again before seeing the last movie as I'd most likely end up being disappointed in the movie as I was in the 6th and 7th part 1.

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I'd never been interested in the Harry Potter books until I bought the first 6 a few weeks after book #7 came out and read them all in 3 days... I then borrowed the 7th from a friend and was done in a day. I've read all of them multiple times, and each time I find more little details I hadn't noticed before, those aha moments. I don't think I'm going to read them again before seeing the last movie as I'd most likely end up being disappointed in the movie as I was in the 6th and 7th part 1.


See, I totally would try to read the books again before the movie... if it wasn't for that damn "Girl with the dragon tattoo" book! I swear, I am going to get through it. You and cnb make me want to step up my summer reading. *Whips hair back and forth*

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See, I totally would try to read the books again before the movie... if it wasn't for that damn "Girl with the dragon tattoo" book! I swear, I am going to get through it. You and cnb make me want to step up my summer reading. *Whips hair back and forth*


haha! I'm reading Inside of A Dog right now... kind of trying to explain the world as dogs see it. It's pretty scientific, but incredibly interesting and nicely written.

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haha! I'm reading Inside of A Dog right now... kind of trying to explain the world as dogs see it. It's pretty scientific, but incredibly interesting and nicely written.


That sounds awesome!! I am going to have to get this at the book store ASAP. I just received a free gift certificate for one of the book stores in town. Coincidence? Maybe :P

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Holy crap you guys read fast 0.0 It takes me at least 2 days to read a 600 pages book. How do you guys do it?


If I really get into the story, I go through a 600 page paperback in around 10-12 hours maybe? I read really fast partly diagonal even though I'm able to catch everything on the page. Comes in really useful for studying too!


That sounds awesome!! I am going to have to get this at the book store ASAP. I just received a free gift certificate for one of the book stores in town. Coincidence? Maybe :P


Never coincidences! ;)

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If I really get into the story, I go through a 600 page paperback in around 10-12 hours maybe? I read really fast partly diagonal even though I'm able to catch everything on the page. Comes in really useful for studying too!



:eek: I wish had those awesome reading skills. Are Harry Potter books that good? I feel that reading the books after watching all of the movies takes the fun away from it.

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^ Mithril, you're pretty talented with art. How much time do you spend on that each day?


And LOLLLLLLL at the new spam. Here it is, in case the mods delete it :


Do you have troubles giving your woman pleasure in bed? Are you unable to give her pleasure? Do you fail when you attempt to give her an orgasm? Are you slowly becoming the worst that she has ever had? Do you want to be better in bed and find out how to make her climax tonight?You are going to easily become the best that she has ever had once you learn this secret. You are going to be able to make her orgasm with ease and you won't have to suffer through any embarrassment or frustration again. This is a simple way to give her an orgasm and you can take comfort in knowing that it does work.


Bigger pennis | Increase penis girth

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:eek: I wish had those awesome reading skills. Are Harry Potter books that good? I feel that reading the books after watching all of the movies takes the fun away from it.


To me, they are much much better than the movies, especially 4-7 as the books are huge compared to the first 3. Movies are entertaining, but in the latest 2 they've changed so many things from the books it's almost a different experience. And I love JK Rowling's writing style too. It really depends on who you talk to I guess... I prefer the Narnia books to the movies, the Dune books to the movies and so on.

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