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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Hi Minion,


I know this post was back in the threads quite a bit- but you are not alone! I did the same thing last Oct (so... 10 months ago :eek: ) and still get a ton of pain. I've found that a combo of chiro, physio, and acupuncture has helped somewhat but not completely. Have already maxed out my coverage from school, and the stuff I still get from my parents. Sucks. Best of luck to us both!


Oh deadlifts.....how many innocent souls destroyed their backs while trying to master your super awesome muscle building art..


Have you tried to strengthening your back? Apparently, doing back bridges and planks can help.

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Haha aww I just looked up 'baby sphinx kittens" in google and you're right! So wrinkly haha but very tiny and cute. Wow, 16 weeks? Persia will be about 11 weeks when she gets here.


Yes, I've only had a puppy before and the teething process seemed to last forever! I didn't realize that kitties go through teething :S

Thanks for the suggestion! Were you kitties pretty active when you first got them?


Yep, kittens go through teething between about 4 months and 6 months. So be prepared for some playful biting at that point. ;)


Sphynx are VERY active cats, so yes, they were very active when we first got them. Our tuxedo boy spend the first night sleeping in the "cat sleeping bag" that the breeder gave us to take with him, so he would have something familiar, and then immediately started sleeping with us the next night. As advised, we kept him confined to one room to start with, and he was all over the room, exploring and investigating every corner, and wanting to play with all his toys. Our seal mink boy was the same way, except he spent the first evening curled up in my husband's armpit! Yep, he was glued to my husband right from the start. ;) But Sphynx are very active, playful cats that need a lot of attention - they are not "typical" cats when it comes to behaviour.


I should upload some baby photos of the "boys" - I don't have any online to link to. But they were SO adorable and cute! And all wrinkled. :) They still have wrinkles, but fewer of them. Unlike humans, they get less wrinkles as they get older. ;)

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I am currently in Napa, California. Driving to Calgary essentially nonstop tomorrow. Should take 21 hours split between me and another guy.


Going to be a pretty intense feat.


Hopefully the guy isn't annoying. If so, then sanity is your biggest concern, not distance. -experience-

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Is 1 AAMC a day too ambitious? My schedule for the next 13 days leading upto my exam:


Full AAMC in morning

1 hr break

Analyze AAMC

Review notes in evening


Reasonable? Its the only way, lol


It is a bit tight, ideal is aaamc (ie monday) tuesday just study wednesday next test, but if you are doing one a day, be very very very very very careful of burnout. At anytime if you feel like you might be burning out, stop, because if you burnout right before your test, you are in trouble!

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I don't recommend one AAMC test a day.

Me too.


Leon, I remember doing one practice test every second or third day, and then spending loads of time reviewing all of my mistakes. That is a really important step. When I started to do that, I saw different patterns associated with the MCAT. Now, I'm just making up an example here to show you what I mean, but I would see similar incorrect answer choices in the physical sciences section repeatedly and whenever I saw those answer choices, I knew they were a red flag and avoiding them helped me do better.


I basically learned to develop strategies, and if you give yourself enough time to look over the test I'm sure you'll start to see these sorts of patterns too.

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Thanks everyone for your responses. I'll be back in TO on Saturday (at a conference atm) so that gives me exactly 12 full days before the exam. Since I have 6 AAMCs to do, I think I'll follow the general advice and start with 2 AAMCs back to back, and then do one every other day with review and analysis in between.


May it go well! And thanks again :)

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Wind Waker wasn't that bad. The final battle was pretty damn awesome.


Anyway, it's been exactly one year to the day I wrote my MCAT and then hopped on a plane directly afterwards and did not sleep for 44 hours. Amazing how much life has changed since then.

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Kitty update:


Persia was vet checked and is super healthy!! So she will indeed be flown cross-provincially in a couple of weeks. I have everything ready for kitty. Now, I just need said kitty.


She is tiny. Only 1 lb! She will need to gain 0.5 lbs before she goes on the plane. I cannot wait to see her... can you tell?


(Persia pic - she is the bottom one)


My apps are coming along nicely, way faster than last year.

Hopefully I can get most, if not all, of it done so that I can enjoy spending time with friends visiting next week.

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Kitty update:


Persia was vet checked and is super healthy!! So she will indeed be flown cross-provincially in a couple of weeks. I have everything ready for kitty. Now, I just need said kitty.


She is tiny. Only 1 lb! She will need to gain 0.5 lbs before she goes on the plane. I cannot wait to see her... can you tell?


(Persia pic - she is the bottom one)


Wow, she is tiny and SO adorable! Glad to hear that everything turned out well at the vet. :) I guess since she is so young and tiny she won't have been spayed before you get her? I think that's one of the reasons Sphynx breeders don't like to let their kittens go before 16 weeks - they like to have them spayed/neutered before they leave.


You must be so excited. :)

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Just great.. While I was swimming it appears some people decided to jump on the roof of my car or something so that it was about 90% dented when I got back :mad: I fixed the biggest dent from the inside, but there are still 3 soccer ball size dents to fix. There's dirt too on the roof (and no trees around) which makes me think it was indeed people standing on it.. how freaking stupid can you get??


Of course it's Friday afternoon so the garages affiliated with my insurance company are closed. And I'm leaving next Thursday for the week. So it's gonna be a heck of a mess trying to get a first appointment to evaluate the damages between my workouts, and then another to fix them. At least it's completely covered :/

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Kitty update:


She is tiny. Only 1 lb! She will need to gain 0.5 lbs before she goes on the plane. I cannot wait to see her... can you tell?


(Persia pic - she is the bottom one)


She is just about the cutest kitten I have ever seen!! And of course this is inevitably going to get me back to kitten-hunting (on adoption sites, not real life hunting!). It'll go something like this:

1) I will go from site to site, finding adorable kittens that need homes

2) I will sigh repeatedly

3) I'll look up (for the umpteenth time) the cost of owning a kitten

4) I will do some calculations and some reflecting, and finally realize I don't have the money, and more importantly for a new kitten, the time to take care of a kitten

5) I will be sad


But congrats on your new kitty, Cerena :D

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She is just about the cutest kitten I have ever seen!! And of course this is inevitably going to get me back to kitten-hunting (on adoption sites, not real life hunting!). It'll go something like this:

1) I will go from site to site, finding adorable kittens that need homes

2) I will sigh repeatedly

3) I'll look up (for the umpteenth time) the cost of owning a kitten

4) I will do some calculations and some reflecting, and finally realize I don't have the money, and more importantly for a new kitten, the time to take care of a kitten

5) I will be sad


But congrats on your new kitty, Cerena :D


Aw, I remember going to Petcetera every third day for like a month before I decided to buy Jasmine. I would go in, say hi to the cats, and I really wanted to have one.


Are you sure it's going to be too expensive? I know the rescue cats, depending on their age, have shots and have been altered. For instance, Jasmine was over 3.5 years old when I got her. She had all of her shots, was spayed, and all I really had to do was pay about $150 upfront for her, a litter box, some toys, and food. After that, it was pretty standard to take care of her. She liked treats every once in a while, new toys. But really, she was very low maintenance.


Of course, if your animals become sick then they can be costly. But, that is highly variable depending on the cat.


There are plenty of older cats that are so lovable and need a home as well. Jasmine was an older girl, but I fell in love with her right away. I decided to go for a kitty this time because I'm just hopeful that I can spend more time with my new kitty if she is younger. But soon afterwards, I went to the SPCA looking for my boyfriend's cat and realized just how many lovable adult cats there are too.


Just something to think about :) I understand that purchasing an animal is a lifelong commitment - it is not fair to you or the animal if the commitment isn't there. That's exactly why I haven't purchased a dog yet. I know I don't have the time to look after it properly. And I might be moving in the future, so it just would not be fair to it.

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Aw, I remember going to Petcetera every third day for like a month before I decided to buy Jasmine. I would go in, say hi to the cats, and I really wanted to have one.


Are you sure it's going to be too expensive? I know the rescue cats, depending on their age, have shots and have been altered. For instance, Jasmine was over 3.5 years old when I got her. She had all of her shots, was spayed, and all I really had to do was pay about $150 upfront for her, a litter box, some toys, and food. After that, it was pretty standard to take care of her. She liked treats every once in a while, new toys. But really, she was very low maintenance.


Of course, if your animals become sick then they can be costly. But, that is highly variable depending on the cat.


There are plenty of older cats that are so lovable and need a home as well. Jasmine was an older girl, but I fell in love with her right away. I decided to go for a kitty this time because I'm just hopeful that I can spend more time with my new kitty if she is younger. But soon afterwards, I went to the SPCA looking for my boyfriend's cat and realized just how many lovable adult cats there are too.


Just something to think about :) I understand that purchasing an animal is a lifelong commitment - it is not fair to you or the animal if the commitment isn't there. That's exactly why I haven't purchased a dog yet. I know I don't have the time to look after it properly. And I might be moving in the future, so it just would not be fair to it.

I absolutely agree about the older cats comment. I mean, I am of course biased to the cuteness that is a kitten, but there are lots of adult cats that need homes but just because they're not as adorable and tiny, they often don't get adopted. It also makes more sense to get an older cat since they won't need as much time. I'm just wary because it will be my first time living truly alone (no more roommates)...I just don't want to risk a creature's well-being by trying to take care of it all by myself :S


And if I'm being really honest, all those websites that talk about worms scare the bejeesus the hell out of me. The very image of worms growing out of a cat's butt....is just...not something I could handle (and this is coming from a person who loves dissections, blood and guts and can't wait for surgical rotations).

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