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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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on the bucket list as is skydiving but doubt skydiving will ever be a reality for me unless I end up with cancer as that's the only way I see myself hitting the 250lb weight limit lol


I am pretty sure I meet the weight limit for ostrich riding. I would happily go on a diet to lose 10lbs so I could.


Skydiving- I would love to do it, but I honestly don't know if I could. I think hanggliding would be a good step up.


UBC app was submitted on time, with about an hour to spare after changing things back and forth obsessively.

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Hey, guess what, guys? Today is a holiday in the Yukon!


It's Discovery Day. Always on the Monday nearest to Aug 16th, to celebrate the discovery of gold and the beginning of the Klondike Gold Rush!


History lesson of the day, taken from this link:



Gold was discovered in northwestern Yukon territory on August 16, 1896. The discovery of placer gold on Rabbit Creek - later known as Bonanza Creek - touched off the great Klondike Gold Rush.


The discovery was made by George Carmack and his aboriginal friends Skookum Jim Mason and Tagish Charlie. While Carmack always maintained that he was the first to find gold, both Jim and Charlie agreed that it was Jim's discovery. The claim was registered the next morning on August 17.


At the height of the great Gold Rush, Dawson City -- named after George Dawson of the Geological Survey of Canada -- was the largest city west of Winnipeg and north of Seattle with a population of 30,000. Once the gold ran out, the adventurers moved on. Today, the Yukon is one of the most remote and under populated regions of the world.

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What is static line jumping, MR?


Heading to Montreal for a quick vacation/break. Then final weeks ahead...


I actually have been so depressed these last few weeks to go back to school...it's my final year and I don't know if I can take much more of my faculty or its students. However, more project courses = more freedom to do what I want, except for stupid paperwork :( and have to finish my application as well...


Sometimes life is just so depressing. I just want to bury myself in 22 hour video game binges.


Anyhow, sorry for the rant, just frying my circuitry lately.


I want my own Persia to cheer me up >.<


Aww, Mac, you can do it. I'm sure there is something about this last year you are looking forward to. A prof whose class you will enjoy? A club/EC that you are passionate about? Good luck with it and hang in there.

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Hey, guess what, guys? Today is a holiday in the Yukon!


It's Discovery Day. Always on the Monday nearest to Aug 16th, to celebrate the discovery of gold and the beginning of the Klondike Gold Rush!


History lesson of the day, taken from this link:



Gold was discovered in northwestern Yukon territory on August 16, 1896. The discovery of placer gold on Rabbit Creek - later known as Bonanza Creek - touched off the great Klondike Gold Rush.


The discovery was made by George Carmack and his aboriginal friends Skookum Jim Mason and Tagish Charlie. While Carmack always maintained that he was the first to find gold, both Jim and Charlie agreed that it was Jim's discovery. The claim was registered the next morning on August 17.


At the height of the great Gold Rush, Dawson City -- named after George Dawson of the Geological Survey of Canada -- was the largest city west of Winnipeg and north of Seattle with a population of 30,000. Once the gold ran out, the adventurers moved on. Today, the Yukon is one of the most remote and under populated regions of the world.




I LOVE your Location btw. From the poem I presume?:D


Just don't end up like Sam McGee.... Take a tropical vacation first;)

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I LOVE your Location btw. From the poem I presume?:D


Just don't end up like Sam McGee.... Take a tropical vacation first;)


Oh no, I am just a diehard Twilight fan.




Hmmm... I don't think he coined the phrase, but I MUST memorize that poem.


Also, if I get an interview to MUN, I will sing "Northwest Passage".

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Yay, I have my transit plan for Toronto all figured out. I figure I'll start at the Burlington GO station park-n-ride, and if there are no parking spots, keep moving closer to the city. :P If I run out of places to go, in my attempts to look for parking at a GO transit station, I'm not yet sure what I'll do. But I'll figure something out. ;) I'm hoping that because it is still summer, there will be people on holidays, so the park-n-rides won't be jam packed.


BTW, if anyone is interested in fitness and is in or near Toronto, there is a consumer portion of the fitness conference in Toronto this weekend: http://www.canfitpro.com/en/consumershow (and no, I don't work for them ;) but it is the organization I am group fitness certified with.) Silken Laumann will be there, which I think is cool. I'm not impressed with the keynote speaker this year, but oh well, can't have everything. :P

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am and I'm still awake. I was reading "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" and while it is very interesting and intriguing, I'm finding myself skipping around the book because it seems like the person that wrote it is very long winded. I do like it in it's own way, but maybe it's not a book I should start reading at 1:30am. Even though it's 5am, I feel oddly refreshed; like I had the best sleep of my life. Maybe I won't go to bed at all, and just reset my biological clock starting tomorrow- after all, I need to be able to be awake for my 8am classes :eek: I think I have a bottle of melatonin somewhere (not to take all at once of course! I just mean so I can help the resettingness of my sleep schedule to "school-type" hours)......


I guess if I start now, I can start/finish cleaning my apartment early and have the rest of the day to do whatever:)


I really never thought that moving out would feel this good! I'm not sure if I like Toronto because of Toronto, or because of the happiness from the freedom I feel:o





Deeman.... Of course us old regulars (that are still kicking around... Either still active posters or now creepy pm101 stalkers that no longer post) remember you! Who could forget that kickass car?;)


EDIT: Omfg... I was sitting out on my balcony (cuz it's so nice outside) and I heard odd squaking noises. And then high pitched/high frequency sounds in quick succession..... And decided that I could enjoy the early morning hours from the comfort of inside my apartment. The sounds were from a (or several?) and considering bats are mice with wings (please don't trifle with me on petty details. They are essentially, for all intents and purposes, mice with wings) I do not wish to encounter them. I thought I escaped such wildlife coming to the concrete jungle of Toronto......

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I swear it/they are tormenting me... They/it know how terrified I am of them and yet they decide to hang around right near my balcony. Everytime I hear a squawk I have a mini heart/panic attack.


Of all the times I wish my bf was here so I could cuddle up beside him... This is definitely big on the list :o. I know they're just bats, but I'm terrified of them :o

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am and I'm still awake. I was reading "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" and while it is very interesting and intriguing, I'm finding myself skipping around the book because it seems like the person that wrote it is very long winded. I do like it in it's own way, but maybe it's not a book I should start reading at 1:30am.


I read *very* quickly through of parts in that book, but it does get very interesting later on. The 2nd and 3rd books of the trilogy are very different, with a lot lot lot less long winded character/history descriptions ;)

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You thought moving to Toronto would let you escape mice, rats amd roaches?


Lmao, are you in for a rude awakening

am and I'm still awake. I was reading "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" and while it is very interesting and intriguing, I'm finding myself skipping around the book because it seems like the person that wrote it is very long winded. I do like it in it's own way, but maybe it's not a book I should start reading at 1:30am. Even though it's 5am, I feel oddly refreshed; like I had the best sleep of my life. Maybe I won't go to bed at all, and just reset my biological clock starting tomorrow- after all, I need to be able to be awake for my 8am classes :eek: I think I have a bottle of melatonin somewhere (not to take all at once of course! I just mean so I can help the resettingness of my sleep schedule to "school-type" hours)......


I guess if I start now, I can start/finish cleaning my apartment early and have the rest of the day to do whatever:)


I really never thought that moving out would feel this good! I'm not sure if I like Toronto because of Toronto, or because of the happiness from the freedom I feel:o





Deeman.... Of course us old regulars (that are still kicking around... Either still active posters or now creepy pm101 stalkers that no longer post) remember you! Who could forget that kickass car?;)


EDIT: Omfg... I was sitting out on my balcony (cuz it's so nice outside) and I heard odd squaking noises. And then high pitched/high frequency sounds in quick succession..... And decided that I could enjoy the early morning hours from the comfort of inside my apartment. The sounds were from a (or several?) and considering bats are mice with wings (please don't trifle with me on petty details. They are essentially, for all intents and purposes, mice with wings) I do not wish to encounter them. I thought I escaped such wildlife coming to the concrete jungle of Toronto......

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You thought moving to Toronto would let you escape mice, rats amd roaches?


Lmao, are you in for a rude awakening


If I wanted to be far from rats, I would have stayed in AB- only rat-free province:D


I just thought I wouldn't have to deal with bats... Mice I'll have to deal with- they're everywhere (just as long as they don't reside in the same space I do. They should be outside... Not inside). Cockroaches.... Eeeeeew..... The only time I've ever seen them is in university labs and I hope I never see them again! Eeeeeeeeewwwww......


I'm your typical girly-girl in that regard. I'd be happy if I never see a rodent (including guinea pigs, hamsters, etc), spider, or bug (excluding bees, dragonflies, butterflies, etc) again :o

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Morning :P


Wish I could sleep later than 5-6 am when I don't have to get up for swimming!! I've been waking up at that time for months now :/


My cats wake me up sometime between 5 and 6 every morning for breakfast. Fortunately, they let me go back to sleep afterwards - most of the time!


My husband still gets up around 5 or 5:30 for work, like both of us used to in the army. Fortunately, I don't have to stay up when I'm woken at that hour anymore. :)

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Hai ppl. It seems like theres a lot of new users here. I'm guessing most don't remember me. :rolleyes:


Pshaw, I pay my psychiatrist money to scour my brain of you. :rolleyes:
Renin's response made me laugh way more that it should have. I need to sleep and actually get some rest (especially before term starts).
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