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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Back home in BC!!!!!

Ahh I feel so much better that I saw my sis. Still lots of things coming up for her bf. A biopsy on Sept. 12th, neurosurgery will follow, but just being there and answering questions for her. It feels so good to help, even the tiniest bit. The first day we were there they barely ate a spoonful. And today and last night they seemed back to normal with their eating and drinking.


Even though it was bittersweet, I feel so happy I went, you guys. I have the best bf ever for going with me as well :)


You are just what the doctor ordered for them. And your b/f is what the doctor ordered for you. :P Back to your own daily struggles - this experience certainly helped to put your own life and struggles into sharp perspective! Life into so bad. :)

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Whew. Is he your classmate?

Yeah. But in a class of 192 people there's a relatively small chance I'll bump into him for PBL. Even if I do it's not like he's gonna throw his feces at me, hopefully. The guy is a megalomaniac and very paternalistic.


But there will undoubtedly be some awkwardness if we have mutual friends.

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Yeah. But in a class of 192 people there's a relatively small chance I'll bump into him for PBL. Even if I do it's not like he's gonna throw his feces at me, hopefully. The guy is a megalomaniac and very paternalistic.


But there will undoubtedly be some awkwardness if we have mutual friends.


People like that usually don't have a lot of friends. It'll be ok Mith...I'm sure after O-week the smart ones have learned to stay away. Or maybe tools flock together; I'm never sure :P


On the ex topic, I don't stay friends with my exs. It's way too awkward.

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On the ex topic, I don't stay friends with my exs. It's way too awkward.


Out of everyone I know, I'm the only one that's comfortable keeping in touch with my ex. Sometimes I wonder whether that just means there was nothing really there to begin with, lol.

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Back to school today. And by back to school i mean back after 12 years.


Cant wait :D


First and only class is 4-7 today lol


Let us know how it goes :)


EDIT - just read your post! I didn't know when school starts either, haha. But then again, I'm not in classes :S I would have expected them to start today.

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I can't believe I'm having to wear layers already


LOL! You're crazy! It's a beautiful day outside! (Temperature-wise). Maybe even a little on the warm side!


As I was walking to the subway this morning a lady asked me if I was crazy, or cold (I just have a thin t-shirt on)... I answered her that it was actually quite warm. She just looked at me like I was nuts. Lol. I've also had a few random people ask me today if I was cold. Haha!


If this is cool to you Torontonians, I can't wait for winter!:D

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If this is cool to you Torontonians, I can't wait for winter!:D


hahaha! Yea everyone here is wearing at least a tshirt + jacket or a jumper. I went for the latter. Today's chilly!


I have a feeling I'll be seeing you at the beach in December :D

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LOL! You're crazy! It's a beautiful day outside! (Temperature-wise). Maybe even a little on the warm side!


As I was walking to the subway this morning a lady asked me if I was crazy, or cold (I just have a thin t-shirt on)... I answered her that it was actually quite warm. She just looked at me like I was nuts. Lol. I've also had a few random people ask me today if I was cold. Haha!


If this is cool to you Torontonians, I can't wait for winter!:D


You live in Toronto area now, right? It was 7 degrees this morning. THIS is warm to you? lol

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LOL! You're crazy! It's a beautiful day outside! (Temperature-wise). Maybe even a little on the warm side!


As I was walking to the subway this morning a lady asked me if I was crazy, or cold (I just have a thin t-shirt on)... I answered her that it was actually quite warm. She just looked at me like I was nuts. Lol. I've also had a few random people ask me today if I was cold. Haha!


If this is cool to you Torontonians, I can't wait for winter!:D


lol :D That's funny. Wait till you adapt, and then you'll be one of us. Also, there's a difference in the cold here than the cold farther north of T.O. as I've realised. We have more humid winters here which means the cold enters your body and shakes up your bones. North of the golden horseshoe (southern ON) i.e. the latitude at which pretty much the rest of cda is situated, winters are a bit drier, which means we can tolerate -50 as long as we layer well. Here -20 is akin to our -40 with windchill, give or take.

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such an awesome day!


left the lab @4:30 for an impromptu sunny afternoon date of pizza and ice cream with my girlfriend. Now the sun is still shining. Gonna longboard to second cup and work on a lecture I'm giving on thursday. It was really hard for me to defer my medical acceptance for 3 years, but days like today make it seem worthwhile to be a grad student. Yippie

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