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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Duh I feel stupid.. I actually read that post of yours when you first posted it! I knew I'd seen the blue vs black thing too but kept thinking it was on Cerena's blog for some reason. Think I'll go have a look and see if I can find them around here :)


I think there was a discussion here before, too. Not on my blog, though I did write a blof post once about a notepad you can use in the shower on my blog!

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Midterm done. Got 94%. Means I won't fail out of med school just yet! :cool:


No more studying for the rest of the week!


Nice, congrats!


I think there was a discussion here before, too. Not on my blog, though I did write a blof post once about a notepad you can use in the shower on my blog!


I remember that.. need it for my shower :D Or a giant white board on my living room wall. I think I might just ask for Christmas! hehe

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had a great 4 hour study group for physiology today. Small group of varying knowledge but I ended up teaching most of it.


Either that's a good thing and I am on my way to truly understanding the material or... they is all !@$#!@ :D


Don't be too evil, now :)

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They haven't converted you over to the dark side yet in TO? Good.




For one thing I have too much sense to be a Leafs fan ;)


For another... can you take any team seriously with Phagoof on it?:D



And Clever.... All I have to say to you is: :P.



On a different note, who the heck was the idiot sitting behind the Oilers bench wearing a Flames jersey?! You're at a Minny/Edm game! Leave it to a Flames fan to not know who's playing:rolleyes:

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But it went to a shootout. It's a good sign! At least they didn't lose by 6 goals. *sigh*


Ouch. It's only a few games in though.... maybe they'll turn around?




Not impressed that Hemskey is injured (again). He needs to heal!


Random question for people in TO.... Does (do?) one of the newspapers in the city publish a decent sports section with hockey news from across Canada? I remember the Edmonton Journal had a couple pages devoted to "other teams", but I haven't noticed that in the papers here (but that could be because I was looking during preseason). I like having my newspaper/sports section, and I miss that here (yes I realize I could get an online subscription, but I prefer an actual paper).

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Dear Printer,

Please stop eating my paper. I'm a student, I'm not made of money. I also need to print out notes/assignments without wasting time reprinting pages after pages because you decide to om nom halfway through printing. Plus it makes me feel bad wasting so much paper. If you're hungry, just let me know what to feed you and I'll do my best. I'm not overly familiar with the dietary requirements of a printer, so please help me help you.




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Dear Printer,

Please stop eating my paper. I'm a student, I'm not made of money. I also need to print out notes/assignments without wasting time reprinting pages after pages because you decide to om nom halfway through printing. Plus it makes me feel bad wasting so much paper. If you're hungry, just let me know what to feed you and I'll do my best. I'm not overly familiar with the dietary requirements of a printer, so please help me help you.






you're hilarious. Try hitting it



I'm going to sleep now and try not to absymally fail tomorrow's exam. It's all in the hands of the collective unconsciousness now.

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Random question for people in TO.... Does (do?) one of the newspapers in the city publish a decent sports section with hockey news from across Canada? I remember the Edmonton Journal had a couple pages devoted to "other teams", but I haven't noticed that in the papers here (but that could be because I was looking during preseason). I like having my newspaper/sports section, and I miss that here (yes I realize I could get an online subscription, but I prefer an actual paper).


rofl. Silly out of towner, you'll learn TO cares little about anything other than TO lol

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you're hilarious. Try hitting it



I'm going to sleep now and try not to absymally fail tomorrow's exam. It's all in the hands of the collective unconsciousness now.


Lol- I've tried hitting it. Then realizing it was probably rebelling because of physical abuse, I tried coaxing it. Then I tried yelling at it and calling it several unmentionable names. The only next step I can see is throwing it out my window and seeing what'll happen. Considering I'm on the 9th floor, I will probably get a great demonstration in physics:D


Seriously though, it's really frustrating- It's like a month and a half old. It shouldn't be eating my paper!


Good luck on your exam! And you're not going to fail. You're too genius for that!


rofl. Silly out of towner, you'll learn TO cares little about anything other than TO lol


LOL! I wasn't sure if my perception of TO was correct or not. The only "news" from Edmonton I've seen in the papers here is that we (they?) broke the homicide record for the city a few days.


Related to that: according to my Mom, the headline on CBC news channel (as one of the scrolling news stories at the bottom) was:

"Police cordon off cemetery where two bodies found"..............

Oh news people. Think of the headlines before you print them:rolleyes:.......

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