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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Can anyone recommend ECs? It's not that I'm looking for something that will make me look great (though that'd be nice) but I'm literally drawing blanks at what I could do. and I don't seem to have any other interests other than things relating to the health field, but I know I need a variety and I am not creative enough for this.

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Grey's is back on!! Loved last night's episode :D


Looking forward to my courses this term, many of them sound pretty interesting to me! Biggest stupidity is having to take biostats when I spent 8 years studying in comp science and math already, but not within the last 3 years... at least that should be pretty easy :/ Also our psych course is pretty much the same as the lifespan course I took 10 years ago at McGill in PT but yeah, too old again. Besides these 2 I'm strangely excited haha.

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Merci! Je ne peux pas cacher mon stresse. Je me dit que quelqu'un qui a mal fait son cegep pourra pas avoir des A a l'universite, j'espere avoir tort.


Ce n'est pas vrai dans tout les cas ... bon courage !

Bienvenue a l'Université de Montréal ... tu seras entre les étudiants en pharmacie et les étudiants en médecine ;)

Tu viendras prendre un snack au café de médecine Intermed au X-027 !

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Had a pretty miserable night last night.. with my cold took me a good 2 hours just to finally fall asleep and then I kept waking up every hour or so. I wanted to go do some cardio work today but I figured maybe it's not such a good idea with how I'm feeling... at least got the cleaning done, and now need to go buy some food and meds :/ I hate being sick!

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