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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Just saw the grade scale for one of my kines classes

80 for B

84 for B+

88 for A-

92 for A

97 for A+

It's a critical thinking course, which is a weakness of mine.

Any suggestions of how I can handle this? I rather not drop


whoa!.. I guess I would never get an A+.. lol. That is ridiculous.. how can that be are the grade scales set by the professors or is that standard?





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My undergrad student just figured out a maze of a code in MATLAB to help us in analyzing data!!!! :D YAY! I'm so glad I have the team of people that I have... so so so so thankful.


Ew, I hate MATLAB with a passion.. but once you get it up an running it is a godsend for analyzing data! Good thing I inherited a coded program for my work.. I couldn't imagine having to do it myself.


I had a fun time with Labview though.. but it is not the even the same thing a MATLAB..

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Ew' date=' I hate MATLAB with a passion.. but once you get it up an running it is a godsend for analyzing data! Good thing I inherited a coded program for my work.. I couldn't imagine having to do it myself.


I had a fun time with Labview though.. but it is not the even the same thing a MATLAB..[/quote']


Yeah... that was yesterday. This is today: matlab is ****ing with my mind right now!!!!!!! :mad:


And we don't inherit codes at my uni. We write codes... We write stupid, complex nested functions.... UGH!!!! :mad:

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Clever, clever :)


I don't get it lol (Clever's post).


And I realized I'm having a really hard time figuring out which posters are girls or not haha! There's the internetz for you I guess.


If all goes well, in 48 hours I should finally have some answers about what's going on with my shoulder. I just want the surgery to be over with so that I can rehab and get back to my life with school and everything.

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I don't get it lol (Clever's post).


And I realized I'm having a really hard time figuring out which posters are girls or not haha! There's the internetz for you I guess.


If all goes well, in 48 hours I should finally have some answers about what's going on with my shoulder. I just want the surgery to be over with so that I can rehab and get back to my life with school and everything.


I said I miss tok. He said her evil sister, tik, is on the forum


Tik, tok, (like a clock) :P get it?

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