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I'm new, so please give me some advice?

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I am graduating from high school this year with acceptances from UoFT Life Science (St. George), UBC Sciences program, Queens Honours Science, McMaster Life Science, and Western.


Primarily, I am picking between UBC Sciences, UofT and Western. I want to move out to Vancouver, but my parents say it is too expensive and caution me against it, though I do have relatives in Vancouver.


Which of these universities should I go to if I live in Toronto? I am having a heck of a tough time deciding.


Also, how hard is it to get into John Hopkins Medical School in the US compared to Western UBC and UofT med school? I am thinking about transferring over there once I get my B.Sc. degree.

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personally, I wouldn't mind comfort of home and lower costs, + UBC is well known, so i'd probably just do UBC Sci, + west coast is nice


You might want to experience first year uni, before you start to aim for top-tier schools (I am not sure how you stand academically in HS... but HS often is quite slack compared to uni)

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If its between Western and UofT just go to what ever school is offering you the most money. Presumably you are at least a candidate for some of those school's national scholarship programs if you have your sites on JH. You will want to be debt free before you take out the quarter-million dollar loan for JH.


No body really cares where you do your undergrad and there are not any significant differences between the two you are considering. You will probably save more money going to UWO since the cost of living and tuition is a bit lower than at UofT.

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Just do your undergrad wherever you feel like it. Personally I'd pick a place close to home because money can get tight if your parents stop paying for your expenses (as my parents did when I was like, 16). Its hard to find an apartment in Toronto for less than $800/month, and thats just the start. Plus UofT will burn you out; It will suck your soul from your body and shatter it into a million pieces. Believe me, I know.


And why JHMI? Do you have good reason or you just want to go there and spend 4x as much just for the reputation? And that $.25million is before you start tabulating the interest charges from such a large loan. You should give this some thought.

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The OP is either


a) a troll

B) incompetent since they can't figure out what the process is formeds

c) is not that serious since they lack the drive to actually figure out the answer or what is seriously wrong with the question.


I will go with B) or c), since I am guessing the 91 is the year of birth: 1991.

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