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Hey guys, I've been lurking around this awesome forum for a while now but this is my first post :) I need some advice about whether or not to take my MCAT rewrite, which is in 2 weeks (May 22). MCAT attempt #1: 10/7(stupid verbal)/11/P (PS/V/B/WS), so I NEED to rewrite. I started preparing not too long ago and have been practicing verbal lots but don't still don't feel ready. Do you guys think it's better if I write my exam (on May 22) and see how it goes and re-rewrite again in August if needed, or should I just reschedule to Aug so I get more time to prepare? Also, I'm planning on applying to the states before June. Does anyone know if they'll only look at my May MCAT or will they look at my Aug '09 one as well (if I do write again in Aug)? Thanks!

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Well, are you ready for other sections besides VR? Given that you said you only started prepping 2 weeks ago and it seems that you've mostly focused on VR, it sounds like you could screw yourself over by bombing the science sections. How are your practice scores on EVERY section so far?

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Well I have yet to write a writing sample in a long time, but for bio and physics I'm confident I can pull off at least a 10. Should I choose to write it this month I'm going to write a mock everyday starting tomorrow.

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Hey guys, I've been lurking around this awesome forum for a while now but this is my first post :) I need some advice about whether or not to take my MCAT rewrite, which is in 2 weeks (May 22). MCAT attempt #1: 10/7(stupid verbal)/11/P (PS/V/B/WS), so I NEED to rewrite. I started preparing not too long ago and have been practicing verbal lots but don't still don't feel ready. Do you guys think it's better if I write my exam (on May 22) and see how it goes and re-rewrite again in August if needed, or should I just reschedule to Aug so I get more time to prepare? Also, I'm planning on applying to the states before June. Does anyone know if they'll only look at my May MCAT or will they look at my Aug '09 one as well (if I do write again in Aug)? Thanks!


Do you know how those specific US schools handle multiple Mcats? Some I believe don't like you to do more than 3, and you mapping out those here :)


If they don't care, then you don't really have that much downside (other than 250ish dollars) to doing the test. You could do well (great and it helps your states apps!), you could do less well(more practice) so you can do better in Aug. Your current mcat score isn't high enough for the US anyway.

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Well I have yet to write a writing sample in a long time, but for bio and physics I'm confident I can pull off at least a 10. Should I choose to write it this month I'm going to write a mock everyday starting tomorrow.


As Jochi1543 points out you are going to want to do a few to see where you are at :)

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Thanks for the replies, I definitely know that my current score isn't good enough for the states. I guess I need a better sense of where I'm at right now. Perhaps I'll know after 3-4mocks. Do you guys know which specific AAMC practice tests will give me a better sense of where I stand? (since some are easier/harder) Do you think it would be more beneficial to take a risk and write it now and see if I get a good score and rewrite if I have to?

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Yeah if you're not interested in the states,


just write the damn thing now, a big part of the mcat is the exam you get, you could get a good one, with a compassionate bell curve in which case you'll be fine, also you will have the opportunity to re-write and won't be hedging all your bets on one date.

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Hmm... I am interested in the States, since I don't think I have a good chance for Canada. I think I'm just goign to write it... Hopefully they don't look down upon writing 3 times in the states too badly.


three times I hear is sort of the upper bound - however you should really just check with the schools themselves


Still you best bet is just do well, and problem solved :)


best of luck!

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Also, what's ur GPA...if you have a strong GPA, then you should definitely just re-write it early.


well according to Western GPA (90+ - 4.0, 85-89 - 3.9, 80-84 - 3.7, 77-79 - 3.3, etc.)

First yr: 3.77

2nd: 3.85

3rd: 3.85


So... not amazing

The deadline for date switch has passed now lol so... I'm definitely writing on the 22nd now. :D

But why would it be better to write earlier if I have a high GPA?

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three times I hear is sort of the upper bound - however you should really just check with the schools themselves


Still you best bet is just do well, and problem solved :)


best of luck!


Thanks! Time for some all out studying... hehe

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well according to Western GPA (90+ - 4.0, 85-89 - 3.9, 80-84 - 3.7, 77-79 - 3.3, etc.)

First yr: 3.77

2nd: 3.85

3rd: 3.85


So... not amazing

The deadline for date switch has passed now lol so... I'm definitely writing on the 22nd now. :D

But why would it be better to write earlier if I have a high GPA?


For one things because you would be applying in Sept to Canadian schools for sure then. If you do well enough on the Mcat you should be applying to Queens and Western this coming fall. You would get to the interview stage pretty much automatically at those schools IF you reach the cut offs, so having a second shot at it if you don't get then the first time is a good idea.

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