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TPR reading vs questions


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Curious, do people actually read all the Princeton Review material? Or do they focus more on doing the actual questions and passages for practice???


I've done both because I needed it (8 yrs since i did 1st year sciences). As for the questions and passages, those are obviously key as you've probably read on this site by now. Practicing will let you know how well you know the material. As for the reading, that you've gotto figure out for yourself and see how comfortable you are with the material. Although the books are big, there are many questions interspersed within the chapters so the actual content is a bit less than you'd expect. I personally really like the hyperlearning materials and think it helps prepare you well.



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I think it is definitely beneficial to read the science reviews if you are unfamiliar with the content.


Also, TPR does a decent job of providing tips and hints on "shortcuts" and traps, etc. to watch out for on the MCAT. Most of these will be covered in class by your instructor - so if you choose not to read the books, at least go to class. :)

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I don't have the books that come with the course but I have the "Cracking the MCAT CBT" book. The book has great explanations after the multiple choice questions scattered throughout the pages. I dont know if anyone can relate to this but I was the type of person who would see that i got the answer right and not read the explanation. DON'T DO THIS WITH THIS BOOK! hahaha! they include lots of extra material in the explanations not covered in the bulk of the chapters as well as the reaosning for the correct answer and why the other answers are wrong.


Totally off topic from the post but I saw TPR and got excited :D

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I tend to skim over the material/chapters, especially when I feel that I have a strong background in a specific topic. Then I do the questions. When I'm reviewing the answers to the questions, I make sure I actually got the right ones right (I didn't guess!) and for the wrong ones, I go back to the chapters and read the info more in depth.

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