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Supervisor and med school

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It's good to be honest about it right at the beginning. You don't have to be all "I'm going to med school as soon as this is done!!" sort of thing, but make it clear you have intentions of considering medical school as an option down the road, etc (even if you are hell bent on this path).


If you don't tell them, many supervisors will be pretty pissed that you took part in some sort of deception. The vast majority of supervisors will support your decision, there are a few who might not accept you once they know you want to be a doctor--but probably best if you are not in that situation anyway.


And think about it, if you don't tell them..they feel lied to..and then when you need a reference letter from them, chances are it won't be the best as it would have been had you just been honest.


Good luck!

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Do not lie to your supervisor. One of the primary benefits of doing research is the relationship you development with an authority in the academic field (which are relatively rare in programs with large classes and didactic approaches to education). If you taint this relationship, you are stuck with a questionable reference that can come back to haunt you.


If you make your intentions known from the beginning, you also avoid the awkwardness when it comes to notifying your supervisor that you are leaving to go to medicine. If they arent willing to take you on as a student - oh well - there are plenty of supervisors available, including many of which are wholeheartedly supportive of your academic and career endeavours.

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Is it a good idea to tell your supervisor that you're planning to go to med school or should you keep it quiet until he accepts you into his/her lab?


it's good to have an understanding of his perspectives. since supervisors could frown upon students who are eager to go into dent/med. also, definitely do not lie if you were ever asked, this is to your benifit. But again, it is possible that this subject is never brought up.

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