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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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There is always something that follows. :)


It never ever can really end.

We always have mountains to climb,

no matter how successful we are.

If we don't succeed at first,

like the motto, try, try again!


Failure is when you stop trying.

Success is in the small victories.

We are all in this together:o





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Failure is when you stop trying.

Success is in the small victories.

We are all in this together:o


cheers' date='




Also, failure = when you never try.

Success multiplies itself and adds up.

We're not an island unto ourselves.


Asbestos makes Canada merchants of death. :eek:


Bought my red stethoscope online yesterday !

Littman cardio III It will be !


Congrat - you are on your way! :)


Cerena and kylamonkey have done it!


Is deeman getting any more tickets?


Wishing all UBC applicants great success! :)

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