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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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McGill recently had this contest to say something important about life in only 6 words. Here are some examples of potential winners in their contest:


Exploration: Relentlessly seeking knowledge with passion


Seeing the world before it's gone


Sorry and thank you repeat often


Tried to hate. Love won out.


Passion is contagious: spread your virus




I'll write two:


1. You are damned if you do.

2. You are damned if you don't.

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Well, certain people don't belong here.

This is the real sad truth.


Tesla is a philosopher she thinks ;)

We each have our own philosophy. :P


I bet Cerena is in FC! ;)


Whatever you do, do with excellence. :P


Cegepiens: More helpers for McGill Applications! :P


More than on my signature below. :)


I am looking for more volunteers.

Any offers - just send a PM! :)

Applicants will very much be appreciative. :P


A good way to pay forward. :)


Why not? You will feel better! :P


Cegepiens are continuing to approach me. :)

As deadline approaches, demand will increase.

This will require many more helpers.


McGill OOP interview acceptances comin' soon. :)

Good luck to all OOP applicants!


We are a knowledge based society.


Spies want to learn our secrets. :mad:


Interest rate decision being made today.

Benchmark rate currently is at 1%.

I am watching the CBC News. :)


Cruise ship: continue looking for bodies.


Babies learn to lip-read before talking!

They watch us and also listen. :P


The Syrian dictator has to go.


Society and progress are moving forward.


Vultures trying to grab applicants' money.

Don't be tempted, expertise is here. :P


Crisis in Syria - nobody does anything. :confused:


Difficult to believe Assad is physician. :eek:

Absolute power corrupts all dictators absolutely.


Iran: world's disaster waiting to happen.

It will get worse before better.


I'm ready for all life's challenges.


Democracy: Responsibility of each of us.


Tesla is a very good girl. :P

She studies hard - no social life.

However, this makes med school closer. ;)

I am really rooting for you. :D


Keystone pipeline decision bad for USA,

sending us to diversity totward China,

which isn't in US strategic interests.


UK soldiers have abused Afghan children.

What is this world coming to? :confused:


That cruise ship captain is irresponsible.

He needlessly caused chaos and deaths.


Arab League Monitors wrapping up now.


B.C. R.C.M.P. helicopter crash = unknown reasons.


MP pension plan is a rip-off.


Ship in danger of sinking further.

Hope faded for finding more survivors.

Search is on to retreive bodies.

A waiter is amongst those missing.


Captain left the ship saving himself.


Salavage operation is ready to begin,

pending permission and good weather conditions.


Body of violinist first t/b found

He had helped save childrens' lives.

He went back to retreive violin.


Captain who fled ship = house arrest.

Prosecution consider him a flight risk

as he had abandoned the ship.


Light pollution at night greatly increased,

which reduces visibility of the stars.


EU is planning sanctions against Syria.


Captain may face years in prison.


Trying to save himself was counterproductive

and against his very best interests.

Of course, he is still alive

whereas others instead are already dead.


Taking the responsibility makes you accountable.


I'll be watching Dragon's Den tonight. :)


Niagra Tunnel will produce electricity soon.


President Assad has issued general amnesty.

Opposition groups say amnesty is not credible.

Apparently prisoners are being released now.


Russians caught UK spies on camera.


Most abortions take place in Africa.

Nearly half of abortions are unsafe.


Do you prefer Obama or Romney?


End of an era: Kodak bankruptcy.


Pursuit of excellence is hard work.

It needs to be a priority.

Success will never happen by accident.


Monitoring mission in Syria ends today.


Kodak selling patents to raise cash.


Pakistani PM appeared before Supreme Court.

Remaining defiant, he bought more time.


Wikipedia will go back online today.


If you continue persevering, you'll succeed. :)


Self-sacrifice also required for success.

Impossible for easy time and success.


Mutinous Bangladeshi army officers' coup foiled.


Greece may default on international payments.

Default could force Greece leaving Euro.

Future of debt-ridden country in balance.

No deal reached with banks yet.


Newscorp settled many high profile lawsuits.


Coast Guard was reassured "no emergency".

This was after ship hit rock!

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Captain dining with woman after disaster

while lives were at risk – incredible. :confused:


Ship cook tells this story while

attractive woman, dinner-date is supporting him.


Survivors are furious that Captain was

having dinner while lives at risk!


Sudden disaster bring out the worst

and the best un human nature.


This saga is to be continued ................

There will be litigation for years.


Worried about my residence next year.

Lots of plans just fell through;

cannot seem to find a group.

May have to apply completely alone.

I will try to remain optimistic.


If you can tame a squirrel, ;)

then you already have the ingenuity. :P


Seriously, take it step by step.

Try finding one person for starters,

with whom you will get along.

Be flexible and explore all options.

This is precisely what I did.

It worked out in the end.

Indeed, there is reason for optimism.

The glass is not half full,

it is overflowing, you will see.


Sarah Burke, you will be remembered.


Gingrich wanted a wife and mistress,

according to his ex-wife. He denies.

Character continues to remain an issue.

So, he claims his ex-wife lied.

Only she would know the truth.

Calling her liar clarifies his character.


Protect yourself first? Or others' lives?

I am thinking of the Captain.

And of those who saved others.


Informally requesting higher grade - an art.

Reason, persuasion hopefully do the trick! :P


Lots goin' on today, as usual.


Legendary blues singer Etta James dies.


Intolerant, judgmental people don't belong here.

They certainly don't belong in medicine.

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Doesn't everybody change over time - sometimes? :confused:


Apparently, the Captain misled the owners.

Owners hanging him out to dry.



Captain dining with woman after disaster

while lives were at risk – incredible.


Ship cook tells this story while

attractive woman, dinner-date is supporting him.


Survivors are furious that Captain was

having dinner while lives at risk!


Sudden disaster bring out the worst

and the best un human nature.


This saga is to be continued ................

There will be litigation for years.


May all members enjoy their weekend.


Self-fulfillment, achievement = love what you do! :)


There's no substitute for hard work.


We must find our own way.

Listen to yourself, not to others.


So many die from preventable disease.


Laughter makes life so much easier.


as do good deeds to others


Make a choice - responsible for consequences.


Most people are sleeping right now.


So, so many PMs to delete

as I'm running out of space


Gingrich, Romney to battle in Florida.


Tesla is visiting forum more often.

She is not posting for now.

Hope all going well with academics.


Wrecked ship may have unregistered passengers,

meaning, there could be more bodies

than the number t/b expected otherwise.


Extinct monkey still lives in Borneo!




Just woke. Time to start studying.


Sarah Burke, you will be remembered.


Donations covered Sarah Burke's medical bills.


20% of Iran's oil > European Union.

Looks like EU to impose ban.

This = tremendous pressure for nuclear talks,

as Iran's life blood is threatened.

Loss of income = just not sustainable.

Sanction pressures hopefully does the trick!


Russia, China will never join in.


Assad - no signs of ending violence.


Poochies have telepathic connection with masters.

This is according to Cambridge scientist.


Enjoying the silence. Time to study. :)


Deported Mugesera now bound for Rwanda.


You get from giving to others.

We must give back to society.

Giving is much better than taking. :)

Charitable giving: eventually share your fortune.

For now give of your time.


skarletstarlet suggests for studying try http://www.studyblue.com/

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