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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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clinical biochem needs to be expanded

primary care people gotta know nutrition

and not just superficially, depth, please


preventative health doc for every gp

it's in the states, a boutique


the critique, low patient load, please

less disease, less patients to see


but no pay, with no pathology

unless we create a monetary policy

rewarding preventative docs for preventing disease

not on a societal level, individually


don't think it's the best policy

go talk to dr. louis francescutti

he wants to cut sick funding

siphoning leftovers into preventative health funding

what an epiphany, oxymoronically, because seriously

behind epigenetics, drug delivery, and nanotechnology

this is the most obvious epiphony

but sick-sustanance profiteering's at gluttony

we're not curing anyone anymore, please

we're slowing onset of progressive disease

which makes lots of sense, financially

at least in terms of remuneration

but to society, disease is drain


why prevent chronic illness, just treat

but with mental expertise in medical biochemistry

docs could make money modulating allosterically

or preventing oxidative stress, glutaminergic toxicity

this nutritional stuff, is potent pharmacologically

check the binding selectivity, inverse agonist

full or partial, or co-factor maybe

are there any deficiencies, no adhd

what about omega 3's, b12's a must

but to ignore magnesium, zinc, travesty!


anyone heard of biofeedback, quantitative eeg

it's cool stuff, works like ritalin

without the side effects, the corollary

this technology, is locked into obscurity

or priced beyond most peoples means

whatever, **** it, i'm preventing disease

i'm livin to 1-36, hanging tree

the reference, obviously a QOTSA devotee


and that's it for political rhyme

again, nothing but the best, sublime

i should use these as lyrics

literal meaningful lit, and badass riffs

with a psychedelic, stoner rock twist


lol… me write suck, just ftr

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Heavy, meaningful – lots to think about.

Sure preventative med, good for patients,

Not necessarily for docs – time intensive.


More money in treating chronically ill

than preventing disease, so why bother.

Med is means to an end,

for whom, the patient or physician? :eek:


You are the best at what :P

you do! What do you do? ;)

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right now i assist students academically

make sure their papers go chronologically

and that assertions eventually have corollaries

basically what i'm doing for free

right now, but this is for me


if you wanna hire my eyes

to edit essays, you compensate monetarily

not to me, but my agency

what can i say, writing pays

when editing means b's or a's

and rich kids, are feeling pressure

since they're vicarious displays, to parlay

in terms of parental efficacy, however extrapolatory

even superficial, those measures may be

it doesn't ease the pressure mounting

so that extra look, is exponential

while superficially, whats the difference, minimal

an a or b, oh well

in the end, everyone is happy

i get money, parents gloat proudly

and kids escape another bomb, temporarily

it's sad, the desperation and frustration

but we can't change what happens

so i help, and cash in



Heavy, meaningful – lots to think about.

Sure preventative med, good for patients,

Not necessarily for docs – time intensive.


More money in treating chronically ill

than preventing disease, so why bother.

Med is means to an end,

for whom, the patient or physician? :eek:


You are the best at what :P

you do! What do you do? ;)

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my psychiatrist is truly an inspiration

sacrificing pay, time, insane continuing education

a walking encyclopedia, harrison's the bible

in her office, dsm's on vacation

perhaps that's because hour long sessions

psychoeducation, mindfulness meditation, psychologist, internist, psychiatrist

i'm still not sure about vocation

you know it all, that's dedication

always two hours late, that's early

but out at eight, maybe nine


kinda a role model to me

i'm good at that stuff too

i know in the united states

i could blend everything, eclectically fuse

integration: therapy, diet, real medicine too

toss in some biofeedback, who knows

could work with a neuropsych too

i'm guessing you have to choose

you can really help a few

or band-aid the large crowd

sitting in the waiting room, quandary

not for me, mcmedicine for masses

doesn't satisfy me, rx'ing ssri's capriciously

i'm intrinsically deep, people are complex

id feel vexed, just sitting there

pushing pills, hoping for the best

i gotta invest, patients deserve it

they don't need another monolithic psychopharmacologist

when you're on 17 pills daily

and i know this person personally

something critical failed, because minus 17

her functionality has transformed, dialectic proficiency

of a life of misery, instantaneously

that's life changing, makes you think

why we even visit these shrinks

when the cure to delusions, contrarianly

was quitting antipsychs, and waiting slowly

for d2 and d4 up regulation

to correct naturally, false positives everywhere

research methods junkies watch in despair

whatever, screw it, who even cares...



Heavy, meaningful – lots to think about.

Sure preventative med, good for patients,

Not necessarily for docs – time intensive.


More money in treating chronically ill

than preventing disease, so why bother.

Med is means to an end,

for whom, the patient or physician? :eek:


You are the best at what :P

you do! What do you do? ;)

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ADHD's paradoxes: you have difficulty

focusing at lot of things but

you can hyperfocus on some things.

You have difficulty reading long posts

but you can easily make one.

You can't focus in class

but you can easily think of

a lot of things without exhaution.

ADHD should be called attention maldistribution.

It's not about attention deficit.

It's about our focusing not

being distributed in an acceptable way.

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adhd is actually a deceptive misnomer

study the personality, syndrome, whatever, deep

no dsm generality, superficial diagnostic criterions

a trade off from depth, specificity

with poor inter rater diagnostic reliability


i stand when i study, idiosyncrasy

i also pace up and down

i didn't know, was stimulating dopamine

i don't have difficulty reading extendedly

i got home from a party

read abstract biochemistry and music theory

wrote a couple songs, perfect fifths

were the key to some riffs

but sometimes some simple pentatonic triads

with some catchy rhythmic palm muting

a little overdrive, and you're done

but you need that bridge, tremelo

work up, to, creshendo, bluesy solo

then bring it on down to 3:20

that's the perfect song length yo

perfect fourths make the best fade

play the rhythm chord notes, fade

with a gradually slowing tremolo pace

and the song will now end


yeah, no, my add is advantageous

in some of life's many stages

losing your keys every day, seriously?

another bank card, number 42 now

in what? about 100 weeks. bad!

impulse plus intelligence is bad too

you offend the wrong people sometimes

but tenacity, is characteristic of adhd

so seriously, in the long run

if i offend you, i'm sorry

you're going to figure it out

i don't quit, ever, so please

don't hold vendettas... oppositionality, tenacity, and resiliency

are characteristics you can't just learn

you develop them experientially, maybe neurochemically

but as ted turner always said

quitters never win, winners never quit

remember six lines up, so sorry

add's a blessing, without it, well

i'd be plain boring, without creativity

combined with the tenacity, and oppositionality

to turn my dreams into reality


ADHD's paradoxs: you have difficulty

focusing at lot of things but

you can hyperfocus on some things.

You have difficulty reading long posts

but you can easily make one.

You can't focus in class

but you can easily think of

a lot of things without exhaution.

ADHD should be called attention maldistribution.

It's not about attention deficit.

It's about our focusing not

being distributed in an acceptable way.

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same, where i heard the quote

the guy's amazing, blew me away

how someone immersed in his industry

could be sucha humane, loving person

at least give off that impression

is something commendable, worthy of mention!


haha, I saw him say that

hmm, on CNN the other night.

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It's easy for people not

living what we live to judge us.

Our condition is not a disability.

Reading doesn't stimulate me, but

math does. I think my short

attention span is due to always

wanting to be stimulated. We like

stimulant things, that's why we

tend to be hyperactive and hyperfocusing.

DSM people judge us from the

outside. They can't describe it

like people who actually live it.

We don't need stimulation because

of a deficit, we need it

because we like it. Else boring.


adhd is actually a deceptive misnomer

study the personality, syndrome, whatever, deep

no dsm generality, superficial diagnostic criterions

a trade off from depth, specificity

with poor inter rater diagnostic reliability


i stand when i study, idiosyncrasy

i also pace up and down

i didn't know, was stimulating dopamine

i don't have difficulty reading extendedly

i got home from a party

read abstract biochemistry and music theory

wrote a couple songs, perfect fifths

were the key to some riffs

but sometimes some simple pentatonic triads

with some catchy rhythmic palm muting

a little overdrive, and you're done

but you need that bridge, tremelo

work up, to, creshendo, bluesy solo

then bring it on down to 3:20

that's the perfect song length yo

perfect fourths make the best fade

play the rhythm chord notes, fade

with a gradually slowing tremolo pace

and the song will now end


yeah, no, my add is advantageous

in some of life's many stages

losing your keys every day, seriously?

another bank card, number 42 now

in what? about 100 weeks. bad!

impulse plus intelligence is bad too

you offend the wrong people sometimes

but tenacity, is characteristic of adhd

so seriously, in the long run

if i offend you, i'm sorry

you're going to figure it out

i don't quit, ever, so please

don't hold vendettas... oppositionality, tenacity, and resiliency

are characteristics you can't just learn

you develop them experientially, maybe neurochemically

but as ted turner always said

quitters never win, winners never quit

remember six lines up, so sorry

add's a blessing, without it, well

i'd be plain boring, without creativity

combined with the tenacity, and oppositionality

to turn my dreams into reality

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i loved his response to shoot

the question about making america great

well how about making humanity great

juxtapose that to donald trump's response

we need kill china, ra, ra

i was enamoured by his candour

as well as his humility, warmth

i'm gonna read up on him

when i get the chance, sometime

does he have an autobiography out?


In a class of his own :)

What a role model to follow.

His philosophy of live is sound.

... admire his values, including social values.

A rare breed with Warren, Bill.

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funny thing, i suck at math

lol, i failed calculus in hs

so there ya go, an answer




It's easy for people not

living what we live to judge us.

Our condition is not a disability.

Reading doesn't stimulate me, but

math does. I think my short

attention span is due to always

wanting to be stimulated. We like

stimulant things, that's why we

tend to be hyperactive and hyperfocusing.

DSM people judge us from the

outside. They can't describe it

like people who actually live it.

We don't need stimulation because

of a deficit, we need it

because we like it. Else boring.

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funny thing, i suck at math

lol, i failed calculus in hs

so there ya go, an answer



It depends on what your brain

likes the most. My brains likes

maths more than reading. Bu it

also depends on the mathematical field.

Calculus and probability is fun, linear

algebra is boring but not hard.

Proofs cause me pain in head.

Psych sounds fun, I like to

explore how the human mind works,

but I don't like it

without science. I will get bored.

I'm more science than humanities.

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i actually plan on learning math

i know philosophy of math well

i can conceptualize abstractly, beyond measure

so why not learn the fundamentals

plus math is useful as hell

anything that's utilitarian is of interest

a mathematician pointed out why i sucked

on an aside, it was simple

i use working memory so extensively

instead of working, jotting down, compartmentally

when i broke formal logic down

did it piece by piece, revelation

my improvement was overnight talent exponentiation

it's been so many years now

maybe with motivation, a sudden illumination

compartmentalization, rather than extrapolation, winning combination?

only one way to find out

but i don't have time now

but i'll get around to it

like i said, i'm rather tenacious

It depends on what your brain

likes the most. My brains likes

maths more than reading. Bu it

also depends on the mathematical field.

Calculus and probability is fun, linear

algebra is boring but not hard.

Proofs cause me pain in head.

Psych sounds fun, I like to

explore how the human mind works,

but I don't like it

without science. I will get bored.

I'm more science than humanities.

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I like to study math, but

I seem to suck at it.

Or maybe it's because I

was overwhelmed last semester. I will

try with a reduced course load

and see what happens. Finally, I

am seeing a neuropsy. We still

didn't do the evaluation. But she

thinks I have ADHD and Anxiety.

I will see someone who can

help me with my studying. Proscratination

is my biggest enemy. (six words :P)


i actually plan on learning math

i know philosophy of math well

i can conceptualize abstractly, beyond measure

so why not learn the fundamentals

plus math is useful as hell

anything that's utilitarian is of interest

a mathematician pointed out why i sucked

on an aside, it was simple

i use working memory so extensively

instead of working, jotting down, compartmentally

when i broke formal logic down

did it piece by piece, revelation

my improvement was overnight talent exponentiation

it's been so many years now

maybe with motivation, a sudden illumination

compartmentalization, rather than extrapolation, winning combination?

only one way to find out

but i don't have time now

but i'll get around to it

like i said, i'm rather tenacious

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i actually plan on learning math

i know philosophy of math well

i can conceptualize abstractly, beyond measure

so why not learn the fundamentals

plus math is useful as hell

anything that's utilitarian is of interest

a mathematician pointed out why i sucked

on an aside, it was simple

i use working memory so extensively

instead of working, jotting down, compartmentally

when i broke formal logic down

did it piece by piece, revelation

my improvement was overnight talent exponentiation

it's been so many years now

maybe with motivation, a sudden illumination

compartmentalization, rather than extrapolation, winning combination?

only one way to find out

but i don't have time now

but i'll get around to it

like i said, i'm rather tenacious


This post is long, mine's short.

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read the prior posts, you'll see

my proclivity is using expansive clarity

i can do precision with concision

but it's more fun exploring verbosity

while maintaining concision, avoid the cannon

style flows like the wind, ephemerally

todays rules, traditions, maybe tomorrow's derision

so, what is your vision, concision

brevity, minimalistic, robotic, pre-ordained writing excellence

personally, i'll stick to style, wit

after all, it's a human condition

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