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3 Weeks to decide and stressed...

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The Masters in Health & Rehabilitation Sciences unfortunately did offer a minimum stipend of $10,000/year. The stipend jumps to $20,000/year however if you are enrolled as a Ph.D student, which is what I will be come September.


In the end, I feel that I need to do what is best for me, regardless of the potential attitudes of others. I suppose it doesn't hurt either that my working group will consist simply of myself, my two supervisors and a post-doc.


I agree completely with Riskbreaker that the Masters + Ph.D progression is a Canadian phenomenon. While speaking with a friend who did his grad studies at Cornell, he said that in the US, most people opted for direct-entry Ph.D as Masters students do not receive any financial compensation. His opinion was that those who ultimately ended up with their MSc were those who had realized that academia wasn't for them and had dropped out of their Ph.D programs.

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Well 10k is pretty crappy. BUT if that is the program that interests you more, I am sure that you would be able to find something to supplement your income once there, through TAing or work-study programs etc. And of course if you haven`t missed deadlines apply for external funding like NSERC, OGS, OGSST etc. And I guess it is just 1 year at 10k.


I think it is a great thing that we can progress from MSc to PhD here in Canada. Gives you a chance to explore without a huge commitment, and decide if you like the lab and your supervisor etc. If you do, great, you can "roll-over" and if not bail and do something else. With the whole "rolling over" thing it doesn`t take any longer to do a PhD. And I doubt a direct entry PhD program is going to be any different than registering as an MSc and then rolling over - it's just paperwork.


In the US a Master's is not very respected. Most start out as PhD students and the "unsuccessful" ones end up with an MSc.

So when at conferences etc. you may need to explain that you are in an MSc planning on transfering to a PhD and that that is the normal progression in Canada - as not all Americans are aware of this. (for networking purposes - people will take you more seriously).

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WHOA!!! 20 000 at Queens! I also applied to UWO and got the 10 000 offer and until now thought that was an AMAZING deal but I guess I was wrong lol ended up declining in favor of UOIT :D


Have you made your decision already GradStudent 2009? My suggestion would be to go with your intuition, which program would you regret turning down the most?

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