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I took a 4 year arts degree, double major in fine arts and drama. I was just looking over my transcript (it's so crazy i didn't realize this before). I always took a full course load except... my 6th semester out of 8 I did an exchange to Australia so there are no grades just "passes", my 7th/8 I took 4 classes (this is what I forgot about!) and my 8th/8 I took 4 classes while working full time as a drama teacher. (so that I feel OK about, I know that at McGill anyways I can write a letter of extenuating circumstances about that and I don't know if anyone knows if I can write one of those or otherwise explain when applying to University of Ottawa? I think they'd be ok with that...?)


So this is looking a bit sketchier than I originally thought. I did do alright overall in my first degree (got an 82.77% I know it's wierd not to have it in GPA format but Bishop's doesn't do GPA for some reason) Does anyone know what 82.77% would be approximately equivalent to?


Anyways, I've since gone back to do a year of Science pre-reqs. 1st semester I took: Gen.Chem 1 (A+) , Gen.Chem 2(A), O.Chem 1 (A+), Physics (waves and modern physics) (B-), Intro Bio (A+). 2nd semester I took two more bio's (A- in both) biochem 1 (A-) and O.Chem 2 (B)

my GPA from that is 3.73


so my second semester I again took only 4 classes!!! I am now so worried about this, at the time I was pregnant and thinking that I didn't want to be too stressed out for the health of the baby but now I am so worried that all of these "easy" semesters will look so terrible! and i'm also realizing that my grades aren't really all that good!


do you think i still have hope? i'm writing my mcat in sept and i was thinking if i got a good score that would sort of balance out my application but now i'm not so sure....


any advice? i'm really worried about this as i just had a baby and my ex got addicted to drugs so i had to leave him. i really want to be a doctor but i have to support my son and if this dream is just too far fetched at the moment i'm thinking maybe i should get realistic and do something else.



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I did do alright overall in my first degree (got an 82.77% I know it's wierd not to have it in GPA format but Bishop's doesn't do GPA for some reason) Does anyone know what 82.77% would be approximately equivalent to?


You have to convert every grade individually (as opposed to the overall GPA). Generally, 90+ is an A+, 85-90 is an A, 80-85 is an A-, 77-79 is a B+, 74-76 is a B, etc. But when it comes to med admissions, some schools have different conversion formulas for different undergrads, so check the websites of the medical schools you wanna apply to.



Anyways, I've since gone back to do a year of Science pre-reqs. 1st semester I took: Gen.Chem 1 (A+) , Gen.Chem 2(A), O.Chem 1 (A+), Physics (waves and modern physics) (B-), Intro Bio (A+). 2nd semester I took two more bio's (A- in both) biochem 1 (A-) and O.Chem 2 (B)

my GPA from that is 3.73


so my second semester I again took only 4 classes!!! I am now so worried about this, at the time I was pregnant and thinking that I didn't want to be too stressed out for the health of the baby but now I am so worried that all of these "easy" semesters will look so terrible! and i'm also realizing that my grades aren't really all that good!


do you think i still have hope? i'm writing my mcat in sept and i was thinking if i got a good score that would sort of balance out my application but now i'm not so sure....


any advice? i'm really worried about this as i just had a baby and my ex got addicted to drugs so i had to leave him. i really want to be a doctor but i have to support my son and if this dream is just too far fetched at the moment i'm thinking maybe i should get realistic and do something else.




I don't think your pre-req grades are "bad..." 3.73 is a good average. Yeah, it's not a 4.0, but it's acceptable. Figure out what your overall GPA is, I think you're reasonably competitive.

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i have a 3.6 from Bishops and a 3.6 so far at concordia


so 3.6... (is that conversion table used throughout canada or just in ontario?)


i know mcgill's cutoff is 3.5 as well as u of o,

(those are really the two places i can reasonably apply) i'm also bilingual so i was looking into u of montreal or laval but i'm missing 1 math and 1 physics for both schools.


i don't like the idea that i'm just a little above the cutoff though, it doesn't sound to encouraging... not sure if i have a good shot at getting accepted with that GPA?


does anyone know about university of ottawa's Consortium National de formation en santé-CNFS(residents from outside the provinces of Ontario and Québec applying to the French program)

i'm from the NWT and francophone so this might be an option? i'd rather study in english but... i'd rather get in to med school than not!

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  • 11 months later...

Did you have your 3.6 calculated by omsas or yourself?

How did they weigh your bishops labs (1 credit) vs lectures (3 credits)? I cant find out from anyone at OMSAS or bishops how to do this.. Are they both worth 0.5? When I input my marks into the drop down boxes on omsas, the credits available are 3 or 6.... and neither really apply..



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As a resident of the NWT you qualify as an in province applicant for BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. UBC uses percent grades for their formulas and the average of admitted IP applicants is usually between 82-83%, so you would have a shot there. I'm pretty sure that you would be competitive as IP for AB and Sask as well. BC and Alberta definitely require the MCAT, but I'm not sure about Sask.

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