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Verifiers: Relatives and Friends

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Just wondering if anyone has come across this. Is it detrimental to use a family member or close relative to be a verifier?


Are friends allowed to be used as verifiers?

Has anyone done this before?


Would it be strange to use one verifier for multiple activities?


e.g. Verifier Mark S. for:


1) Competitive Dancing

2) President of the Glee Club

3) Ice Skating Competitions

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There was a kinda similar topic like this awhile ago...




Here's what I had to say in that thread:


Well, here's a somewhat similar example:


A guy who was in his 4th year was in a class with me last year. He was filling out his application and told me that he put "boating" as one of his extracurriculars. His verifier was his father, but on the app, under "title of verifier" (or whatever it says) he put "Sailing Companion" instead of "Father". He got into UofT this year, so I don't think putting his dad on his app hurt him! You could always say your dad is a "Go Playing Partner" or "Go Competitor" or whatever the lingo is :P


As for having the same verifier for multiple things, I don't think it would necessarily be terrible, but it may be better to not have one verifier for too many. It makes them seem questionable. I think, for your example, you could use a member of the glee club as one verifier, and then someone who knows you well as a verifier for the skating and dance. So that's 2 verifiers for 3 activities.

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